RELATED CONTENT : International Relations

  • From

    5:30 pm May 2022
    يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لقراءة في نتائج الانتخابات الرئاسية الفرنسية مع عبد السلام جلدي، باحث في العلاقات الدولية والسياسات العامة بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد. أدت الانتخابات الرئاسية الفرنسية لعام 2022 إلى إعادة انتخاب الرئيس المنتهية ولايته إيمانويل ماكرون، على حساب مرشحة التجمع الوطني مارين لوبان، مؤكدة إعادة التشكيل السياسي الذي يميز المشهد السياسي الفرنسي منذ انتخابات 2017، في بلد منقسم أكثر من أي وقت مضى، والذي يواجه، علاوة على ذلك، تحديات اقتصادية وجيوسياسية كبيرة. نعود خلال هاته الحلقة إلى فحص نتائج الانتخابات الرئاسية، تداعياتها المحتملة، فضلاً عن مستقبل ولاية ماكرون الثاني خلال الخمس سنوات المقبلة، وكدى مستقبل العلاقات الفرنسية المغربية، أسئلة وغيرها نناقشها مع عبد السلام جلدي، باحث في العلاقات الدولية ...
  • From

    5:30 pm April 2022
    Africafé est une émission du Policy Center for the New South qui décrypte l’actualité des organisations africaines et de l’Afrique. A travers de courtes interviews, l’émission tente de proposer d’aborder de manière pédagogique les enjeux des organisations africaines et l’actualité du continent. Dans cet épisode, Ivan Martin, Senior fellow au Policy Center for the New South décrit les mécanismes de gestion continentale de la migration à travers une analyse de l’action de l’Union Africaine sur ce volet. ...
  • From

    3:00 pm April 2022
    يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لمستقبل العلاقات المغربية الاسبانية مع العربي الجعايدي، باحث بارز بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد عرفت العلاقة الثنائية المغربية الإسبانية تطوّرًا ملحوظًا مع إعلان الحكومة الإسبانية مساندتها لمبادرة الحكم الذاتي التي يطرحها المغرب لحلحلة النزاع على صحرائه وإثبات سيادة الرباط على أقاليمه الجنوبية. وأتت هذه الخطوة الاسبانية لتحسين العلاقات الثنائية مع جارها الجنوبي ولإعادة بناء العلاقة على أسس سليمة تمكّن البلدين من الانخراط المشترك في مشروع يهدف الى تحقيق علاقة استراتيجية ومتوازنة وإيجابية تتسم بالشفافية ومقاربة متوازنة. فما هي أهم الإشكاليات والتحديات التي تقف أمام تحقيق هذا الهدف؟ نعود خلال هاته الحلقة إلى أهم التحديات التي تقف أمام تحقيق هذا الهدف المنشود والذي يتمثل في تحسين العلاقات الثنا ...
  • From

    5:30 pm March 2022
    Africafé est une émission du Policy Center for the New South qui décrypte l’actualité des organisations africaines et de l’Afrique. A travers de courtes interviews, l’émission tente de proposer d’aborder de manière pédagogique les enjeux des organisations africaines et l’actualité du continent. Dans cet épisode Abdelhak Bassou senior fellow au Policy Center for the New South analyse les différentes implications liées à la CEN-SAD et son développement ainsi que les opportunités pour cette organisation de faire une coordination entre les organisations régionales en matière de paix et de sécurité. ...
  • From

    9:00 am March 2022
    The Policy Center for the New South and the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center are pleased to organize a close workshop under theme “Renewables and the Future of Geopolitics” on Monday, March 21, 2022, starting 09:00 am GMT+1. This workshop will address an increasingly salient topic that sits at the intersection between energy transition, interstate relations and global trade: how the penetration of renewable energy affects geopolitics. As the recently published article by Hatipoglu, Al Muhanna and Efird (2020) demonstrate, this topic relates to various issues of immediate interest to energy markets. For instance, electricity creates a new form of interdependency between states, where such trade also locks in carbon trade. Energy transition also rests on glob ...
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    9:00 am March 2022
    Youssef Tobi, International Relations Specialist, will moderate the panel “Way forward: The potentials of South-South cooperation post-covid19” within the event “South-South Regional Integration: A way forward to a sustainable economic recovery post-Covid19”. As part of the efforts undertaken to connect rescue (emergency-oriented measures) to a sustainable economic recovery in the region, the Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) and the Union of the Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED) joined forces by hosting a regional conference that intends to examine South-South Economic integration’s background from legal, academic, professional and governmental perspectives; Provide an overview on ...
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    5:30 pm March 2022
    تشكّل الأزمة الروسية الاوكرانية تحديا جيوسياياً غير مسبوق في القارّة الأوروبيّة منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية. فقد تسبّبت في أكبر نزوح في أوروبا منذ 1945، حيث بلغ عدد النازحين الأوكرانيين الذين هربوا من بلادهم مليوني ونصف نسمة. موازاتاً مع ذلك، عادت الى الواجهة مواضيع كثيرة، نذكر منها امكانية الاصطدام المسلّح بين روسيا وحلف شمال الاطلسي، والحرب النووية. الّا أن انعكاسات الحرب لا تقتصر على اوروبا والغرب، بل تأثّر سلباً على الاقتصاد الدولي ودول الجنوب، وتهدّد الامن الغذائي في دول كثيرة، خاصة في المنطقة العربية وفي افريقيا ولفهم هذه الازمة بمختلف أبعادها ووضعها في سياقاتها النظرية والتاريخية والأمنية ومناقشة تأثيراتها الحاليّة أو المتوقَّعة في المدى القريب، ينظّم مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة خاصّة من برنامج حديث الثلاثاء ستركّز على الأحداث الجارية في اوكرانيا وستطرح فرضي ...
  • From

    5:30 pm March 2022
    Africafé est une émission du Policy Center for the New South qui décrypte l’actualité des organisations africaines et de l’Afrique. A travers de courtes interviews, l’émission tente de proposer d’aborder de manière pédagogique les enjeux des organisations africaines et l’actualité du continent. Dans cet épisode Abdessalam Jaldi international Relations Specialist au Policy Center for the New South, présente les enjeux du dernier sommet UE-Afrique, les principales conclusions et les propositions de refonte de la relation entre les deux continents. ...
  • From

    8:00 pm March 2022
    يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لتقييم مخرجات القمة الاوروبية الافريقية ونموذج الشراكة الجديدة بين الطرفين، مع محمد لوليشكي، باحث بارز لدى مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد. خلال القمة السادسة التي جمعت الاتحاديين في بروكسل وضع الاتحاد الأوروبي ونظيره الأفريقي أسس نوع جديد من الشراكة من أجل إعادة صياغة "شراكة متجددة" في سياقات تأرجحت فيها نقاشات الأطراف بين الأمن والاستثمارات والهجرة، حيث انتهت القمة بجملة من الوعود والاستراتيجيات والالتزامات من شأنها تمكين القارتين من قيادة مستقبلها المشترك في تضامن وأمن وسلام وتنمية مستدامة.    نعود خلال هاته الحلقة إلى أهم مكاسب القارة الإفريقية من هذا المؤتمر، نبذة عن أولويات هذه الشراكة الجديدة بين الاتحادين، تقييم حجم التزامات الاتحاد الأوروبي تجاه الاتحاد الافريقي، والى أي مدى هي كفيلة ب ...
  • From

    5:30 pm February 2022
    Rida Lyammouri, Senior Fellow at Policy Center for the New South, will be speaking at the webinar “security and governence in africa: sahel and libya” organized by frica Study Group in partnership with The Middle East Institute. The security dynamics of the Maghreb and the Sahel are intertwined and the consequences of the Libyan conflict on the Sahel have been serious. Since its beginning in 2011, this conflict has triggered global concern about the economic, security, and geostrategic impacts on the Sahel. Current threats are posed by the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation, and misuse of arms, as well as the flow of armed groups and mercenaries. Despite considerable international efforts, especially by African countries, the Sahel is still experiencing one of the ...
  • July 12, 2024
    The European Elections of 2024 were marked by a significant surge in sovereigntist parties at the expense of liberals and greens, while moderate right and left-wing parties also made notable gains. Despite the substantial wins and losses during this election, no single bloc emerged with the overall majority of 361 seats in the European Parliament. The impression from the new political balances emerging from the 2024 elections is that the European People's Party, which won the electo ...
