RELATED CONTENT : Energy transition and Renewables

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    9:00 am March 2022
    The Policy Center for the New South and the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center are pleased to organize a close workshop under theme “Renewables and the Future of Geopolitics” on Monday, March 21, 2022, starting 09:00 am GMT+1. This workshop will address an increasingly salient topic that sits at the intersection between energy transition, interstate relations and global trade: how the penetration of renewable energy affects geopolitics. As the recently published article by Hatipoglu, Al Muhanna and Efird (2020) demonstrate, this topic relates to various issues of immediate interest to energy markets. For instance, electricity creates a new form of interdependency between states, where such trade also locks in carbon trade. Energy transition also rests on glob ...
  • May 30, 2024
    L'Afrique, bien que jouant un rôle de plus en plus important, reste encore en marge sur la scène énergétique mondiale. Ce continent est riche en ressources énergétiques, qu'il s'agisse de pétrole, de gaz naturel, de charbon ou d'énergies renouvelables comme l'hydroélectricité, le solair...
  • Authors
    May 23, 2024
    Au cours de la prochaine décennie, la transition énergétique transformera le paysage économique mondial en termes de régulations, d’investissements industriels et énergétiques et de solutions technologiques développées. Le continent africain est appelé à jouer un rôle important dans cette transition, tout en répondant à ses propres besoins de développement durable. Pour tirer pleinement profit de cette dynamique naissante, les pays africains devraient s'engager sur de ...
  • Authors
    May 9, 2024
    It all began in 1924, when the World Energy Council (WEC) was established in order to harness the collective expertise of the global energy community and translate vision into tangible outcomes. In April 2024, the city of Rotterdam hosted the 26th Congress of the World Energy Council, whose theme was “Redesigning Energy for Better Lives and a Healthy Planet”.  It is not about a single energy transition, but rather many energy transitions. The concept of energy transition is not ...
  • Authors
    May 6, 2024
    The issue of environmental degradation represents a significant global challenge. It manifests in various forms, including physical alterations such as air pollution, ozone depletion, climate change, marine pollution and biodiversity loss. These changes are proven to be linked to human activities, such as energy production and consumption, tourism and agriculture. Additionally, factors like population growth and health and safety concerns contribute to environmental decline. Is Gro ...
  • Authors
    Sabrina Camélia Pagop
    Luc Savard
    April 29, 2024
    This study conducts an in-depth exploration of the increasing interest in voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) in Africa, shedding light on the potential opportunities and challenges associated with African participation in these markets. VCMs have gained prominence as promising means to address climate change, driven by substantial financial incentives and market expansion. Nonetheless, persistent debates revolve around the legitimacy of carbon credits and their tangible contributions t ...
  • April 19, 2024
    The global energy crisis caused by COVID-19 and the Ukraine conflict has exposed the economic and geopolitical vulnerabilities of North Africa, which relies heavily on fossil fuels. Howev ...
  • Authors
    Hamza Mjahed
    Camellia Mahjoubi
    April 2, 2024
    The current decade is critical for global decarbonization. The ongoing energy transition will bring about changes in technology, commodities, infrastructure, supply chains, as well as geopolitical factors, which could give rise to new energy security challenges. It is therefore important to undertake a thorough re-evaluation of energy security dynamics, with a view to enhancing the resilience of power systems. In this paper, we examine North Africa’s energy transition trajectory th ...
  • Authors
    Miguel Vazquez
    March 26, 2024
    Low-carbon hydrogen is a potential contributor to the goals defined in the Paris Agreement, i.e. limiting the increase in the global average temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The transformation of hydrogen production is a part of this effort, as current production methods in the hydrogen industry are carbon-intensive. To achieve net-zero scenarios, hydrogen production and consumption will need to change. Creating a pipeline of projects plays a central role in drivin ...
  • Authors
    March 19, 2024
    Par rapport aux intérêts des générations des années cinquante, soixante et soixante-dix (dont je fais partie), la question de l’environnement n’est venue se greffer dans les préoccupations des acteurs, leurs réflexions et programmes d’action, que tardivement. Il faudra encore quelque temps pour mûrir les éléments de cette problématique relativement nouvelle. Toutefois, dès le départ on est partagé entre deux visions : d’une part, une approche qui considère la protection de l’envir ...
  • Authors
    Carolina Novac
    February 15, 2024
    The author of this piece, Carolina Novac, is a 2023 alumna of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about her here.   This year, I had the honor to participate for the first time in the World Economic Forum (WEF), as a member of the delegation of Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean. WEF has always been a melting pot of innovative ideas, and a place where world leaders, business giants, and thought leaders can bring suitable, joint solutions to the main chall ...
  • Authors
    February 13, 2024
    As a net energy importer seeking to improve its energy security, Morocco has stepped up initiatives to achieve a level of domestic energy sovereignty. This includes following guidelines for transitioning to cleaner energy sources, with an emphasis on diversification. This diversification extends to natural gas, solar and wind power, and innovative solutions such as green hydrogen. Morocco recognizes cooperation as a crucial element for the success of its strategies, as underlined by ...
  • February 8, 2024
    In this episode, we examine the state of energy integration in Africa, a continent striving for both sustainable development and industrialization. We delve into the current challenges, the tension between renewable energy and fossil fuels. Ultimately, the episode sheds light on the int...
  • Authors
    February 1, 2024
    Le paysage énergétique mondial est actuellement en mutation, marqué par des progrès importants en termes de transition vers des sources d'énergie renouvelables et d’accélération de l'électrification. Cette évolution est cruciale pour faire face au changement climatique et assurer un avenir énergétique durable. Elle coexiste, néanmoins, avec l'utilisation persistante des énergies fossiles dans certains secteurs. Bien que les technologies renouvelables soient dorénavant compétitives e ...
  • November 28, 2023
    La COP28 place l'agriculture au cœur des discussions climatiques mondiales, reconnaissant son rôle crucial dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Il s’agit d’un rendez-vous déterminant pour l’avenir de l’agriculture, où la communauté internationale se réunie pour développer des ...
  • November 28, 2023
    في حلقة هذا الأسبوع من حديث الثلاثاء، سنحاول تقييم أهم نتائج المؤتمر العالمي لتغير المناخ للسنة الماضية وتأثيرها على دول الجنوب العالمي نظرا لاحتياجاتها من التمويل للتخفيف وقدرتها على التكيف مع هذه التغيرات، خاصة وأن أن هذه الدول فقدت  ما لا يقل عن 525 مليار دولار أمريكي بسبب تأثيرات ال...
