Libya, Iraq, Syria: The Fatal Mistakes of Post-War Governance

February 6, 2025

Post-conflict governance in the MENA region remains a complex challenge, shaped by historical legacies, institutional weaknesses, and external interventions. Libya exemplifies the pitfalls of prioritizing elections over state-building, leading to fragmented authority and prolonged instability. Security sector reform remains a critical yet unresolved issue, hindered by the entrenchment of militias and competing political factions. The Berlin process attempted a multi-track approach, but international coordination remains a challenge. The absence of a national dialogue further exacerbates divisions, with unresolved debates on governance structures and resource distribution. In Syria, post-war reconstruction faces additional hurdles, including the reintegration of refugees, the role of external actors, and the economic transition away from a war economy. Lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan highlight the dangers of dismantling state institutions without clear alternatives. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic approach, balancing political, economic, and security dimensions while fostering inclusive governance models.

Akram Zaoui
Chargé de Mission to the Executive President
Akram Zaoui is a Senior Specialist and Chargé de Mission to the Executive President at the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS). Prior to this, he was Manager of Research Support and the Public Policy Lab at the PCNS. His main area of research interest is the geopolitical economy of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. From 2018 to 2020, Zaoui coordinated a network of 70+ civil society organizations (CSOs), working with local communities, public authorities, and private companies. His responsibilities included managing administrative and financial affairs, communications, development, fundraising, operations, and strategic planning. Zaoui holds degrees from HEC Paris and Sciences Po, as well as a bachelor's degree (licence) in history from Université Paris 1 Pa ...
Younes Abouyoub
Morocco, Usa
Director of Governance, State-Building and Conflict Prevention for the MENA Region, United Nations
Younes Abouyoub is a senior United Nations official with a long experience in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, governance, and sustainable development. He previously worked as the Director of the political office of the UN Under-Secretary General for Conflict Prevention; Senior political advisor to the UN Secretary General Special Envoy to Burundi. He directed the political office of the UN Secretary General Special Envoy to Yemen and acted as his Senior special advisor. Among several other positions with the United Nations, Mr Abouyoub was also the senior political officer in charge of the regional affairs in the UN political mission to Libya (UNSMIL), and Senior Regional Expert in the Un Security Council Panel of Experts on Sudan (Darfur). He has also worked in different ...
Luigi Narbone
Director, Mediterranean Platform & Professor of Practice, Luiss Guido Carli University


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    February 12, 2025
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