  • Authors
    Constance Berry Newman
    July 2, 2024
    Immigration has never been without tensions. In the United States, immigration remains a contentious issue that now, more than ever, dominates election campaigns. A 727-kilometer wall has been constructed on the US-Mexico border to halt the influx of migrants from the south. In Europe, the rise of far-right parties over the past twenty years has culminated in them becoming a major political force in the European Parliament ahead of the June 2024 elections. The tension around immigr ...
  • June 28, 2024
    India’s general elections led to a political reconfiguration of unprecedented magnitude, for the first time since the 2014 elections that brought the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to power. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will preside over a rare, third consecutive term in power, making him only the second Indian prime minister to do so after Congress leader Jawaharlal Nehru in 1962. However, although Modi has secured a third term, the BJP failed to achieve an outright parliamentary maj ...
  • Authors
    June 20, 2024
    The 13 kilometer-square settlement near Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, is a symbol of human failure. Kutupalong does not harvest diamonds, rare earth, or oil; rather it produces misery. It houses refugees—one million plus. Most are Rohingya people, Muslims driven out of their homes in the state of Rakhine, Myanmar, formerly a British colony known as Burma, wedged between India and China with 50 million citizens and 135 ethnic groups. Kutupalong is the world’s largest refugee camp, densely ...
  • June 19, 2024
    Quels sont les enjeux et défis du partenariat entre l'Union européenne et la Mauritanie ? Dans cette vidéo, Amal El Ouassif, notre spécialiste des relations internationales, explore le contexte, les dynamiques et les perspectives de cette coopération stratégique, sujet de son Policy Bri...
  • June 19, 2024
    Our Senior Fellow, Mr. Dominique Bocquet, presents his report, "Assessing Biden’s Presidency: A Method," offering a thorough analysis of President Joe Biden's administration. The report evaluates Biden's domestic and international policies, highlights key challenges and opportunities, a...
  • Authors
    Hung Tran
    June 19, 2024
    The Global South features prominently in the context of geopolitical rivalry and efforts by developing countries to change the current international economic and financial architecture. While there are questions about whether some countries—such as China or Russia—should be considered parts of the Global South (GS), it is obvious that Africa is at the center of the group. Different aspects of Africa—its potential, its reality, and its efforts to realize its potential—embody the chal ...
  • Authors
    June 14, 2024
    L'investiture de Mohamed Deby à la présidence de la République pourrait représenter un changement stratégique décisif pour l'avenir du Tchad. Cette étape ouvre la voie à la diversification des alliances internationales, avec la renégociation des accords militaires et l’émergence de nouveaux alliés. Le Tchad explore de nouvelles voies de coopération pour renforcer sa stabilité et son développement, cherchant ainsi à améliorer ses intérêts nationaux dans une région ...
  • Authors
    Sous la direction de
    June 10, 2024
    D’édition en édition, le Rapport annuel de la Géopolitique de l’Afrique du Policy Center for the New South s’affirme en tant que référence pour le suivi et la compréhension des dynamiques du continent. Cette septième édition présente une Afrique montrant des motifs de satisfaction, dans certains domaines, et des raisons de préoccupation, dans d’autres. L'année 2023 a été marquée par des avancées notables, comme la tenue d'élections démocratiques réussies dans plusieurs pays. Cepend ...
  • Authors
    Nizar Messari
    June 4, 2024
    On June 2, 2024, Mexico held the biggest election in its history. Over 97 million eligible voters elected 20,375 federal officers, including the president, all 500 members of the Chamber of Deputies (the lower legislative chamber), and the 128 members of the Senate (the higher legislative chamber). Moreover, for the first time in Mexico’s history, the top candidates were two women, meaning that from December, Mexico will be governed by a woman for the first time. This paper sets out ...
  • Authors
    May 30, 2024
    تمكنت التشاد من إنجاح المرحلة الانتقالية بمحطتيها الأولى (81 شهراً) والثانية (19 شهراً)، بما في ذلك اعتماد دستور جديد في سبتمبر 2023، وتنظيم انتخابات رئاسية كآخر حلقة في سلسلة مرحلةٍ انتقالية دامت ثلاث سنوات، تكللت بفوز محمد ديبي، الذي شغل منصب رئيس المجلس العسكري الانتقالي (من أبريل 2021 إلى أكتوبر 2022) والرئيس الانتقالي (من أكتوبر 2022 إلى ماي 2024). بعد اعلان النتائج النهائية، حسم السباق الانتخابي متفوقاً على منافسَيْه الرئيسيين: باداكي، وماسرا، ولم يكن فوز محمد ديبي مفاجئاً نظر ...
  • Authors
    Ferid Belhaj
    May 28, 2024
    As the Bretton Woods institutions and the UN approach their eightieth anniversaries, they face challenges to their foundational principles of multilateralism. The rise of plurilateralism through regional financing institutions and organizations like the AIIB, BRICS, G20, and G7, is reshaping global governance. These shifts demand urgent reforms to the governance structures of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, to reflect the interests of emerging economies. Without ...
  • Authors
    Driss Alaoui Belghiti
    May 24, 2024
    Cet article se penche sur les dynamiques électorales en Afrique du Sud et sur les configurations de coalition potentielles à l'approche des élections générales . Dans un contexte marqué par l'érosion de la base électorale de l'African National Congress (ANC) et la montée de nouvelles formations politiques, nous analysons comment divers scénarios de coalition pourraient redéfinir la gouvernance du pays. À travers un indice de viabilité de coalition conçu pour cette étu ...
  • May 24, 2024
    This Paper was originally published on   In 2004 the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) became the policy framework setting the scene for EU interactions with its neighbours. The launch of this policy framework occurred in a context of relative stability and peace in Europe’s neighbourhood, at a time when the EU was redrawing its borders through the 2004 big bang enlargement. Nonetheless, the ENP was doomed to face a panoply of conflicts, crises, and even wars. No o ...
  • Authors
    Niagalé Bagayoko
    Pascal Chaigneau
    Sonia Le Gouriellec
    Rodolphe Monnet
    Alain Oudot de Dainville
    Olivier Tramond
    Emmanuel Véron
    May 16, 2024
    Bientôt disponible en vente au Maroc sur Livremoi.   Les Dialogues Stratégiques, une collaboration entre HEC Center for Geopolitics et le Policy Center for the New South, représentent une plateforme d’analyse et d’échange biannuelle réunissant des experts, des praticiens, des décideurs politiques, ainsi que le monde universitaire et les médias au service d’une réflexion critique et approfondie sur les tendances politiques mondiales et sur une problématique d’intérêt rég ...
  • Authors
    May 14, 2024
    The Law of Self-Suffering Mahatma Gandhi, born 1869, assassinated 1948, demonstrated in his struggle for the independence of his native India (resisting British colonial arrogance), that passive resistance had a chance, despite being insulted by British statesman Winston Churchill as the “Hindu Mussolini”. Gandhi, a physically fragile man of just about 50 kilograms, dressed in white cloth (a white shawl and dhoti, allegedly woven by himself), and was, and forever is, the ‘bapu’ of ...
  • Authors
    Driss Alaoui Belghiti
    May 8, 2024
    Cet article examine l'évolution des relations entre les États-Unis d’Amérique et l'Afrique, en mettant en lumière la nature cyclique de l'engagement américain et ses implications pour les deux parties. Historiquement, l'Afrique n'a pas été une priorité constante dans la politique étrangère américaine, avec des périodes de collaboration intense alternant avec des moments de négligence relative. Depuis la fin de la guerre froide, l'engagement des États- Unis en Afrique e ...
  • Authors
    May 3, 2024
    En mars 2024, la Commission européenne a annoncé, à Bruxelles, le lancement d'un partenariat sur les migrations avec la Mauritanie. Ylva Johanasson, Commissaire aux affaires intérieures, et Mohamed Ahmed Ould Mohamed Lemine, ministre mauritanien de l'Intérieur et de la décentralisation, ont signé une déclaration commune officialisant ledit partenariat. La Commission européenne a annoncé les principes directeurs de l'accord, qui résonnent sans surprise avec le dernier pact ...
  • Authors
    May 3, 2024
    The African National Congress (ANC), which has dominated the political scene in South Africa since 1994, began a downward trend in terms of votes won during the 2009 elections. However, this decline has never cast doubt on the ANC’s dominant position in the South African political landscape. Even at the lowest point in its popularity, during the “State Capture” scandal of 2019, a corruption scandal involving former President Jacob Zuma, the ANC won 57.5% of the vote, which largely a ...