  • November 28, 2023
    Policy Center for the New South will be present in COP28 along strategic partners: FNF-Madrid Office and Union for the Mediterranean to uncover the harsh realities faced by communities as they grapple with environmental shifts, through presenting the paper: Climate change and migration ...
  • November 28, 2023
    À l'approche de la COP 28 à Dubaï, la problématique du financement climatique pour les pays en développement persiste. Jusqu'à 2022, les pays développés n'ont pas honoré leur engagement de mobiliser 100 milliards de dollars par an d'ici à 2020 pour ces nations en développement. Ces dern...
  • November 28, 2023
    COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh marked a significant milestone with the establishment of a historic Loss and Damage (L&D) fund, signaling progress in global climate justice. Collaboration between developed and developing economies played a pivotal role in this achievement. The conference a...
  • November 28, 2023
    To achieve a fair Energy Transition in Africa, it is imperative to consider the diversity of African nations, their unique resources, and how each solution should be tailored to the needs and means of the country. The world must address these challenges while confronting issues such as ...
  • Authors
    Veronika Ertl
    Yassine Zegzouti
    November 20, 2023
    The Mediterranean region is one of the major climate-change hotspots. Advancing the region’s transition to a low-carbon and renewable energy production system will be crucial to counter global warming and achieve the objectives outlined in the Paris Agreement. However, fossil fuels continue to dominate the region's energy mix, while renewable energy sources meet only a marginal share of the overall demand. The green-energy transition in Mediterranean countries, moreover, represents ...
  • Authors
    November 2, 2023
    The global economic environment has changed as the U.S.—and to a less confrontational degree, the European Union—have clearly established a context of technological rivalry with China. Hindering China’s progress in the sophistication of semiconductor production has become a centerpiece of current U.S. foreign policy. While the U.S. is clearly winning the semiconductor war, the picture is different when it comes to clean-energy technology. Both technology wars overlap with access to ...
  • November 2, 2023
    Dans cet entretien, Hamdi Hached, expert en politique liée au changement climatique au sein de la Fondation Friedrich Naumann pour la Liberté en Tunisie et en Libye, aborde l'importance de l'hydrogène vert et des énergies renouvelables dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Il e...
  • Authors
    November 2, 2023
    Le 1er octobre 2023 a marqué le début de la phase transitoire du Mécanisme d'Ajustement Carbone aux Frontières (CBAM en anglais) de l'Union européenne (UE). L'objectif de cette initiative est d'instaurer une tarification du carbone sur les biens importés qui soit équivalente à celle appliquée aux biens produits au sein de l'UE, visant ainsi à réguler les émissions de carbone. Cette démarche implique la mise en place d'un ensemble d'obligations de déclaration et de conformité pour le ...
  • Authors
    October 25, 2023
    This report was originally published on   This report presents an analysis and recommendations regarding EU-Africa relations with a focus on the green transition and energy, the first priority area of the EU’s Comprehensive Strategy with Africa. It aims at identifying the areas in climate and energy policy in which jointly owned cooperation is possible, and how the partnership, ultimately, can unlock mutual benefits. Specifically, the report examines global challenges prese ...
  • September 27, 2023
    In this episode, we delve into the critical issues of climate change, energy transition, and food security in Africa. Our discussion highlights the multifaceted impact of climate change o ...
  • Authors
    September 7, 2023
    Le développement industriel au Maroc a connu globalement une croissance soutenue durant les deux dernières décennies. Des locomotives ont contribué à l’émergence et à la consolidation d’écosystèmes industriels compétitifs et résilients. Leur rôle moteur et catalyseur, appuyé par un ensemble d’initiatives portées par des politiques publiques volontaristes, ont permis de placer le Maroc dans des chaînes de valeur mondiales et dans des secteurs de haute technologie. La ...
  • Authors
    September 4, 2023
    À  l’approche du Sommet africain du climat (Africa Climate Summit), qui se tiendra à Nairobi du 4 au 6 septembre 2023, de très nombreuses organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) ont écrit au président du Kenya, William Ruto, pour lui faire part de leurs inquiétudes concernant l’ordre du jour de ce sommet. Selon ces ONG, les intérêts des entreprises et des pays occidentaux pourraient prendre le pas sur ceux de l’Afrique. Les vraies priorités sont notamment d’éliminer progressivement ...
  • Authors
    Deborah Braide
    August 15, 2023
    Deborah Braide is a 2022 alumna of Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about her here. Although equitable participation in STEM careers has historically been low, through advocacy, policy changes and recent initiatives, African women and youths are now rising to the forefront of STEM and sustainable energy. Maintaining momentum and addressing barriers to entry requires a holistic transformation of educational systems, financing, and socio-cultural norms. The Af ...
  • August 11, 2023
     In a constantly evolving global landscape, characterized by a series of impactful shockwaves reverberating across various sectors, the energy sector stands out as one that has been signi ...
  • August 4, 2023
    The energy crisis has heavily impacted energy transition plans and roadmaps of many Mediterranean countries and has highlighted the question of how to move ahead with the decarbonisation of Mediterranean energy while securing economic development and the uninterrupted availability of po...
  • Authors
    July 21, 2023
    The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) has emerged as an important policy tool in the European Union's (EU) efforts to combat climate change and prevent carbon leakage. By putting a price on carbon emissions embedded in certain goods imported into the EU, the CBAM has the potential to impact economies worldwide, including Morocco. This policy brief examines recent CBAM developments and assesses their implications for Morocco's economy and climate change efforts. It analyzes t ...
  • Authors
    Javier Cantero
    June 16, 2023
     This brief was originally published on as part of a partnership between the Policy Center for the New South and the German Marshall Fund of the United States.   Air and ocean temperatures are increasing at record levels despite international efforts to mitigate carbon emissions. The consequences of this failure go beyond its harmful effects on climate patterns to endangering global political, economic, and social stability. Human security is on the line and faces even ...
  • May 26, 2023
    The energy and ecological transition (EET) is inevitable, desirable, and now accepted worldwide. But how this transition will be financed remains highly uncertain. This Policy Paper analyzes the financing needs and reviews the different possible financial channels. Some avenues have already been launched, and procedures and instruments are being put in place, but all of this remains insufficient. Many solutions will have to be combined, and these will require financial innovations, ...
  • May 19, 2023
    This Policy Paper was originally published on This study explores how Morocco can successfully develop a green hydrogen market and at the same time contribute to the global energy transition. Authors Rim Berahab and Afaf Zarkik show how Morocco’s bold strategies and investments in renewables can shape a promising future for green hydrogen. They chart a path to decipher the potential of this energy vector, while outlining the elements necessary for the emergence of a g ...
