Building on its ten years of existence and its nationally and internationally recognized expertise, the Policy Center for the New South is strengthening the role of its research activities and is launching its 2024-2026 research program. Through its renewed commitment to providing fact-based and policy-oriented research and its ambition to think innovatively about strategic priorities, the center is demonstrating adaptability and keeping pace with the rapid changes that the world is experiencing today. This three-year program not only combines the Policy Center's core expertise in international relations, geopolitics, economics, and public policy but also looks into the strategic regions that remind us of its identity, from Morocco and Africa to the Global South. The 2024-2026 program is structured around five main programs that cover national and continental geopolitical, economic, and public policy dynamics in their relationship with more global dynamics related to an ever-changing globalization.


The Policy Center for the New South aims to understand the international relations and economic alliances that bind Morocco together, highlighting opportunities and challenges, to explore ways of optimizing economic integration to promote sustainable development and the continued prosperity of the national economic fabric. The social component of this program is equally central, and includes in-depth analysis of social policies, with an emphasis on human capital. This includes assessing the effectiveness of education and health policies, social protection programs, as well as proposing initiatives to strengthen human capital. Particular attention is paid to issues of socio-economic inequality, the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of marginalized communities.


  • Macroeconomics for growth
  • Industrial and sectoral policies
  • Economic integration policies
  • Social policies for an inclusive economy
  • Labor market dynamics and training
  • Climate change and the environment
  • Territorial policies and local institutions


The Policy Center for the New South aims to examine the strategic and foreign policy dynamics that determine Morocco’s position in the world’s major balances, ahead of the Kingdom’s gradual assertion as a regional and continental power, in a Morocco undergoing major transitions. Subdivided into five complementary sub-programs, it focuses on Morocco’s Euro-Mediterranean relations, highlighting its status as a connecting hub at the crossroads of Europe/Africa, North/South and West/East, based on the articulation of North/South cooperation logics. It also explores the Maghreb and Arab-Muslim policies of Morocco, a vast entity undergoing major reconfigurations and recompositions, and facing unprecedented security and socio-economic challenges.


  • Euro-Mediterranean region
  • Maghreb and the rest of the Arab-Muslim world
  • Morocco's African strategy
  • Moroccan vision of an inclusive Atlantic
  • Morocco and the challenges of the world order


The Policy Center for the New South aims to explore the paths to be taken by the continent to lay the foundations for economic emergence and sound governance. In a global context marked by a succession of crises, Africa finds itself at a decisive turning point. Despite significant advances in development over the past two decades, the continent is now facing challenges that jeopardize the hard-won gains of this period. Indeed, the various political, economic, environmental and health crises have fuelled the most alarmist predictions of a “failed decade” for the continent’s development. This overestimated alarmism informs us of the urgent need to formulate and implement the necessary reforms.


  • Transformation of Africa from the perspective of food security natural resources and energy transition
  • Institutions and integration in Africa
  • Protracted hotspots: a continuous nexus of security & development
  • Social challenges and human capital
  • Sectoral policies


The Policy Center for the New South aims to focus on the dynamic interactions between Africa and its wider oceanic, Mediterranean, and maritime environments, analyzing the continent’s geopolitical and geo-economic developments. In recent decades, Africa has undergone a significant repositioning, generating new opportunities that challenge traditional paradigms. Discussions on Africa’s strategic, economic, and monetary autonomy have prompted the continent’s countries to diversify their partnerships, navigating between the rivalries of the world’s major powers, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region.


  • Great power rivalry in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean
  • The Atlantic and the Mediterranean: vectors of Afro-European cooperation
  • Changing international perceptions of Africa
  • Global partnerships of African states
  • Africa’s integration into the global economy


The Policy Center for the New South seeks to unravel the various facets of this changing world, examining how multilateral cooperation efforts and the role of international institutions can provide solutions to emerging challenges. Whether it is promoting sustainable development or confronting transnational threats, the global landscape demands innovative partnerships, adaptive frameworks, and institutions impervious to the risks of global fragmentation. The program aims to provide a better understanding of geopolitical priorities and challenges, while providing decision-makers and international players with informed perspectives.


  • Global landscapes in a changing world: Partnerships and the future of international institutions
  • Multilateral diplomacy, conflict dynamics and security alliances
  • Economic and financial vulnerabilities
  • Environmental challenges and resource mobilization
  • Technological advances and information warfare

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