  • Authors
    Nusrat Farooq
    April 30, 2024
    Nusrat Farooq is an international security and policy expert whose research is at the intersection of emerging technology, international relations, and trust and safety. She is a 2022 alumna of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. She can be reached at Learn more about her here.   Summary: With more than half of the global population across 78 countries participating in elections in 2024, and with artificial intelligence (AI) derived misinfo ...
  • Authors
    April 26, 2024
    L’African National Congres (ANC), qui domine la vie politique en Afrique du Sud depuis 1994, a entamé, lors des élections de 2009, une pente descendante, en termes de voix remportées lors des élections générales. Cependant, ce recul n’a jamais mis en doute la prédominance de l’ANC dans le panorama politique sud-africain. Au plus bas de sa popularité en 2019, en raison de l’affaire de « Capture de l’État », un scandale de corruption dans lequel a été impliqué l’ancien pre ...
  • Authors
    April 25, 2024
    A Sharp Right Turn Hubert Vedrine is a foreign affairs veteran, named conseiller diplomatique to French President Francois Mitterrand at the age of 34, and subsequently appointed Secretary General of the Elysee’s Presidential Office, by the Socialist, managing his policies from the Elysée Palace in Paris. For five years, Vedrine served France as foreign minister, under the ‘cohabitation’ government (1997 to 2002), led by the conservative head of state, Jacques Chirac, and the Socia ...
  • Authors
    April 24, 2024
    A diplomatic approach is not alien to the church in Rome, used to keeping secrets. This reputation has made the Pope and his cardinals trusted mediators in world affairs. It was a surprise, then, when Pope Francis lost his sense of neutrality and suggested to war-torn Ukraine that it should raise the white flag in its conflict with Russia. In an interview with TV channel Radio Television Suisse, the Pope insisted that he believes “that those who have the courage to raise the white f ...
  • Authors
    April 24, 2024
    The Alliance of Sahel States (AES), created on September 16, 2023, brings together Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso under a mutual defense agreement. The signing of the charter relating to this alliance, which bears the name Liptako-Gourma, was followed by meetings and plans for initiatives that will push the new structure further towards statutes for the alliance, transforming it into a confederation. As an intermediate measure, the three states have already envisaged the creation of ...
  • Authors
    Hung Tran
    April 22, 2024
    Developing countries that identify themselves as parts of the Global South (GS) face a difficult task in making their collective influence felt in international affairs. They can achieve this goal only if they succeed in developing institutions to coordinate their policies efficiently around agreed agendas, in order to be in a position to negotiate more effectively with developed countries to reform the current international political and economic system. As a template they should l ...
  • Authors
    Zineb Faidi
    April 19, 2024
    Le 2 avril 2024, le nouveau jeune président du Sénégal, Bassirou Diomaye Faye prête serment, consacrant ainsi sa victoire dès le premier tour. Ce candidat issu de l’opposition remporte des élections marquées par une série d’évènements complexes, tels que la condamnation et l’emprisonnement d’Ousmane Sonko, une figure majeure de l’opposition, et le report controversé de l’élection par Macky Sall. La victoire de Bassirou Diomaye Faye démontre, selon certains analystes, une soif de cha ...
  • April 18, 2024
    The writing of this Report started in november 2023 and benefited during six months from the quality of discussions in the Policy center. Paul Isbel, Professor at UM6P, was a relentless proofreader who generously brought his outstanding competence in economy and political economy. Stephen Gardner went beyond his role as linguistic proofreader and showed an admirable understanding of the substance at stake. Under the direct supervision of Professor Abdelaziz Aitali, the Economic Depa ...
  • Authors
    Mohamed Benabid
    April 17, 2024
    Le pluralisme médiatique reste une question ouverte que ravive l'actualité géopolitique internationale. Des initiatives réglementaires telles que l'European Media Freedom Act, en Europe, ou des procédures judiciaires, aux États-Unis, interpellant la responsabilité des plateformes en ligne, témoignent de la reconnaissance croissante des enjeux. Elles soulignent également la nécessité de réfléchir aux mécanismes qui favorisent ou entravent le pluralisme médiatique, surt ...
  • Authors
    April 16, 2024
    تجري العملية الانتقالية في تشاد منذ أبريل 2021 في ظروف صعبة نظراً لعدة تأثيرات داخلية مثل الصراعات الطائفية، الاشتباكات المتكررة بين الرعاة البدو والمزارعين، الاحتجاجات، والاعتقالات) وأخرى إقليمية مثل: ليبيا كقاعدة خلفية للمتمردين، وفاغنر، وجمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى (فاغنر)، بالإضافة الى نشاط بوكو حرام في منطقة بحيرة تشاد على الحدود مع نيجيريا، الكاميرون والنيجر. كما شهدت البلاد تدفّق آلاف اللاجئين الفارّين من الحرب في السودان، مما زاد القلق بشأن توسّع الصراع السوداني إلى داخل التشاد. ...
  • Authors
    April 15, 2024
    Tanks Are Not Yet Deployed Containers are in place, razor wire and metal barriers, nine meters high. Dogs sniff for illegal intruders, spyware registers noise, alerting border patrol units to people approaching the border, trying to evade National Guard troops. Tanks, mind you, have not yet been deployedon the 1954 miles (3145 kilometer) border between Mexico and the U.S. Migrants who approach dare to pass through ferocious desert, climb harsh mountains, jump on freight trains pass ...
  • Authors
    Imane Lahrich
    April 8, 2024
    Breaking Bonds, Forging Alliances On January 28, 2024, the military leaders of Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso declared their joint intention to exit the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), presenting three substantial criticisms against the regional organization. Their foremost claimed grievance was that ECOWAS has departed from its foundational vision, implying that foreign influences have diverted the regional organization from its essential values to the detriment ...
  • Authors
    Zineb Faidi
    April 5, 2024
    L’actualité politique en Afrique est marquée par une série de ruptures qui fait écarquiller les yeux de certains observateurs. Une vague de coups d’État, le retrait de la France de certains pays du continent, la fin du G5 Sahel, la création de l’Alliance des États du Sahel (AES) et le disloquement d’une des Communautés économiques régionales (CER) les plus « intégrées » d’Afrique, la CEDEAO, sont des évènements, tantôt perçus comme une bouffée d’air frais et un espoir de renouveau a ...
  • April 2, 2024
    يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لمناقشة موضوع الحضور الصيني في إفريقيا ومستقبل مبادرة الحزام والطريق. في ظل المساعي الصينية لتوسيع نفوذها عالمياً عبر التواجد في مناطق العالم المختلفة ذات أهمية جيواستراتجبة، تعد افريقيا واحدة من أهم القارات ا...
  • March 29, 2024
    L’intégration régionale maghrébine est devenue, dans un contexte international en proie à d’importantes reconfigurations, plus qu’une nécessité économique, un impératif de la transformati ...
  • March 25, 2024
    La publication, le 13 mars 2024, d’un projet de décret portant expropriation de trois propriétés inscrites au nom de la République algérienne à Rabat, a été considérée comme une provocation et une violation du droit diplomatique par le gouvernement de ce pays qui a menacé d’y répondre par tous les moyens. Le 17 mars, la presse a publié des copies de notes du Consulat algérien a Casablanca, apportant la preuve que ce gouvernement était le premier à annoncer l’expropri ...
  • Authors
    March 22, 2024
    L’Alliance des États du Sahel (AES), créée le 16 septembre 2023, rassemble dans un accord de défense mutuelle le Mali, le Niger et le Burkina Faso. La signature de la charte afférente à cette alliance qui porte le nom du Liptako-Gourma a été suivie de rencontre et de projets d’initiatives qui poussent plus loin la nouvelle structure vers des statuts de l’alliance pour la transformer en confédération. Comme mesure intermédiaire, les trois États ont d’ores et déjà envisa ...
  • Authors
    Nusrat Farooq
    March 6, 2024
    Nusrat Farooq is an international security and policy expert whose research is at the intersection of emerging technology, international relations, and trust and safety. She is a 2022 alumna of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about her here.   With the advent of social media more than a decade ago, and now with the emergence of generative artificial intelligence, international security has become increasingly complex in terms of its cross-sectoral and t ...