  • Authors
    Abdelmonim AMACHRAA
    May 17, 2023
    Nothing better illustrates the positive contribution of the integration of national economies into global value chains than the fact that in the 1990s, the automotive sector barely existed in Morocco. Now, it is the leading export sector, with a production and assembly capacity of 700,000 vehicles, making it an attractive and competitive hub linking Africa and Europe in the automotive value chain. However, the automotive industry is on the cusp of change, with advances in electric a ...
  • May 9, 2023
    La transition énergétique et écologique (TEE) est inéluctable, souhaitable et désormais acceptée au plan mondial. Mais le financement de cette transition demeure fort incertain. L’objet de ce Policy Paper est d’analyser les besoins de financement à considérer, et de passer en revue les différents canaux financiers possibles. Des pistes ont déjà été lancées, des procédures et des instruments sont mis en place, mais tout cela reste insuffisant. Il va falloir combiner un grand nombre d ...
  • Authors
    May 8, 2023
    The energy sector faces many challenges that undermine economic growth, energy security and access, and environmental sustainability. To address these challenges, Atlantic Basin countries need to improve access to reliable energy, diversify their energy mix with low-carbon alternatives and improve energy efficiency in the long term. However, the transition to clean energy will also create new risks and challenges that differ from one Atlantic country to another, requiring additional ...
  • Authors
    Nallely Garza
    April 20, 2023
    Nallely Garza is a 2022 alumna of Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about her here. On March 1, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, confirmed during Tesla’s Investors Day the construction of its next Gigafactory in Monterrey, Mexico, which will represent an investment of 5 billion dollars and the creation of around 6,000 new jobs. The question is, “Why Mexico”? What are the factors that made Mexico win this investment against other countries? Mexico’s automotive indus ...
  • April 10, 2023
    This policy paper examines India’s growing engagement in North Africa, focusing on five countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. Despite lacking a distinct regional policy for North Africa, India has amplified its bilateral engagement with these countries, underpinned by a steadfast commitment to the principle of South-South cooperation. Through its strategic moves in North Africa, India has established a powerful southern-west axis for its foreign policy that stretch ...
  • Authors
    April 10, 2023
    The contemporary global energy landscape is experiencing noteworthy changes in demand, supply, technology, markets, and investment. These developments transcend conventional oil and gas security considerations. Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, have become increasingly cost-effective compared to fossil fuels, and the minerals required to produce them are gaining importance. Nevertheless, recent events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine ha ...
  • March 07, 2023
    انطلقت دول وتكتّلات جهوية كثيرة في تطوير قطاع الهيدروجين الأخضر، معتبرة إياه مورد أساسي لتلبية الطلب الدولي للطاقة في المستقبل، حيث يفرض تغير المناخ البحث عن بدائل للنفط والغاز الطبيعي وا ...
  • February 28, 2023
    انطلقت دول وتكتّلات جهوية كثيرة في تطوير قطاع الهيدروجين الأخضر، معتبرة إياه مورد أساسي لتلبية الطلب الدولي للطاقة في المستقبل، حيث يفرض تغير المناخ البحث عن بدائل للنفط والغاز الطبيعي والفحم المهيمنين حاليا ومنذ بداية العصر الصناعي على الاستهلاك العالمي للطاقة. فتم الاعلان عن استراتيجي...
  • Authors
    February 17, 2023
    The North Sea has been an important energy hub for many European countries for centuries. It is home to many natural resources, from oil and natural gas, to wind and wave energy, making it a powerhouse of energy production. In recent decades, the North Sea has seen significant investment in energy infrastructure and innovation, allowing many of these resources to be harnessed and used to supply energy to much of Europe. Furthermore, the North Sea has become more important for Europe ...
  • Authors
    February 13, 2023
    The volatility in energy markets since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019/2020 has continued, with unprecedented uncertainty about global energy supply developing over the course of 2022 in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, against a backdrop of weakening macroeconomic conditions and high inflation. While some perceived this as a potential setback for the energy transition, others saw it as an opportunity to move away from fossil fuels and accelerate the developme ...
  • Authors
    Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega
    Élise Cassignol
    January 27, 2023
    A rapidly-expanding market Water desalination is gradually emerging as the leading solution to cope with increasing water stress: i.e., the imbalance between water demand and quantities available. The United Nations estimates that by 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population will be affected by such challenges. The causes of water scarcity are multiple, including climate change, intensive agriculture, and population growth. This requires states to rethink their water policies, whi ...
  • Authors
    January 23, 2023
    Les fluctuations que connaissent les marchés de l'énergie depuis le début de la pandémie de la Covid-19 en 2019/2020 se sont prolongées, avec une incertitude sans précédent, sur l'approvisionnement énergétique mondial, qui s'est développée au cours de 2022 à la suite de l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie, dans un contexte d'affaiblissement de la macroéconomie et d'inflation élevée. Alors que certains voyaient en ce contexte un risque de ralentissement de la transition énergétique ...
  • Authors
    January 6, 2023
    Le marché de l’hydrogène vert est appelé à connaitre de grands bouleversements dans les années à venir avec l’émergence de nouveaux acteurs de la transition énergétique. Néanmoins, ce marché est encore tributaire du développement de la demande, de la baisse des coûts de production, de transport et de stockage, du développement d’une chaîne logistique très compétitive et de la mise en place de cadre juridique et règlementaire approprié. Malgré les différents dé ...
  • Authors
    January 6, 2023
    The green hydrogen market1 is poised for major upheaval in the years to come as new players in the energy transition emerge. This market, however, still depends on the development of demand, the reduction of production, transport and storage costs, the development of truly competitive supply chains and the establishment of and appropriate legal and regulatory framework. Despite the many challenges facing this sector, a number of countries have begun to position themselves as impor ...
  • Authors
    Saloi El Yamani
    November 25, 2022
    In a global context shaped by a three-dimensional crisis: the Covid-19 crisis, the climate change crisis, and the Russia-Ukraine war, the issues of connectivity, value chains, and the green transition are at the heart of the current policy debates all over the globe. In this regard, the Policy Center for the New South has organized, jointly with the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), a conference on November 2nd, 2022, under the theme “Connectivity, Value Chains, and the Green Tr ...
  • November 11, 2022
    Since its unveiling in December 2019, The EU Green Deal became one of the EU’s most ambitious policies, aiming at protecting the planet and Europeans from environmental degradations, thro ...
