Jalal Abdel-Latif Senior Fellow

Hisham Aidi Senior Fellow

Abdelaaziz Ait Ali Head - Research in Economics

Driss Alaoui Belghiti Specialist in International Relations

Nezha Alaoui M’hammdi Senior Fellow

Eduardo Amaral Haddad Senior Fellow

Mahmoud Arbouch Economist

Fahd Azaroual Economist

Mina Baliamoune Senior Fellow

Abdelhak Bassou Senior Fellow

Ferid Belhaj Senior Fellow

Mehdi Benomar Head – Research in International Relations

Rim Berahab Senior Economist

Dominique Bocquet Senior Fellow

Mounia Boucetta Senior Fellow

Oumayma Bourhriba Economist

Oumnia Boutaleb International Relations Specialist

Otaviano Canuto Senior Fellow

Khalid Chegraoui Senior Fellow

Nouzha Chekrouni Senior Fellow

Alfredo Da Gama e Abreu Valladão Senior Fellow

Uri Dadush Non-Resident Senior Fellow

Christian de Boissieu Senior Fellow

Marcus Vinicius de Freitas Senior Fellow

Hinh T. Dinh Senior Fellow

Mohammed Rachid Doukkali Senior Fellow

Mhammed Dryef Senior Fellow

Karim El Aynaoui Executive President

Rachid El Houdaigui Senior Fellow

Youssef El Jai Economist

Nihal El Mquirmi International Relations Specialist

Amal El Ouassif International Relations Specialist

Saloi El Yamani Economist

Sabrine Emran Economist

Helyette Geman Senior Fellow

Hafez Ghanem Senior Fellow

Tayeb Ghazi Senior Economist

Ihssane Guennoun International Relations Specialist (On Leave)

Aomar Ibourk Senior Fellow

Len Ishmael Senior Fellow

Larabi Jaïdi Senior Fellow

Abdessalam Saad Jaldi International Relations Specialist

Yves Jégourel Senior Fellow

Kidane Kiros Senior Fellow

Moubarack Lo Senior Fellow

Mohammed Loulichki Senior Fellow

Prakash Loungani Senior Fellow

Rida Lyammouri Senior Fellow

Jamal Machrouh Senior Fellow

Bilal Mahli Specialist in International Relations

Badr Mandri Economist

Iván Martín Senior Fellow

Aziz Mekouar Senior Fellow

Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub Senior Economist

Hamza Mjahed International Relations Specialist - Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit

Rabi Mohtar Senior Fellow

Sara Hasnaa Mokaddem Manager - Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit

Redouan Najah International Relations Specialist

Fathallah Oualalou Senior Fellow

Ahmed Ouhnini Economist, Policy Center for the New South

Francis Perrin Senior Fellow

Emmanuel Pinto Moreira Senior Fellow

El Mostafa Rezrazi Senior Fellow

Abdallah Saaf Senior Fellow

Hamza Saoudi Senior Economist

Matsumoto Shoji Senior Fellow

Landry Signé Senior Fellow

Maha Skah Political Affairs Officer, United Nations

Helmut Sorge Columnist

Oussama Tayebi International Relations Specialist

Youssef Tobi International Relations Specialist

Hung Q. Tran Senior Fellow

Isabelle Tsakok Senior Fellow

Henri-Louis Vedie Senior Fellow

Akram Zaoui Chargé de Mission to the Executive President

Afaf Zarkik Senior Economist
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- Policy BriefMarch 21, 2025MENA faces a severe water crisis, with 12 of the world’s 17 most water-stressed countries. Climate change, population growth, inefficient water management, and weak governance drive this challenge. Water production, treatment, and distribution require high energy inputs, while energy generation…Related topics:Go to topPolicy PaperMarch 20, 2025Le marché du travail marocain traverse des défis structurels majeurs, avec un taux de participation relativement faible (43,5 %) et encore plus marqué chez les femmes, dont la participation reste inférieure à 20 %. Le chômage, quant à lui, est élevé, particulièrement parmi les jeunes…Related topics:Policy BriefMarch 20, 2025This paper (see pages: 152-164), included in the report 'The Reckoning Regression or Renaissance?' was originally published on orfonline.org Calls for reforms of the International Financial Architecture (IFA) are foregrounded by the growing financing needs of developing countries, driven by…Related topics:Policy BriefMarch 18, 2025Le lithium a vu ses prix s’effondrer au cours des deux dernières années, alors que sa demande devrait fortement croître pour alimenter l’essor programmé des véhicules électriques et des ‘’ clean techs ‘’. Paradoxe ou situation caractéristique des marchés mondiaux de matières où l’instabilité fait…Policy PaperMarch 14, 2025The traditional model of Official Development Assistance (ODA) has not only entrenched financial dependence but also served as a tool for geopolitical influence, often prioritizing donor interests over genuine economic self-sufficiency in developing nations. The 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (…Related topics:Research PaperMarch 13, 2025L’extrémisme violent au Sahel trouve ses racines dans une combinaison de facteurs historique, politique et socio-économique, tels que l’instabilité étatique, la marginalisation de certaines communautés et l’influence d’idéologies transnationales. Ce Papier retrace l’émergence et l’expansion…Related topics:Policy BriefMarch 7, 2025Chaque jour, en moyenne, les femmes marocaines consacrent près de cinq heures à des tâches domestiques (cuisine, ménage, courses, soins aux enfants, etc.). Elles assurent plus de 90 % du temps total consacré aux tâches domestiques par l’ensemble des hommes et des femmes. Ce travail non…Related topics:Policy PaperMarch 6, 2025La révision en cours du Code de la famille (Moudawana), à travers ses dimensions à la fois référentielle et symbolique, a pour objectif de répondre aux attentes de la société marocaine, en pleine mutation, dans l’optique d’assurer une égalité substantielle entre les sexes, tout en…Policy BriefMarch 5, 2025Since its inception, the African Union (AU) financial structure has been heavily reliant on funding from international partners, which many believe has weakened its autonomy and ability to act independently towards pursuing its own agenda 2063 to promote unity, peace and sustainable development…Related topics:Book / ReportMarch 5, 2025A country's areas of strategic interest are defined by its values, principles, and expectations. In this context, unprecedented opportunities are emerging for two key Atlantic States—Brazil and Morocco—to forge a mutually beneficial partnership. This premise underscores the deep-rooted social and…Related topics:Policy BriefFebruary 26, 2025Geopolitical tensions and competing interests define the Eastern Mediterranean's energy landscape. Vast natural gas reserves offer economic potential, but overlapping maritime claims and ongoing conflicts—particularly the Israel-Lebanon war and the Gaza conflict—threaten existing agreements and…Related topics:Policy BriefFebruary 24, 2025Latin America was barely mentioned in US President Donald Trump’s 2024 electoral campaign. Expectations were that President Trump would remain uninterested in Latin America, while Latin America would show pragmatism and restraint in its dealings with him. However, surprisingly, Latin American has…Related topics:Book / ReportFebruary 24, 2025The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) has for over a decade advocated for the pooling of expertise, perspectives and resources to benefit developing nations, in Africa, around the South Atlantic and across the South. The need to take inspiration from one another and share analysis and good…Policy BriefFebruary 24, 2025Le système éducatif est au cœur de tous les débats. Normal, l’École pose les fondations des sociétés futures car elle est déterminante pour notre prospérité future qui dépend largement des compétences et des connaissances que le système scolaire inculque aujourd’hui aux élèves. Cette année, le…Policy BriefFebruary 20, 2025La justice sociale est un enjeu central, mais son application reste floue, car l’égalité réelle exige des mesures concrètes pour corriger les inégalités héritées. Les débats philosophiques et économiques opposent ceux qui défendent l’égalité des chances à ceux qui plaident pour une redistribution…