  • March 1, 2024
    Is Brazil back? The question arises from the promise made by president Lula, upon his re-election, that his country would make a return to international affairs, after years of relative isolation during the Bolsonaro administration. While the personality of Lula can play a key role in b...
  • Authors
    Hung Tran
    February 23, 2024
    Heightened geopolitical rivalry has greatly complicated the challenges facing the Global South. Countries identifying with the Global South now have to deal with the long-standing problem of promoting changes in the current international political and economic system to better serve their development needs, while navigating the geopolitically driven fragmentation of trade and investment flows. Moreover, the strategic approaches that could be adopted to deal with those challenges are ...
  • February 20, 2024
    Le contexte de tensions géopolitiques accrues et rémanentes que connaît le monde depuis quelques années, marqué par la dégradation des relations entre les États-Unis et la Chine, l'escalade des tensions à Taïwan, et le conflit entre la Russie et l'Ukraine, a engendré des répercussions majeures sur les politiques d'approvisionnement en minerais stratégiques et critiques de plusieurs États. Les récentes crises, notamment la pandémie de COVID-19 et le conflit en Ukraine, ...
  • February 16, 2024
    Le bassin méditerranéen concentre dans son espace restreint tous les enjeux et des défis de la mondialisation et est confronté à l’ensemble des risques qui en découlent. Frappée par le dé ...
  • Authors
    February 16, 2024
    The destruction of a vibrant and historic nation, sprinkled with color and culture, turned into a footnote of geopolitics. The more than 377,000 war victims disappeared from global headlines. The official fighting ended in Yemen on March 29, 2022. A ceasefire was declared by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition and the rebellious Houthis. China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, praised “the wave of reconciliation” that swept across the region. The main foreign supporter of Yemen’s Houthi—Iran— ...
  • Authors
    Camila Crescimbeni
    January 30, 2024
    Camila Crescimbeni is a 2023 alumna of Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about her here. Following a fruitful and broad debate at the 2023 Atlantic Dialogues, Alec Russell, foreign editor of the Financial Times, asked a deep and globally-relevant question: Can democracy survive 2024? With 70 states having elections this year, it is a fundamental question. After some decades of continuous expansion of democracy worldwide, as shown by the V-Dem Electoral Democra ...
  • January 12, 2024
    In this podcast, Ms. Nathalie Delapalme, Executive Director of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, presents a compelling philosophical approach to understanding the new Africa. Ms. Delapalme empha ...
  • Authors
    Paul Isbell
    January 3, 2024
    The strategic significance of the southern Atlantic is growing, driven by two underlying dynamics. Firstly, we have seen the geostrategic capabilities of the southern Atlantic states and their inhabitants strengthen and the value of their strategic assets rise, despite lingering internal vulnerabilities and frequent instability, often caused by the northern Atlantic and, on occasion, Eurasia. Secondly, the way in which the southern Atlantic states are pursuing and exploiting the pot ...
  • Authors
    Paul Isbell
    December 29, 2023
    In realist terms, the Southern Atlantic represents a natural partner for the powers of Eurasia—now grouped together in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)— especially for those that are, or could be, BRICS members. Pan-Atlantic cooperation is inherently of strategic interest to Eurasian countries because of its potential implications for the ultimate size of the BRICS Plus, for the degree of implication from its members in the Southern Atlantic, and for BRICS strategic goals ...
  • December 22, 2023
    في هذا الحوار، نستضيف سعادة السفير ماجد عبد الفتاح عبد العزيز، المراقب الدائم لجامعة الدول العربية لدى الامم المتحدة ، لمناقشة تحديات التعاون الاقليمي وأدوار التكتلات الفرعية، إضافة الى اشكالية اصلاح جامعة الدول العربية وسؤال التشبت بالسيادة، علاوة على رهانات ودور هاته المنظمة في التعام...
  • December 21, 2023
    Le « Déluge d’Al-Aqsa » -nom de code de l’attaque surprise menée en Israël par le Hamas et les Brigades Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, le 7 octobre 2023 -, et la riposte israélienne dévastatrice pour les populations civiles et les infrastructures de l’enclave de Gaza qui en a été la conséquence, ont ramené au premier plan la cause du peuple palestinien. Cause qui continue d’habiter les esprits, les coeurs et les consciences. Plus que jamais, un « nouveau Moyen- Orient » ne pourra émerger et ...
  • Authors
    Paul Isbell
    December 19, 2023
    “According to realism, states exist within an anarchic international system in which they are ultimately dependent on their own capabilities, or power, to further their national interests. The most important national interest is the survival of the state, including its people, political system, and territorial integrity. Other major interests for realists include the preservation of a nation’s culture and economy. Realists contend that, as long as the world is divided into nation-st ...
  • December 15, 2023
    The Atlantic encompasses diverse nations shaped by unique economic, political, and cultural trajectories. The dominance of the Washington-Brussels axis is yielding to a renewed, inclusive Atlanticism that recognizes the historical interplay between the North and South as the defining ch...
  • December 14, 2023
    The world is going through an economic, democratic, identity and climate crisis that is calling into question the very foundations of modern society. Thus, the multidimensional crisis characterizing contemporary international relations has exacerbated global geopolitical trends, includi...
  • December 14, 2023
    2023 marked the year in which the concept of the Global South must have known the highest level of publicity in decades. Recent developments seem to have confirmed that stock was taken off this shift in the international balance.  The membership of the AU at the G20, the BRICS expansion...
  • Authors
    Paul Isbell
    December 14, 2023
    The Atlantic Basin has long lacked diplomatic and political initiatives embracing it as a whole. In that regard, it stands out from other oceans, as focus on the North Atlantic has largely overshadowed the "Rest". Nevertheless, a series of recent initiatives point to a possible solution to this long institutional absence. Building on decades of reflection and recent momentum, an emerging pan-Atlanticism might be on the horizon. ...
  • December 14, 2023
    This session will aim to present and discuss the 10th edition of Atlantic Currents report, the annual publication of the Policy Center for the New South proposing a strategic overview of Atlantic Affairs. This report has been a companion of the Atlantic Dialogues since 2014. In line wi...
  • Authors
    Edited by
    December 13, 2023
    It gives me pleasure to introduce the 2023 edition of Atlantic Currents, the annual report on Atlantic affairs which the Policy Center for the New South has issued since 2014. For this 10th edition, experts from 27 countries were invited to state their views on dynamics of interest to our shared ocean. Their respective inputs made this issue the culmination of a decade of investigation, studies, and analyses that can help understand better the multifaceted challenges and opportunit ...
  • Authors
    Edited by
    Paolo Magri
    Samir Saran
    December 13, 2023
    In a world confronted with unprecedented challenges and growing geopolitical rifts, is it time for a reformed and more balanced international order? What are the new propositions by the "Global South"? Are they necessarily at odds with the ones of the 'West"? Guided by these questions, 2023 marked a milestone for the “Global South” as the BRICS group invited 6 other countries to join the club, and India presided over of the G20 just after Indonesia and before Brazil. Seeking to answ ...
  • Authors
    December 13, 2023
    The title of the Policy Brief seems alarming. ‘Israel-Palestine The Last Chance for a Just Solution’, an assessment by Abdelhak Bassou, Senior Fellow of the Policy Center for the New South, affiliated professor at Mohammed VI University in Rabat, and one of the leading security experts of Morocco. His paper, published in November 2023, could not have more timely, dramatic, urgent, and constructive. Scenes of the apocalypse for an estimated twelve million people in a region, consider ...
  • Authors
    Policy Center for the New South
    December 2, 2023
    The Policy Center for the New South, under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, has hosted the 11th edition of its annual Atlantic Dialogues International Conference in Marrakech from December 14 to 16, 2022. Over 350 guests from 60 different countries have taken part in this first in-person edition in three years, under the theme “Cooperation in a Mutating World: Opportunities of the Wider Atlantic”. The most recent edition in this format, held in 2019 address “The S ...
  • Authors
    November 24, 2023
    في 6 أكتوبر 1973 تلقت السلطات الإسرائيلية تحذيرات عن احتمال اندلاع حرب على حدودها مع الدول العربية. هذا التحذير أكد المعلومات التي تم استلامها قبل بضعة أيام، ولكن أصحاب القرار السياسي والاستخبارات في اسرائيل لم يأخذوا الأمر على محمل الجد. حيث تعرضت إسرائيل لهجوم مفاجئ وعرف جيشها حالة من الهلع. وكانت الكارثة. خمسون عاما بعد ذلك، تقريبًا في نفس اليوم، فوجئت إسرائيل بهجوم جديد. في صباح 7 أكتوبر 2023، عبر مئات الرجال مسلحين الحاجز بين إسرائيل وقطاع غزة، انتشروا في أكثر من 20 مكانًا، قت ...