  • November 8, 2022
    سياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة خاصّة من برنامج حديث الثلاثاء لموضوع تغيّر المناخ، في إطار مؤتمر الأطراف لاتفاقية الأمم المتحدة بشأن المناخ «كوب 27» الذي ينعقد في مدينة شرم الشيخ المصرية. وفي هذه الحلقة، سيتم التطرق لموضوع تغير المناخ من وجهة نظر العلوم الدقيقة وباتخاذ المدى والزمان ال...
  • November 4, 2022
    La COP27 se déroulera du 7 au 18 novembre 2022 à Charm el-Cheikh, en Égypte, afin d’évaluer l’impact des mesures prises par les parties et les progrès accomplis dans la réalisation des objectifs de la Convention-cadre, à savoir stabiliser les concentrations de gaz à effet de serre à un niveau qui empêche toute perturbation anthropique dangereuse induite par l’homme du système climatique. Alors que la concentration de dioxyde de carbone dans l’atmosphère est plus forte que jamais, la ...
  • Authors
    November 4, 2022
    This year, the Conference of the Parties (COP27) will be held in in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. On the outset of this auspicious occasion, it is befitting to reflect upon contemporary climate adaptation and mitigation policies, from a southern and African point of view. Indeed, climate change is one of the stickiest policy problems of the 21st century, because it is inherently a global and multidimensional problem entailing a bundle of policy features. Following the consecutives shocks ...
  • November 3, 2022
    This chapter was originally published in CEPR's eBook "Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South" The world faces a huge shortage of infrastructure investment relative to its needs. With few exceptions, such as China, this shortage is even greater in non-advanced countries. The G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue estimated the volume of global infrastructure investment needed by 2040 to be $81 trillion, $53 trillion of which is needed in non- advanced cou ...
  • November 2, 2022
    This publication was originally published in Project Syndicate    Mobilizing excess savings in advanced economies for much-needed investment in green infrastructure in emerging-market and developing economies will not be easy. But it is possible, if both the public and private sectors do their parts. WASHINGTON, DC – To spur development and fight climate change, emerging-market and developing economies (EMDEs) will need huge amounts of investment in green infrastructure over the ...
  • Authors
    Sous la direction de Larabi Jaïdi
    Muhammad Ba
    Marouane Ikira
    Pierre Jacquemot
    Brian Kelly Nyaga
    Leo Kemboi
    Moubarack Lo
    Mouhamadou Ly
    Solomon Muqay
    Dennis Njau
    Meriem Oudmane
    Kwame Owino
    Faith Pittet
    Amaye Sy
    September 29, 2022
    La succession des chocs pandémique, climatique et géopolitique a éprouvé les économies africaines. Les liens commerciaux et financiers avec le monde ne sont plus seulement considérés comme des moteurs de performance, mais aussi comme des sources potentielles de vulnérabilité. La défiance à l’égard de la mondialisation s’est accrue. Parce qu’elle est venue souligner la dépendance du continent, le dérèglement de ses rapports à la nature et sa vulnérabilité face aux tensions géopolitiq ...
  • Authors
    Hugo Le Picard
    September 26, 2022
    Après plusieurs décennies de réformes, la situation des secteurs électriques centralisés a peu évolué. Le secteur de l’électricité subsaharien reste peu développé et les secteurs électriques font face à d’importantes difficultés financières qui ont été encore accrues par les conséquences de la pandémie puis de la guerre en Ukraine. Les pertes d’exploitation de l’ensemble des secteurs électriques africains auraient dépassé les 150 milliards de dollars en 2020. F ...
  • Authors
    August 17, 2022
    In May 2021, the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) report Net Zero by 2050 stated that there is no need for new investments in oil and gas fields in their net zero pathway[1]. The message was clear: place your next investments in clean energy sources and energy efficiency. However, the IEA’s Africa Energy Outlook 2022 stated that Africa’s industrialisation relies in expanding the use of natural gas[2]. Even the IEA executive director Fatih Birol said, “if we make a list of the top ...
  • Authors
    August 10, 2022
    Les énergies fossiles (pétrole, charbon, gaz naturel) ne sont plus à la mode, compte tenu de leur très importante responsabilité dans le changement climatique. Les appels en vue de leur disparition (progressive) se multiplient mais ces combustibles représentent encore un peu plus de 80 % de la consommation mondiale d’énergie primaire (83 % en 2021, selon la BP Statistical Review of World Energy). Et de nombreux projets sont en cours de développement à travers le monde. En Afrique, l ...
  • July 6, 2022
    Le Policy Center for the New South et Enel Green Power Maroc co-organisent un webinaire sur "la tarification du carbone et le développement économique". Cette rencontre permettra de débattre des défis, des avantages et des limites des mécanismes de tarification du carbone et de leur imp...
  • Authors
    May 18, 2022
    Pursuing efforts to decarbonize economies and increase energy systems’ resilience is crucial to stay within global warming limits and fight the consequences of climate change, which are becoming increasingly acute. The transition to a net-zero economy will be commodityintensive and require significant quantities of critical minerals, defined as metals and nonmetals essential to high-tech sectors. As the shift to cleaner technologies progresses, supply of critical minerals for the en ...
  • Authors
    April 22, 2022
    Emerging market and developing economies (EMDE) face a common set of external shocks: rising energy and food prices; tightening in global financial conditions caused by the prospect of sharper interest rate hikes and anticipation of "quantitative tightening"; and return of restrictions on mobility in China, on account of the Covid zero policy, leading to slumping in growth and weakening one of the primary growth drivers for the other EMDE. However, the impacts of those common shocks ...
  • Authors
    Niranjali Amerasinghe 
    Chiara Colesanti Senni 
    Simon Dikau 
    Yaroslav Lissovolik 
    Claude Lopez 
    Serafín Martínez-Jaramillo 
    Andrew McConnell 
    Christina Parajon Skinner 
    Jon Sward 
    Viviane Helena Torinelli 
    Boyan Yanovski 
    March 28, 2022
    Climate change has quickly become one of the most pressing challenges of our society. Financial actors could play a key role in supporting and fostering a shift towards a low-carbon economy. In this context, central banks could have a primary function in both tackling climate-related risks and the ones related to the transition and, potentially, proactively redirecting resources towards green initiatives. Central banks are indeed exploring how different types of climate-related risk ...
  • March 18, 2022
    تم تقديم إطلاق مبادرة جماعية لتطوير شراكات جديدة من أجل انتقال عادل للطاقة في إفريقيا خلال القمة بين الاتحاد الأوروبي والاتحاد الإفريقي. فما هي المبادرات المبرمجة بين الاتحاد الأوروبي و إ ...
