Publications /
Book / Report

MOROCCO-BRAZIL RELATIONS: A Multidimensional Atlantic Partnership
Nabil Adghoghi
Alexandre Parola
Fábio Albergaria de Queiroz
Paulo Eduardo Aguiar Saraiva Camara
Ana Flávia Barros-Platiau
Adnane Lahzaoui
Guilherme Lopes da Cunha
Jacintho Maia Neto
Nizar Messari
Melina Moreira Campos Lima
Andreia Rute da Silva Baptista
Carlos Henrique Tomé Silva
March 5, 2025

A country's areas of strategic interest are defined by its values, principles, and expectations. In this context, unprecedented opportunities are emerging for two key Atlantic States—Brazil and Morocco—to forge a mutually beneficial partnership. This premise underscores the deep-rooted social and geohistorical connections between both sides of the Atlantic. Recognizing this potential suggests that building stronger Atlantic bonds could advance shared interests, grounded in an evolving South-South cooperation framework.

This environment opens up possibilities for multisectoral cooperation between Brazil and Morocco, positioning the Atlantic as a (geo)political arena for meaningful and promising dialogue. As a result, these two pivotal nations have the opportunity to work together in advancing a collaborative and proactive agenda, with the potential to benefit the entire Atlantic Community.

To this end, the book aims to provide critical reflections across a range of areas, including defense and security, finance and trade, infrastructure, agriculture and food security, clean energy and climate change, social issues, the blue economy, and more. Contributions from renowned scholars will present actionable alternatives to enhance and maximize the strategic partnership between Brazil and Morocco.


  • Authors
    Nabil Adghoghi
    Alexandre Parola
    Fábio Albergaria de Queiroz
    Paulo Eduardo Aguiar Saraiva Camara
    Ana Flávia Barros-Platiau
    Adnane Lahzaoui
    Guilherme Lopes da Cunha
    Jacintho Maia Neto
    Nizar Messari
    Melina Moreira Campos Lima
    Andreia Rute da Silva Baptista
    Carlos Henrique Tomé Silva
    March 5, 2025
    A country's areas of strategic interest are defined by its values, principles, and expectations. In this context, unprecedented opportunities are emerging for two key Atlantic States—Brazil and Morocco—to forge a mutually beneficial partnership. This premise underscores the deep-rooted social and geohistorical connections between both sides of the Atlantic. Recognizing this potential suggests that building stronger Atlantic bonds could advance shared interests, grounded in an evolvi ...
  • Authors
    June 2, 2023
    L’océan Atlantique, dans sa partie sud, qui demeure un espace géopolitique inexploité, peut servir de nouvelle plateforme de dialogue entre le Nord et le Sud. Le Royaume du Maroc, stratégiquement placé dans cet espace, peut exploiter sa façade atlantique afin d’insuffler une nouvelle dynamique à sa relation avec l’Amérique latine pour le renforcement des échanges politiques et économiques dans le sud global. Les relations entre le Maroc et les pays de l’Amérique latine c ...
  • Authors
    Sandra Polónia Rios
    Pedro da Motta Veiga
    April 21, 2017
    There is much room for deepening Brazil and Morocco’s bilateral economic relationship, in the fields of trade and investment flows. This is the main conclusion of the assessment of both countries external economic relations and of their bilateral trade and investment flows. This policy brief aims at presenting a roadmap for fostering bilateral economic relations, focusing on the avenues for a bilateral free trade agreement and for bilateral treaties on investment promotion. This app ...
  • Authors
    Youssef Amrani
    December 22, 2015
    La situation géopolitique prévalant actuellement dans le pourtour méditerranéen est difficile et complexe, en raison notamment, de l’apparition d’une nouvelle équation stratégique qui laisse craindre une nouvelle flambée de violence. Dans ce contexte perturbé, le Maroc, sous le leadership de SM le Roi Mohammed VI, s’est engagé dans un processus démocratique, fondé sur une approche inclusive qu’il mène avec foi et détermination. La Méditerranée conserve, certes, une triple vocation ...