  • November 22, 2023
    As part of the webinar series: “The Global Economy in Transition : Implications for Developing Countries”, the Policy Center for the New South is organizing a webinar titled: " The Future of Central Banks in Emerging Markets and Developing Countries” to contribute to the debate around t...
  • Authors
    November 21, 2023
    Multiple shocks faced by the global economy over the past three years have apparently shaken the conventional wisdom on gains from economic integration, and have sparked widespread calls for protectionist and nationalist policies. Is there already evidence of some ‘deglobalization’, or do the factors that underlie globalization remain strong enough despite the shocks? So far, there are no signs of an overall reversal in the long-term trend of greater global trade integration. Howev ...
  • November 11, 2023
    Adoption by UN Security Council on October 27, 2023 of resolution 2703 (2023) on the question of the Moroccan Sahara took place amidst a regional context of persistent tension between Morocco and Algeria, and repeated ceasefire violations by the Polisario, culminating in unprecedented escalation on the night of October 28-29, targeting the town of Smara, and leading to casualties. The new resolution was passed when international attention focused on the tragic events in Gaza, oversh ...
  • November 11, 2023
    يأتــي اعتمــاد مجلــس الأمــن التابــع للأمــم المتحــدة القــرار 2703 فــي 27 أكتوبــر (2023) بشــأن قضيــة الصحـراء المغربيـة فـي سـياق إقليمـي يتسـم باسـتمرار التوتـر بيـن المغـرب والجزائـر ومواصلـة البوليزاريـو لانتهاكاتهـا لوقـف إطلاق النـار التـي سـجلت تصعيـدًا غيـر مسـبوق، فـي ليلـة 29−28 أكتوبـر، باسـتهداف مدينـة السـمارة، ممـا أدى إلـى وقـوع ضحايـا. كمـا ينـدرج اتخـاذ هـذا القـرار الجديـد فـي بيئـة دوليـة منهمكة فـي الأحـداث المأسـاوية فـي قطـاع غـزة التـي طغـت علـى الحـرب ...
  • November 11, 2023
    L’adoption par le Conseil de sécurité de l’Onu, le 27 octobre 2023, de la résolution 2703 (2023) sur la question du Sahara marocain, est intervenue dans un contexte régional marqué par la persistance de la tension entre le Maroc et l’Algérie et la poursuite par le polisario des violations du cessez-le-feu qui ont enregistré une escalade sans précédent, dans la nuit du 28 au 29 octobre, par le ciblage de la ville de Smara, faisant des victimes. L’adoption de cette nouvelle r ...
  • November 10, 2023
    The Atlantic area and its Afro-Atlantic seaboard are suffering the consequences of the global situation. We are witnessing a complex geopolitical game involving different strategies that have various processes, tactics, and objectives. The current situation reveals a paradoxical dynamic, which involves the Euro-Atlantic powers, extra- regional powers (China and Russia), and all the Afro-Atlantic countries. How is the power game organized in the Atlantic area? How does Africa9s Atlan ...
  • November 7, 2023
    يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لمناقشة مستقبل توسّع مجموعة البريكس بعد قمّة 2023 بين الحوافز وحدود الفاعلية: أي آفاق للجنوب؟ بعد انعقاد القمة الخامسة عشرة للاقتصادات الناشئة الخمس (البرازيل وروسيا والهند والصين وجنوب أفريقيا)، قامت المجموعة...
  • Authors
    November 2, 2023
    The global economic environment has changed as the U.S.—and to a less confrontational degree, the European Union—have clearly established a context of technological rivalry with China. Hindering China’s progress in the sophistication of semiconductor production has become a centerpiece of current U.S. foreign policy. While the U.S. is clearly winning the semiconductor war, the picture is different when it comes to clean-energy technology. Both technology wars overlap with access to ...
  • Authors
    November 2, 2023
    Le 1er octobre 2023 a marqué le début de la phase transitoire du Mécanisme d'Ajustement Carbone aux Frontières (CBAM en anglais) de l'Union européenne (UE). L'objectif de cette initiative est d'instaurer une tarification du carbone sur les biens importés qui soit équivalente à celle appliquée aux biens produits au sein de l'UE, visant ainsi à réguler les émissions de carbone. Cette démarche implique la mise en place d'un ensemble d'obligations de déclaration et de conformité pour le ...
  • Authors
    Pascal Chaigneau
    Nihal Aïcha El Mquirmi
    Jacques Gravereau
    Sonia Le Gouriellec
    Philippe Migaux
    Agnès Mikita
    Alain Oudot de Dainville
    Olivier Tramond
    Sâ Benjamin Traoré
    October 26, 2023
    Les Dialogues Stratégiques, une collaboration entre HEC Center for Geopolitics et Policy Center fort he New South, représentent une plateforme d'analyse et d'échange biannuelle réunissant des experts, des praticiens, des décideurs politiques, ainsi que el monde universitaire et les médias au service d'une réflexion critique et approfondie sur les tendances politiques mondiales et sur une problématique d'intérêt régional, d'importance commune à al fois pour l'Europe et l'Afrique. Ce ...
  • Authors
    October 25, 2023
    This report was originally published on   This report presents an analysis and recommendations regarding EU-Africa relations with a focus on the green transition and energy, the first priority area of the EU’s Comprehensive Strategy with Africa. It aims at identifying the areas in climate and energy policy in which jointly owned cooperation is possible, and how the partnership, ultimately, can unlock mutual benefits. Specifically, the report examines global challenges prese ...
  • Authors
    October 23, 2023
    Like many countries of the Global South, South Africa espouses an independent, non-aligned approach to foreign policy. This approach has been criticized during the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war as a superficial excuse to be ‘soft’ on Russia. Deeper reflection and analysis however, points to a finely calibrated multi-alignment strategy, which allows South Africa to secure its national interests while carefully balancing relations with the United States (U.S.), European Union (EU) and ot ...
  • Authors
    October 19, 2023
    The headline itself was not surprising: ”Egyptians face peril at sea in dangerous new Exodus to  Europe”. The path, from hidden Egyptian ports to a neighboring Libyan landing spot and then to the Italian coast, has been tempting thousand Egyptians years ago, but recently, and apparently ever since, reported Ruth Michaelson in the British “Guardian” (December 18, 2022), the escape route has been “resurrected”, more than 20,000 Egyptians arrived last year in Italy via Libya, about thr ...
  • October 12, 2023
    The African continent has long been a focal point for discussions surrounding economic development, global finance, and international cooperation. With the ever-changing global economic landscape and the emergence of new financial paradigms, it is imperative to explore how Africa positi...
  • Authors
    Marianna Albuquerque
    Santiago Theoduloz
    October 3, 2023
    Marianna Albuquerque and Santiago Theoduloz are 2022 alumni of Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about Marianna here and Santiago here.  From our experience of participating in the ADEL Program and the Atlantic Dialogues in 2022, we learned that the Atlantic countries have the potential to improve their economies through regional coordination. This led us to reflect on how many opportunities the countries from the wider Atlantic missed out on by not considerin ...
  • October 2, 2023
    Recent evolutions on the global stage have contributed to shed a new light on African countries and India as key players in shaping the future of global governance and the international order. The reform of multilateralism and institutions such as the United Nations Security Council (UN...
  • September 28, 2023
    Bientôt disponible en vente sur Livremoi.   En présentant ces textes, publiés dans les plateformes du Policy Center for the New South, pour partie, et dans divers supports, pour l’autre, on découvre à leur lecture des sujets absents des sciences sociales nationales. Le premier défi que doit surmonter le chercheur marocain qui s’intéresse aux affaires militaires et de sécurité (AMS) est la sous-conceptualisation du domaine en raison du désintérêt des universités et du c ...
  • September 8, 2023
    Le Mozambique fait face depuis 2017 à une insurrection menée dans la province de Cabo Delgado, au nord-est du pays, par un groupe militant islamiste dénommé Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa (ASWJ) – qui aurait fait allégeance à l’État islamique (EI) et qui est aussi connu sous le nom de Al Shabab, sans lien avec le groupe éponyme en Somalie. Les problèmes sociaux et économiques de cette région – qui concentre la plus grande partie des 18 % de musulmans que compte le pays, à majorité chrétienne ...