  • Authors
    March 16, 2022
    The 2021 German federal election brought about a historic reshuffle of the political parties’ hierarchy in Europe’s biggest economy. The Social Democratic Party are back in control of the Chancellery for the first time since 2005, as part of a three-party coalition at the federal level with the Greens and the Liberals, a first in Germany’s post-war history. Now, the federal government has turned its gaze towards its founding mission: more progress. The first 100 days of the three-pa ...
  • March 1, 2022
    Known for being a climate change hotspot, Morocco is at the forefront of a climate disaster. Consequences are already being felt, whether in the form of increasing temperature or a downward trend in precipitations, which directly threaten the water security and, by extension, the social-ecological systems of the country. The systems by which food, energy, and water are produced, distributed, and consumed heavily depend on one another. Their implicit feedbacks and links are not linea ...
  • February 25, 2022
    The One Planet Summit for the Ocean was held in Brest during which President Emmanuel Macron brought together heads of state and government, heads of multilateral institutions, business l ...
  • Authors
    February 14, 2022
    Si les liens existant entre l’exportation de matières premières et l’industrialisation sont étudiés depuis longtemps, l’entrée résolue de l’économie mondiale dans l’ère de la transition environnementale et numérique leur offre une dimension toute particulière. L’évidence de la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique par la décarbonation de notre monde ne saurait, en effet, faire oublier toute la complexité de la stratégie à adopter pour y parvenir. Il s’agit, pour l ...
  • Authors
    February 9, 2022
    Energy markets have experienced significant disruptions since the outbreak of COVID-19. In late 2021, soaring natural gas prices triggered a new crisis, leading to risks of energy supply shortages worldwide and propelling the issue of energy security to the forefront. Africa will not be spared the repercussions of this crisis, which could further increase energy inequality, which is in turn linked to other forms of inequality. Indeed, in a context of persistent inflation, the lack o ...
  • Authors
    January 13, 2022
    “This opinion was prepared within the framework of the Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”   As part of the lengthy fight against climate change, the European Union (EU) has introduced a Border Carbon A ...
  • Authors
    December 10, 2021
    Addressing the increasing demands for water, energy, and food requires a coherent methodology to ensure that  societies have access to them and that conflict over them is avoided. For example, agriculture and food production  require water and energy; energy production also requires water and, in some instances, agricultural products.  Water distribution and treatment can be very energy intensive. Therefore, the benefits of approaching the Water- Energy-Food (WEF) nexus in an integr ...
  • Authors
    December 10, 2021
     Accelerating the transition toward low or net-zero carbon emissions is necessary to keep global warming at theoretically safe levels. That will likely bring price shocks associated with rising metal prices, energy costs, and carbon taxes – what has been called “greenflation”. Greening the economy will also require public spending and redistributive policies. ...
  • Authors
    December 3, 2021
    Si le recours aux énergies renouvelables ne peut que croître, doit-on symétriquement considérer que le gaz naturel est, à l’instar du pétrole et du charbon, une énergie du passé ? Cette question simple en apparence, appelant une réponse tranchée et nécessairement positive au regard de l’impératif climatique, de la nécessité de décarboner nos économies, mais également des engagements politiques pris dans ce sens par de nombreuses nations. Le bien-fondé environnemental de ce raisonnem ...
  • November 19, 2021
    This Podcast is based on a Policy Brief by Rim Berahab and Uri Dadush. It examines how Morocco progresses on the mitigation component of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targe ...
  • Authors
    November 10, 2021
    Après avoir connu plusieurs années difficiles marquées par une abondance de stocks et des surcapacités, l’aluminium a vu ses cours flamber sur les dix premiers mois de 2021, et ce malgré une inflexion récente. Au-delà de la reprise de la demande mondiale dans un contexte post-Covid-19, c’est la contraction de l’offre de la Chine, premier producteur mondial, qui expliquait cette dynamique haussière, alors que nombre de métaux de base tendaient à voir leurs prix fléchir depuis l’été. ...
  • November 9, 2021
     Lors de la COP 26, il est probable que l'on accorde plus d'attention aux grands émetteurs comme la Chine et les États-Unis qu'à la situation des petits pays en développement, pourtant plus exposés aux conséquences du changement climatique. Le Maroc fait partie de cette catégorie. Ce Policy Brief examine les objectifs d'atténuation du Maroc dans le cadre de ses CDN et ses performances à ce jour avant de s'intéresser aux mesures nécessaires pour atteindre l'objectif à moyen terme de ...
  • November 9, 2021
     As COP 26 unfolds, more attention is likely to be paid to big emitters such as China and the United States than to the situation of small developing countries, even though they are more exposed to the consequences of climate change. Morocco falls into this category. This Policy Brief examines Morocco's mitigation objectives under its NDCs and its performance to date before exploring the needed measures to achieve the 2030 mid- term goal. Although Morocco has made significant progre ...
  • Authors
    November 2, 2021
    How close are we to the apocalypse, human culture, democracy, wisdom, thrown back in time and reduced to the mind of Neanderthals? Remember them, 40 000 years ago? Or back to the days of the dinosaurs, 233 million years gone by, yet unforgotten, thanks to Hollywood. Gone are the mammoths, the cave men, the pest and cholera and wars, which lasted 30 years. Compared with the devastation of the “black death”, a bubonic plague pandemic (1347 to 1353), which caused the death of up to 20 ...
  • Authors
    November 2, 2021
    Quelques jours avant le début de la COP 26 à Glasgow, en Ecosse, la Commission africaine de l’énergie (AFREC) (a) a voulu souligner que le gaz naturel pouvait jouer un rôle important dans le paysage énergétique africain. Le 25 octobre, l’AFREC a publié un communiqué de presse pour mettre en valeur une ‘’note d’orientation politique sur l’énergie’’ qui avait été achevée en juillet 2021. Le changement climatique est largement causé par la production et la consommation massive des éne ...
  • Authors
    November 2, 2021
    This article was initially published on in English, French and Spanish. How can the world achieve higher levels of decarbonization without compromising economic development? This column explores the case of Morocco, a developing country committed to contributing to the global effort against climate change. Assessment of possible decarbonization pathways suggests that particular attention should be paid to expanded penetration of renewable energy to meet future electri ...
  • Authors
    October 27, 2021
    Catastrophic Consequences Increasing wildfires, a sign of climate change, are reducing forests to ashes. This year alone, 43 billion metric tons of CO2 will be emitted into the atmosphere from forest fires. The world lost about 10 million hectares of forests per year between 2015 and 2020, according to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), in its 2021 report Ecosystem Restoration for people, nature and climate. Each year an average of 122 million hectares of forests are af ...