  • Authors
    Sous la direction de
    Abu Bakarr Bah
    Alioune Ndiaye
    Babacar Ndiaye
    Benjamin Traoré
    Bodo Andrianarisoa
    Dorcy Rugamba
    Gilles Yabi
    Hamza Mjahed
    Hind Zaamoun
    Mathieu Bere
    Mahamadou Simpara
    Mohamed Ahmed Gain
    Norman Sempijja
    Patrice Kouraogo
    Rania Barrak
    Silindile Mlilo
    Hala Boumaiz
    Soazic Elise Wang Sonne
    Tarek Cherkaoui
    Youssef Errami
    Yousra Hamdaoui
    September 8, 2023
    Cette 6ème édition du rapport géopolitique de l’Afrique s’inscrit dans la même ligne éditoriale que ses précédentes. Elle se veut une plateforme où des auteurs et analystes africains racontent l’Afrique géopolitique de 2022 en débordant parfois sur les événements saillants du début de 2023. Ce moment, d’environ une année et demie, ne peut échapper à la guerre en Ukraine comme toile de fond du monde. Même lorsque les auteurs ne s’y réfèrent pas explicitement, cett ...
  • Authors
    Achouak Lafhal
    Alexis Cudey
    September 7, 2023
    The G20, since its emergence in 1999, has played a crucial role in maneuvering the economy, envisaging a new global financial architecture, and steering clear of the roadblocks hindering economic development. Also known as a ‘multilateral economic caucus’, the G20 has served as a platform for both developed and emerging economies to engage in constructive dialogue. Having as a theme Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam or ‘One Earth— One Family—One Future’, India has assumed the leadership of the ...
  • September 01, 2023
    In this podcast, we are joined by Dr. Len Ishmael, editor and co-author of the book “Aftermath of War in Europe: The West VS. the Global South?”. Dr. Ishmael delves into the groundbreakin ...
  • Authors
    August 31, 2023
    Kim Ju-ae, supposed daughter of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, was introduced by her father for the first time to the world and 26.1 million citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on November 19, 2022. Her first public appearance was unusual: at the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) costing up to $10 million (Los Angeles Times, November 4, 2022). Unlike a DPRK spy satellite launched on May 30, 2023, which broke up in midair before reach ...
  • Authors
    August 29, 2023
    At the August 22-24 BRICS summit in Johannesburg, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa said they wanted to use more of their national currencies for cross-border payments, which are currently dominated by the U.S. dollar and other global convertible currencies. Like China and the other BRICS, several other countries have also sought to develop alternative external payment mechanisms. Pairs of countries have agreed to settle commercial and financial transactio ...
  • August 25, 2023
    During the interview, we presented a series of questions to Mr. Nuno, starting with an analysis of piracy along the African coast. We inquired about its current threat to our communities ...
  • August 15, 2023
    يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لمناقشة العلاقات الروسية الافريقية في ظل النسخة الثانية من قمة روسيا – أفريقيا مع أسامة الطيبي، باحث في العلاقات الدولية بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد. أصبحت القمم ومنتديات التعاون الية من اليات تعزيز تو...
  • August 9, 2023
    يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لمناقشة العلاقات التي تربط الهند بمنطقة المغرب الكبير مع عبد السلام جلدي، باحث في العلاقات الدولية بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد كون التأثير الأوروبي أصبح يتلاشى لصالح القوى الأخرى، العالمية والناشئة عل...
  • Authors
    Fritjof Knier
    August 9, 2023
    Fritjof Knier is a 2022 alumnus of Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about him here. Twice in the past decade the term “largest refugee movement since the Second World War” was coined in Germany and Europe. First in 2015 with many refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran arriving and seven years later in 2022 when the war against Ukraine led millions to flee towards the West. Now, Germany has grown to become the fourth largest refugee hosting nation, h ...
  • Authors
    August 4, 2023
    Twenty-Four Hours June 23-24, 2023. Over those days, Russia, the sanctioned world power, was not destabilized by the nuclear enemy in Washington, but by one man, who made his wealth serving food to school children and soldiers. A caterer who attempted a revolution. A bald man, who apparently wore wigs during his days off, as the Russian secret police claimed to have discovered when they searched his home in St Petersburg. The photos of the wig-wearing Yevgeny Prigozhin were shown o ...
  • August 04, 2023
    Migration is a natural human phenomenon, yet the current narrative often centres on security and border management, with little attention paid to origin and transit countries of incoming ...
  • August 2, 2023
    China is the largest developing country. Africa is the continent with the largest number of developing countries. The China-Africa economic relationship has developed rapidly over the last two decades. China has increased its investment in Africa over the last four decades. Flows surged from $75 million (2003) to $5 billion (2021). This has had both positive and negative impacts on Africa. Infrastructure improvement, job creation, and overall economic growth can be listed as positiv ...
  • Authors
    July 27, 2023
    Tea for two was planned in a friend’s house in California’s Beverly Hills, but, surprise, we were joined by one of the great futurist of America, a science fiction master, who turned “Fahrenheit 451” into a bestseller and himself into an admired visionary - Ray Bradbury. Bradbury who? Time is erasing memories, even of great minds - we met in the 80s at Harold Nebenzal, the producer (Cabaret) and author (Café Berlin) whose father produced German  film classics as “M” (1931) and “Das ...
  • July 20, 2023
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Having experienced considerable growth in recent years, artificial intelligence corresponds to technologies capable of processing hybrid sources, particularly unstructured data. Complex tasks are thus delegated to increasingly autonomous technological processes, capable of driving economic and social development. In current African society, AI is becoming more popular and seeking to cover all ...
  • June 30, 2023
    As the world witnesses a period of disruption marked by Great-Power rivalry and increasing insecurity, Southern Atlanticism serves as a catalyst for greater cooperation and representation ...
  • June 28, 2023
    Predicting migration patterns is increasingly becoming a field of interest to multiple stakeholders from the decision makers in political spheres, to analysts and researchers in the field ...
  • June 27, 2023
    تعتبر مجموعة "بريكس" تكتلا اقتصاديا عالميا بدأت فكرة تأسيسه في شتنبر 2006، حينما عُقد أول اجتماع وزاري لوزراء خارجية البرازيل وروسيا والهند والصين على هامش أشغال الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة إضافة إلى انضمام جنوب أفريقيا رسميا سنة 2011. حيث أصبحت مجموعة بريكس أحد أهم التكتلات الاقتصادية...
  • Authors
    June 26, 2023
    تعج وسائل الاعلام في لبنان،وحتى خارجه, بأرقام ومعطيات حول تواجد اللاجئين السوريين في مختلف مدن البلاد. في ظل انعدام ارقام رسمية عن العدد الحقيقي لهؤلاء اللاجئين، تزدهر الأخبار الكاذبة والمعطيات المغلوطة عن العائلات التي ارتأت الهروب من بلدها الأم الذي يرزح تحت وطأة حرب، دفعت بالسوريين خارج بلادهم منذ اندلاع الثورة السورية سنة 2011. ومنذ ذلك الحين، لا تزال سوريا تعرف أكبر أزمة لاجئين في العالم حسب تقارير المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين (UNHCR). فحسب ذات المصدر، أُجبر أك ...
  • June 20, 2023
    سنحاول في هذه الحلقة الوقوف عند إحداثيات وتداعيات عودة هيمنة القطبية الثنائية على المشهد الدولي، بعد نحو 3 عقود من أفولها إثر انهيار الاتحاد السوفياتي في عام 1991، واحتدام الاستقطاب على و ...
  • Authors
    Javier Cantero
    June 16, 2023
     This brief was originally published on as part of a partnership between the Policy Center for the New South and the German Marshall Fund of the United States.   Air and ocean temperatures are increasing at record levels despite international efforts to mitigate carbon emissions. The consequences of this failure go beyond its harmful effects on climate patterns to endangering global political, economic, and social stability. Human security is on the line and faces even ...
  • June 13, 2023
      سنحاول في هذه الحلقة الوقوف عند إحداثيات وتداعيات عودة هيمنة القطبية الثنائية على المشهد الدولي، بعد نحو 3 عقود من أفولها إثر انهيار الاتحاد السوفياتي في عام 1991، واحتدام الاستقطاب على وقع الأزمة الأوكرانية الذي يهدد عمل المنظمات الدولية وسط تصاعد دعوات إصلاح منظومة الأمم المتحدة بش...
  • Authors
    Imane Lahrich
    June 12, 2023
    The security landscape in the Sahel region has undergone significant changes in recent years. From the emergence of Russia as an actor in the region to the persistent issue of trafficking, and the challenges of political transitions in countries including Chad and Sudan, the Sahel faces complex and interconnected security challenges. This insight summarizes our biannual Strategic Dialogues, focusing on the new security landscape in the Sahel, its regional developments, and its impli ...
  • Authors
    June 9, 2023
    The Southern Atlantic Ocean, still an untapped geopolitical space, can be a new platform for dialogue between North and South. The Kingdom of Morocco is strategically placed in this space, and through its Atlantic coastline can breathe new life into the relationship with Latin America, boosting political and economic exchanges within the global South. Relations between Morocco and the countries of Latin America recently saw a notable shift, and a new regional platform around the So ...
  • June 09, 2023
    In this podcast episode, we delve into the complex and diverse topic of migration and integration in Atlantic Latin America. As we explore the historical events and patterns of migration ...
  • Authors
    June 9, 2023
    يمكن للمحيط الأطلسي، في جزئه الجنوبي، الذي لا يزال فضاءً جيوسياسياً غير مستغل، أن يكون بمثابة منصة جديدة للحوار بين الشمال والجنوب. ويمكن للمملكة المغربية، التي تحتل موقعاً استراتيجياً في هذا الفضاء، أن تستغل واجهتها الأطلسية من أجل ضخ دينامية جديدة في علاقتها مع أمريكا اللاتينية لتعزيز التبادلات السياسية والاقتصادية في جنوب الكرة الأرضية. تشهد العلاقات بين المغرب وبلدان أمريكا اللاتينية تغيراً ملحوظاً، ويمكن لإنشاء منصة إقليمية حول جنوب المحيط الأطلسي أن يشجع بلدان أمريكا اللاتينية ...
  • Authors
    June 8, 2023
    A tragedy of historic proportions The war is gruesome and may not end for months or years. Not ending with the white flag of surrender, but total depletion and exhaustion, men and missiles, tanks, and terror. The battlefield is hell, as it is in all wars. A nightmare and human folly. “We are learning in Ukraine how to fight”, admitted the former President of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskalte, “and we are learning how to use our NATO equipment. It is a teaching battle”. Yes, this politi ...
  • June 06, 2023
    يزخر المغرب بتراث ثقافي جعله يتبوأ بأعلى المراتب على الصعيد الإفريقي من حيث عدد التسجيلات الثقافية على قائمة اليونسكو للتراث العالمي، وهو الشيء الذي مكن المغرب من إطلاق مجموعة من المشاريع ...
  • Authors
    June 5, 2023
    Le propos semblera tautologique à beaucoup, mais les géographies ne sont pas - seulement - des œuvres de la Création, ou le produit du hasard et des accidents de la vie de la Terre. Elles sont, presque plus fondamentalement, pourrait-on dire, le produit du regard actif de l’Homme, qui, porté sur elles, les façonne, par le travail, et par la projection de représentations mentales dans la matière. Cette capacité de l’Homme à (se) projeter (par) son regard dans l’espace visibilise les ...
  • Authors
    June 2, 2023
    L’océan Atlantique, dans sa partie sud, qui demeure un espace géopolitique inexploité, peut servir de nouvelle plateforme de dialogue entre le Nord et le Sud. Le Royaume du Maroc, stratégiquement placé dans cet espace, peut exploiter sa façade atlantique afin d’insuffler une nouvelle dynamique à sa relation avec l’Amérique latine pour le renforcement des échanges politiques et économiques dans le sud global. Les relations entre le Maroc et les pays de l’Amérique latine c ...
  • May 30, 2023
    أعلنت الهيئة العليا للانتخابات في تركيا إعادة انتخاب الرئيس رجب طيب أردوغان لولاية جديدة بعد فوزه في الجولة الثانية من انتخابات الرئاسة حيث حصل على 52.14% من أصوات الناخبين أمام منافسه السيد كمال كليجدار أوغلو الذي حصل على 47.86%. خلال الحملة الانتخابية، سجلت الانتخابات التركية اهتمامًا...
  • May 26, 2023
    Despite having historical, geographical, economic and cultural differences, Mexico and Morocco share a similar position on the global South-North border. Both countries have close links with their respective northern neighbours, the United States and the European Union, as evidenced by ...
  • May 24, 2023
    La création, par l’ONU, en 2006, du Conseil des droits de l’Homme (CDH) et la mise en place, une année après, de l'Examen périodique universel (EPU), ont constitué une avancée significative dans le processus de promotion de la protection des droits de l'Homme dans le monde. Désormais, et sans aucune distinction, tous les États sont régulièrement assujettis à cet examen qui couvre l’ensemble des droits individuels et collectifs ainsi que les libertés fondamentales consacrés par les I ...
  • Authors
    May 15, 2023
    In the face of oil production cuts by Saudi Arabia and some OPEC members, the energy supply is shrinking again. This is in response to fears of an impending recession, higher inventories in some key countries, and an attempt to keep prices at a certain level. Turning to renewables is now essential to reduce dependence and increase resilience to energy insecurity, while non-renewable energy sources continue to show signs of unpredictability and harmful dependence. Economic outlooks v ...
  • Authors
    Eugène Berg
    Christophe Chabert
    Thierry Garcin
    Rodolphe Monnet
    Amiral Alain Oudot de Dainville
    Olivier Tramond
    Hind Zaamoun
    May 11, 2023
    Les Dialogues Stratégiques, une collaboration entre HEC Center for Geopolitics et Policy Center for the New South, représentent une plateforme d'analyse et d'échange biannuelle réunissant des experts, des praticiens, des décideurs politiques, ainsi que le monde universitaire et les médias au service d'une réflexion critique et approfondie sur les tendances politiques mondiales et sur une problématique d'intérêt régional, d'importance commune à la fois pour l'Europe et l'Afrique. C ...
  • May 09, 2023
      على ضوء الاجتماعات السنوية لمجموعة البنك الدولي وصندوق النقد الدولي في التقرير الأخير لصندوق النقد الدولي حول آفاق الاقتصاد العالمي، والذي يطبعه القلق الزائد في ظل اضطرابات القطاع الم ...
  • May 8, 2023
    In March 2023, the brutal demise of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was the first to happen as a result of the hiking of interest rates that central banks started implementing from late 2021 onwards. Although the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), a US government corporation pr...
  • May 4, 2023
    La première bipolarisation a appartenu au XX° siècle et opposé États-Unis et URSS. Avec la guerre froide, elle était l'expression de la rivalité entre deux systèmes antagonistes. La seconde est née de la montée de la Chine populaire qui est entrée en compétition avec les États-Unis. Une compétition au départ économique et technologique, devenue aussi, au fil du temps, culturelle et stratégique, dans un monde interdépendant et digitalisé, mais également segmenté, complexe et incertai ...
  • May 2, 2023
      على ضوء الاجتماعات السنوية لمجموعة البنك الدولي وصندوق النقد الدولي في التقرير الأخير لصندوق النقد الدولي حول آفاق الاقتصاد العالمي، والذي يطبعه القلق الزائد في ظل اضطرابات القطاع المالي والتضخم المتزايد والآثار المستمرة للاجتياح الروسي لأوكرانيا، بالإضافة إلى العواقب الاقتصادية الم...
  • Authors
    April 27, 2023
    Recent initiatives and policy moves by China and other countries to extend the reach of use of the renminbi in the international monetary system, while the U.S. dollar share in global reserves has slightly shrunk in relative terms, have sparked frequent discussions about a hypothetical “de-dollarization” of the global economy. We approach here what that would mean in terms of global currency functions as means of payment and store of value. While we point out a relative decline of ...
  • April 25, 2023
    بمناسبة اليوم الدولي للتعددية والدبلوماسية من أجل السلام، قررنا تخصيص الحلقة إلى إفريقيا ومبدأ تعددية الاطراف في سياق اوضاع السلم والأمن الهشة في منطقة الساحل وانتشار عدم الاستقرار في البحيرات الافريقية الكبرى، بالإضافة إلى عجز مجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة عن مواجهة الحرب المستمرة ال...