  • Authors
    October 26, 2021
    Minus 50 degrees Celsius is a challenge for human beings who were not raised in the Arctic, becoming familiar with polar bears and dog sleds. Plus 50 degrees Celsius is part of a nomadic reality, of survival in the desert, short of water and shadow, but rich in stars above and vicious vipers in the sand. Eskimos, known as Inuit and Yupik, and Bedouins and Tuaregs, indigenous people, survive by trusting instinct and their embrace of nature, strengthened throughout childhood by cod li ...
  • Authors
    Sous la direction de : Philippe Chalmin
    October 25, 2021
    Fruit d’une collaboration étroite entre CyclOpe et le Policy Center for the New South (PCNS), le rapport Arcadia – pour Annual Report on Commodity Analytics and Dynamics In Africa – se fonde sur une réalité bien connue : les matières premières fa- çonnent et façonneront une large part de la physionomie des économies africaines et doivent, en raison de cette dimension stratégique, faire l’objet d’analyses dédiées. À cet égard, ce rapport est probablement unique. Il offre en effet un ...
  • October 15, 2021
    The European Commission recently presented several legislative proposals as part of its “Fit for 55” initiative, designed to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. A Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) has been proposed as part of this initiative. The CBAM would be complementary to the EU’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS), involving CBAM certificates issued to importers based on the integrated emissions intensity of the produc ...
  • Authors
    October 1, 2021
    Africa is often overlooked in international policy conversations about climate change, but the continent has not been spared extreme weather events. On the eve of COP26, in Glasgow, United Kingdom, in October 2021, and as the African Union formulates a climate strategy for the continent, it is worth recalling how global warming is affecting different parts of Africa and how the continent fits into policy conversations on climate change. ...
  • Authors
    Raffaele Della Croce
    Miguel Vazquez
    September 29, 2021
    In order to close the financing gap in green technologies, finding new mechanisms to enhance the participation of the private sector, combined with that of the public sector, in financing sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure is a must. In this context, some unlisted instruments are going to be needed to enhance financing of green infrastructure. Besides, the development of properly structured projects, with risks and returns in line with the preferences of the different ...
  • September 8, 2021
    The report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released at the beginning of August, left no room for doubt. According to its estimates, it will be necessary to accelerate the pace of global containment of carbon emissions if the expected increases in global average temperatures are to be kept below 2 or 1.5 degrees Celsius, with correspondingly less-dramatic climatic consequences. Even if emissions of greenhouse gases are reduced over the next few ...
  • September 6, 2021
    L’Union européenne (UE) a annoncé le 14 juillet une proposition de taxe carbone à ses frontières, qui devrait renchérir les importations de produits fortement émetteurs (acier, aluminium, ciment, électricité et engrais). Cette même taxe est déjà appliquée au sein de l’UE, qui veut désormais l’imposer aux fabricants étrangers. En soi, le projet part d’une bonne intention. Il n’est pas motivé par le protectionnisme, mais par des préoccupations climatiques on ne peut plus justiíées. S ...
  • August 27, 2021
    Il est bien connu que le poids de l’Afrique sur la scène énergétique mondiale est faible, ce qui est le reflet de son poids économique. En 2020, en termes de consommation, la part de l’Afrique dans le total mondial ne dépassait pas 3% à 4%. De plus, cette part n’a que très peu augmenté au cours des dix dernières années. L’an dernier, l’Afrique ne représentait que 3,3% de la consommation mondiale d’énergie primaire (pétrole, gaz naturel, charbon, énergie nucléaire, hydroélectricité ...
  • Authors
    Chami Abdelilah
    Derj Atar
    Hammi Ibtissem
    Morazzo Mariano
    Naciri Yassine
    with the technical support of AFRY
    July 29, 2021
    As decarbonization is a long-term process and requires significant investments, specific financial and non- financial measures will need to be implemented, both in the short and long term, to facilitate this transition. In Part II of Morocco’s decarbonization pathway Policy Brief series, an update of the decarbonization scenarios was presented. It revealed that the Increased Ambition and Green Development scenarios achieve higher decarbonization targets than current policy. It showe ...
  • Authors
    Chami Abdelilah
    Derj Atar
    Hammi Ibtissem
    Morazzo Mariano
    Naciri Yassine
    with the technical support of AFRY
    July 23, 2021
    La décarbonisation est un processus à long terme qui nécessite des investissements importants. Ainsi, des mesures financières et non financières spécifiques devront être mises en œuvre, à la fois à court et à long termes, pour faciliter cette transition. Dans la deuxième partie de la série de Policy Briefs sur la trajectoire de décarbonisation du Maroc, une mise à jour des scénarios de décarbonisation a été présentée. Elle révèle que les scénarios « Ambition accélérée » et « Dévelop ...
  • Authors
    Chami Abdelilah
    Derj Atar
    Hammi Ibtissem
    Morazzo Mariano
    Naciri Yassine
    with the technical support of AFRY
    July 19, 2021
    Morocco's significant renewable energy resources offer an unprecedented opportunity to anchor the country’s economic and political choices in the energy transition, and to turn the transition into an essential lever for economic development. This is all the more relevant as the costs of renewable energies have dropped over the past 10 years2, and now offer strong potential, not only for creating green jobs but for ensuring a dynamic and resilient economic growth as well. In 2020, ne ...
  • July 13, 2021
    يلتزم المغرب منذ سنة 2009 بتسريع تطوير الطاقات المتجددة، وتعزيز الكفاءة في استخدام الطاقة وكذلك التكامل الإقليمي من خلال اعتماد استراتيجية وطنية طموحة للطاقة. بعد أكثر من 10 سنوات، تم تحقيق العديد من الإنجازات. لكن مع انتشار وباء كوفيد 19 والازمة الصحية التي نتجت عنه، تم فرض العديد من ا...
  • Authors
    Chami Abdelilah
    Derj Atar
    Hammi Ibtissem
    Morazzo Mariano
    Naciri Yassine
    with the technical support of AFRY
    July 9, 2021
    Les conséquences du changement climatique sont de plus en plus visibles au Maroc. Le schéma changeant des précipitations et de la sécheresse, l'augmentation des températures moyennes et des canicules, les inondations et l'augmentation du niveau de la mer affectent de plus en plus de nombreuses régions. Et pourtant, le taux d'émission de gaz à effet de serre (GES) du Maroc est relativement faible, comparé à celui d'autres pays. En 20162, les émissions totales de GES du Maroc ont atte ...
  • Authors
    Chami Abdelilah
    Derj Atar
    Hammi Ibtissem
    Morazzo Mariano
    Naciri Yassine
    with the technical support of AFRY
    July 9, 2021
    The consequences of climate change are becoming progressively more visible in Morocco. Changes in rainfall patterns and drought, increases in average temperatures and heatwaves, flooding, and rising sea levels are increasingly affecting several regions. Yet, Morocco has a relatively low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission rate, compared to other countries. In 20162, Morocco’s total GHG emissions reached 86127.7 gigagram of carbon dioxide equivalent (Gg CO2-eq), totaling around 0.2% of glo ...
  • Authors
    Chami Abdelilah
    Derj Atar
    Hammi Ibtissem
    Morazzo Mariano
    Naciri Yassine
    with the technical support of AFRY
    July 9, 2021
    Les importantes ressources en énergies renouvelables du Maroc offrent une opportunité sans précédent d’ancrer les choix économiques et politiques du pays dans la transition énergétique, et de faire de cette transition un levier essentiel du développement économique. Ceci est d’autant plus important que le coût des énergies renouvelables a baissé au cours des 10 dernières années2 et présente désormais un fort potentiel, non seulement de création d’emplois verts mais aussi de croissan ...
  • July 7, 2021
    The world faces a huge shortfall of infrastructure investment relative to its needs. With a few exceptions, such as China, this shortfall is greatest in emerging and developing countries. The G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue estimated the volume of global infrastructure investment needed by 2040 to be $81 trillion, $53 trillion of which will be needed in non-advanced countries. The Dialogue projected a gap—in other words, a shortfall in relation to the investment needs foresee ...
  • Authors
    Chami Abdelilah
    Derj Atar
    Hammi Ibtissem
    Morazzo Mariano
    Naciri Yassine
    with the technical support of AFRY
    June 28, 2021
    Lors de la Conférence des Parties à la Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC) qui s'est tenue à Paris en 2015, les gouvernements se sont engagés à limiter l'augmentation de la température mondiale à un niveau bien inférieur à 2°C par rapport aux niveaux préindustriels. Ils se sont également engagés à atteindre, dès que possible, un pic de leurs émissions et à parvenir à la neutralité carbone au cours de la seconde moitié du siècle. Pour autant, m ...
  • Authors
    Chami Abdelilah
    Derj Atar
    Hammi Ibtissem
    Morazzo Mariano
    Naciri Yassine
    with the technical support of AFRY
    June 28, 2021
    During the 2015 Paris Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), governments pledged to limit the global temperature increase to well below 2°C above pre- industrial levels, to peak emissions as soon as possible, and to achieve carbon neutrality in the second half of the century. Yet, even assuming full implementation of the commitments made by governments in Paris, the global concentration of greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions will ...
  • June 16, 2021
    It is now an established fact that investment in infrastructure is considered as a driver for economic growth. It acts through different channels. In the short run, the construction phase of any projects often implies the direct creation of new jobs and an indirect creation of on periph...
  • Authors
    Nadia Makara
    June 3, 2021
    In an effort to spur economic growth, industrial parks were created to combine industrial activities with infrastructure, service, and commercial activities. These parks involve a collection of businesses, utilizing a combination of heavy and light manufacturing, that are located in a dedicated zone for industrial use to boost efficiency, minimize operational costs, and maximize output. Though industrial parks can contribute to economic growth and social development in a region, the ...
  • Authors
    April 27, 2021
    With a population of approximately 200 million, Nigeria accounts for about half of West Africa's population and has one of the largest concentrations of young people in the world. Endowed with abundant natural resources, Nigeria is one of Africa's largest oil exporters, with an estimated 37 billion barrels of proven crude oil reserves, the majority of which are found in the Niger River Delta and offshore in the Bight of Benin, the Gulf of Guinea and the Bight of Bonny. Nigeria also ...
  • April 12, 2021
    Water resources have become increasingly scarce in several regions of the world, particularly in arid and semi-arid zones. Countries located in these regions are constrained by water scarcity due to their hydro-climatic characteristics and intra- and interannual rainfall fluctuations. I...
  • March 31, 2021
    Depuis la découverte des ressources pétrolières du Nigeria en 1956, le secteur pétrolier a progressivement revêtu une importance considérable, jusqu'à devenir le principal moteur de l'économie du pays : le pétrole brut est le premier poste d'exportations (figure 1) ainsi que le principal pourvoyeur en réserves de devises et de recettes fiscales pour le gouvernement fédéral nigérian (figure 2). Cependant, malgré son importance, le secteur pétrolier n'a pas élargi la base productive d ...
  • March 26, 2021
    Il y a un peu moins d'un an, durant la nuit du 20 au 21 avril 2020, le prix du WTI s’est effondré, atteignant les moins 37 dollars. Le 16 février 2021, le WTI franchit le seuil des 60 $, ...
  • Authors
    December 7, 2020
    The pandemic is accelerating history, in the sense that it is leading to the speeding up of some recent trends. In the case of globalization, the pandemic will not reverse it, but it will reshape it. Here we take a bird’s eye view of global trade during the pandemic, relate it to previous trends, and guess how global value chain managers and government trade policymakers are likely to react. A Bird’s Eye View of Global Trade during the Pandemic World trade took a deep dive during ...
  • Authors
    Sang-Hyun Lee
    Amjad T. Assi
    Bassel Daher
    October 5, 2020
    Our Senior Fellow Rabi Mohtar has co-authored with our economist, Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub along other researchers a research paper entitled « A Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach for conducting trade-off analysis: Morocco’s phosphate industry in the Khouribga region » in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Journal (Volume 24, Issue 10). The study objective was to develop and use the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Phosphate (WEF-P) Tool to evaluate the impact of Morocco’s phosphate industry ...
  • September 24, 2020
    Profondément préoccupée par les niveaux alarmants de propagation et de sévérité du Coronavirus, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) annonce, le 11 mars 2020, que la Covid-19 a atteint le niveau de pandémie. Pour contenir la propagation du virus, la vie sociale et économique est pratiquement paralysée : Selon l’Agence internationale de l’Energie (AIE), environ un tiers de la population mondiale a fait l'objet de confinement complet ou partiel entre février et la mi-mai, et quas ...
  • Authors
    September 8, 2020
    The energy sector has undergone major transitions from the use of wood as a dominant fuel to the adoption of coal and, more recently, oil. In the 21st century gas has grown faster than any other fossil fuel and today renewable energy is growing even faster. The changes, combined with volatile energy prices and occasional shocks, create complex scenarios for the future of the energy sector. This has numerous implications, not only for the socio-economic development of NATO’s southern ...