  • April 20, 2023
    The Middle East has always been a region of interest to both the media and policymakers in foreign affairs, but recent developments have brought it even more to the forefront of global at ...
  • Authors
    Imane Lahrich
    April 18, 2023
    مرت تسعة وعشرون عاما منذ أن انطلقت رواندا في مسار تحقيق المصالحة الوطنية بعد أحداث الإبادة الجماعية التي ارتكبتها حكومة الهوتو الخاضعة لسيطرة المتطرفين، والتي استهدفت أقلية التوتسي خلال مئة يوم إلى حين دخول الجبهة الوطنية الرواندية البلاد. حيث اعتمدت على الآليات المحلية التي جمعت بين المقاربات الشمولية والمحلية القائمة على الثقافة، كما شملت استجابات قضائية وغير قضائية تفاعلية ووقائية، علاوة على إطلاق مجموعة من الإصلاحات الدستورية، المؤسساتية والقطاعية. غير أن هذا المسار، لم يخل من ...
  • April 14, 2023
    Geographical proximity, historical ties, and cultural and social exchanges largely account for Italy’s enduring engagement with the Maghreb. Abdessalam Jaldi, International Relations Spec ...
  • April 10, 2023
    This policy paper examines India’s growing engagement in North Africa, focusing on five countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. Despite lacking a distinct regional policy for North Africa, India has amplified its bilateral engagement with these countries, underpinned by a steadfast commitment to the principle of South-South cooperation. Through its strategic moves in North Africa, India has established a powerful southern-west axis for its foreign policy that stretch ...
  • Authors
    Hala Boumaiz
    April 7, 2023
    In an attempt to bring the World Cup back to Europe and Africa, Morocco has joined Spain and Portugal in a three-way bid to host the 2030 FIFA World Cup. While there are still talks of Ukraine remaining in the bid, the three confirmed countries are hoping to score big with major economic, cultural, and political benefits. Although not as large as the Olympics in terms of logistics, the FIFA World Cup is one of the most prestigious and watched sporting events in the world. Early figu ...
  • March 31, 2023
    L’Afrique est plurielle, comme le sont les investissements chinois sur son continent. Cette étude montre que, contrairement à ce que l’on mettait en avant durant la décennie 2010, ces investissements ne se limitent pas à l’exploitation du sous-sol africain. Les opérateurs chinois, privilégiant le long terme, se montrent le plus souvent patients et discrets, ne ciblant pas les seuls investissements miniers. Concernant les secteurs principalement bénéficiaires de ces investissements, ...
  • March 24, 2023
    Dans ce nouvel épisode, Imane Lahrich accueille Abdelhak Bassou pour discuter des dessous de la présence militaire russe en Afrique. D’un côté, la Russie ambitionne de contrer les ambitio ...
  • March 10, 2023
    The roots of decoloniality go deep into modern African history. Debates have circulated across the continent and beyond to define an African epistemè freed from colonialism. Production of ...
  • Authors
    March 6, 2023
    J’ai suivi depuis les années soixante, avec plus ou moins d’intérêt, plus ou moins de passion, presque toutes les élections, présidentielles, parlementaires ou locales, qui se sont succédées en France. Il y eut des séquences et des épisodes fameux que l’histoire, à la fois la grande et la petite, a retenus. De nombreux analystes et acteurs continuent de s’y référer. De toutes ces élections, celles qui se sont déroulées en 2022 sont celles qui ont fait le plus souffrir, de nombreux ...
  • Authors
    March 6, 2023
    En partenariat avec le Policy Center for the New South (PCNS), Africa Center est fier de présenter un rapport conjoint sur l’influence de la Russie en Afrique, une perspective sécuritaire, à l’occasion du premier anniversaire de la guerre en Ukraine. L’Afrique est apparue comme un acteur majeur de ce conflit lorsque le 3 mars 2022 , dix-sept Etats africains se sont abstenus lors du vote de la résolution de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies condamnant l’invasion russe en Ukrain ...
  • March 4, 2023
    In this video recorded during the Atlantic Dialogues, our Columnist Mr. Helmut Sorge interviews Ms. Ana Palacio, Spain's Former Minister of Foreign Affairs on the position of Spain and Europe towardsthe War in Ukraine, the interview also tackles different questions regarding Energy, sec...
  • Authors
    March 3, 2023
    In recent years, personalist rule has spread around the world. As personalist rule gets upgraded and adopted across regions and regime-type, including in democracies, Africa and the Middle East are looking less exceptional, and mainstream academic theories are being challenged. The 2011 uprisings and their aftermath have destabilized social science thinking about Africa and the Middle East, creating an opportunity for fruitful cross-regional dialogue around concepts like personal ru ...
  • Authors
    March 2, 2023
    The big menacing balloon, about 60 meters in height and an estimated couple thousand pounds, was not carrying extraterrestrials or some exquisite new covid viruses from Wahun, China. A spying monster, as Washington's Secretary of State, Antony Blinken insisted, deployed by Beijing to "attempt to surveil very sensitive military sites" (CNN, February 19, 2023). The balloon, large as roughly three buses, went over several military installations," in some cases loitering", claimed Bli ...
  • March 1, 2023
    In this video recorded during the Atlantic Dialogues, our Columnist Mr. Helmut Sorge interviews Mr. Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, President of the NATO Defense College Foundation in Rome on the NATO’s reactions amidst the War in Ukraine, Mr Minuto answers questions on how countries of the Na...
  • February 25, 2023
    Dans cette interview tournée au cours des Atlantic Dialogues, Monsieur Helmut Sorge interroge le Ministre Hubert Védrine sur ses impressions sur un monde aussi troublé qu’aujourd’hui suite à la guerre Russo-Ukrainienne. Monsieur Védrine nous fait part de son analyse ainsi que son étude ...
  • Authors
    February 24, 2023
    In a recent telephone conversation, Russian President Vladimir Putin officially invited Assimi Goïta, the military chief of the transition in Mali, to take part in the second Russia-Africa summit to be held in Saint Petersburg. This summit is scheduled for July 2023, according to Mikhail Bogdanov, the special representative of the president of Russia to the Middle East and Africa and deputy foreign minister. Russia is openly optimistic that several African leaders will attend the pl ...
  • February 23, 2023
    In this video recorded during the Atlantic Dialogues, our Columnist Mr. Helmut Sorge interviews Mr. Jorge Castañeda, Global Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Latin American Studies, New York University on the Situation of Migration in Mexico and the United States, Mr. Ca...
  • Authors
    February 20, 2023
    As FBI agent  Charles McGonigal, 54, was used in handcuffs, these metal symbols of repression and the end of freedom. When the former  Special agent in charge( SAC) of the Counter-intelligence Division of the FBIs field office in New York returned from a trip to the Middle East, he suddenly felt the cold iron around his wrists; some of the FBI agents arresting him he certainly knew well-from 1996 until his retirement in 2018 McGonigal specialized in Counterintelligence, organized cr ...
  • February 18, 2023
    In this video recorded during the Atlantic Dialogues, our Columnist Mr. Helmut Sorge interviews Mr. Vincenzo Amendola, member of the Italian Parliament on his insights about the election in Italy towards the right wing government. Mr. Vincenzo answers questions on wether the present ita...
  • February 14, 2023
    تعتبر ملحمة الفريق الوطني المغربي خلال البطولة العالمية لكرة القدم بالدوحة 2022، حدثا رياضيا كبيرا، لكنه حدث يتجاوز الإطار الرياضي. يتعلق الأمر، كذلك، بحدث يهم المغرب طبعا، ولكنه يتجاوزه. لأن صداه كان عالميا. ولأنه كان مصدر فرح وبهجة عارمة وكذا اعتزاز كل الشعوب المغاربية والعربية والإفريقية، وبصفة عامة شعوب الجنوب، التي تملكت منجز فريقنا الوطني إلى الحد الذي اعتبرت أنه أصبح يمثلها. بالتالي، فهو فريق مغربي، أصبح بفضل منجزه، فريقا مغاربيا وعربيا وإفريقيا، وأصبح كأنه ينتمي إلى الجنوب ...
  • February 13, 2023
    ترتبط التحديات الأمنية بالمنطقة المغاربية ارتباطا قويا بحالة عدم الاستقرار السائدة في منطقة الساحل، حيث تواجه هاتين المنطقتين أزمات أمنية كبرى تُؤثر فيموازين القوة بشكل أصبح يؤثر مباشرة ع ...