  • Authors
    Pauline DESCHRYVER
    August 24, 2020
    Green finance has been a burgeoning sector since the Paris Agreement and is at the crossroads of financial, socio-economic and environmental challenges. It is hybrid in nature: it uses financial instruments and focuses on environmental issues, while coming under the wider field of so-called “sustainable” finance that assumes a broader approach with the inclusion of socio-economic and governance challenges. It is a catalyst as it facilitates and accelerates the transition to a low-ca ...
  • Authors
    Pauline DESCHRYVER
    August 24, 2020
    La finance verte est un champ en plein développement depuis l’accord de Paris, qui se situe à la croisée d’enjeux financiers, socioéconomiques et environnementaux. Elle est de nature hybride : opérant avec des outils financiers, elle se concentre sur les questions environnementales, tout en appartenant au champ plus large de la finance dite « durable », qui adopte une approche élargie avec l’inclusion d’enjeux socioéconomiques et de gouvernance. Elle possède une capacité catalytique ...
  • Authors
    Iskander Erzini Vernoit
    July 7, 2020
    The sobering historical moment we are living through presents a chance to reflect and to renew our resolve to take action to save lives, improve livelihoods, and build resilience. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused the loss of half a million lives and counting, according to the United Nations, and adversely affected the livelihoods of hundreds of millions more, resulting in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, according to the International Monetary Fun ...
  • Authors
    Silvia Pariente-David
    June 9, 2020
    “NEVER LET A SERIOUS CRISIS GO TO WASTE” President Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel (2008) after Sir Winston Churchill (mid-1940s) COVID-19 is a serious crisis but it presents several opportunities. The COVID epidemic is having a dramatic impact on the global economy (triggering the worst recessions since the Second World War), the health of the world population and the well-being and freedom of individuals. It is also sparking changes that may have beneficial economic, social a ...
  • June 1, 2020
    Bahattin Buyuksahin currently provides in-depth expert consulting and advisory services as well as executive teaching in commodities in general, and energy-related topics in particular. He has over fifteen years of experience in energy markets covering the spectrum of physical and finan...
  • Authors
    Kwamboka Kiangoi
    May 22, 2020
    For Africa, this new decade began full of promise to achieve the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals and on its way to realising the goals and priorities of Agenda 2063. With the entry of the intra-African trade from the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement, which comes into effect on July 1st 2020, an estimated combined gross domestic product (GDP) of more than US$3.4 trillion expected to trickle in the Continent. This revenue estimation is good ne ...
  • Authors
    May 8, 2020
    Digital technological innovation, combined with new financing approaches, can make a significant contribution in the field of access to energy. This is the case in Kenya, where payas- you-go solutions, combined with solar home systems and an extensive mobile network, have enabled thousands of Kenyans to access clean and affordable off-grid electricity. This policy paper identifies the drivers of the development of pay-as-you-go solutions in off-grid systems in Kenya, assesses their ...
  • Authors
    Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders
    May 6, 2020
    The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) believes in filling in the generational and perception gaps, and this can only be achieved when the younger generations of leaders and professionals are given a seat at the table, to challenge the established perspectives and forward the conversations. The PCNS supports youth as the leaders of today and has faith in their capacity to inflict change in the present. It also believes in: intergenerational dialogue and co-leadership; youth as a ...
  • Authors
    April 6, 2020
    The COVID-19 pandemic is evolving into an unprecedented international crisis, with serious consequences for human health and economic activity. While it is still too early to accurately determine the magnitude and persistence of the economic impact of the pandemic, a short-term assessment can be made. This short opinion focuses on the implications for energy markets. The rapid decline in crude oil prices has raised concerns on both the demand and supply sides, making the outlook for ...
  • February 27, 2020
    The Kingdom of Morocco, which has no oil and gas, has shifted to renewable energy as early as 1960, giving priority to hydroelectricity and the construction of dams. However, most of the country’s power plants were and remain powered by diesel or gas, which has a heavy impact on its balance payments. Since then, the demand for electricity has continued to grow due to the country’s development on the one hand and, as a result of the use of desalination facilities on the other hand, w ...
  • February 27, 2020
    Le Royaume du Maroc, dépourvu de pétrole et de gaz, s'est tourné, dès 1960, vers les énergies renouvelables, privilégiant alors l'hydroélectricité et la construction de barrages. Pour autant, l'essentiel des centrales électriques du pays était et demeure alimenté en gazole ou en gaz, impactant lourdement sa balance des paiements. Depuis, la demande d'électricité n'a cessé de croitre, d'une part, du fait du développement du pays et, d'autre part, suite au recours à des désalinisateur ...
  • February 21, 2020
    To strengthen the role of youth as agents of community development, the Policy Center for the New South launched a year ago a call for projects grounded in new and innovative approaches to existing local problems. RENEWIT’s aim is to help with the socio-economic situation in Guyana thro...
  • February 21, 2020
    To strengthen the role of youth as agents of community development, the Policy Center for the New South launched a year ago a call for projects grounded in new and innovative approaches to existing local problems. The Oasis Agrytech Hackathon project is aiming to preserve the Draa Tafil...
  • February 21, 2020
    To strengthen the role of youth as agents of community development, the Policy Center for the New South launched a year ago a call for projects grounded in new and innovative approaches to existing local problems. The iCAD is an environmental friendly business whose goal is to recycle h...
  • Authors
    Hynd Bouhia
    February 18, 2020
    On se pose plusieurs questions sur le futur de notre environnement, notre écologie et notre biodiversité. On doit tirer la sonnette d’alarme pour protéger le Maroc et la planète pour les générations futures. L’objectif de ce Papier est de mettre en avant l’importance des initiatives qui ont été déjà lancées par le gouvernement, le secteur privé et la société civile, en vue d’assurer l’adaptation et la mitigation aux changements climatiques. Le Maroc est précurseur dans cette lancée, ...
  • Authors
    Hynd Bouhia
    February 18, 2020
    The future of our environment, ecology and biodiversity raises a number of questions. Vigilance is critical to preseving both Morocco and the planet for future generations. This Paper highlights the importance of ongoing government, private sector and civil society initiatives to ensure adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change. Morocco is at the forefront of this momentum, as illustrated by the organization of the COP22 in Marrakech in 2016, the implementation of a National ...
  • Authors
    February 17, 2020
    - There are three possible justifications for central banks to engage with climate change issues: financial risks, macroeconomic impacts, and mitigation/adaptation policies. - Regardless of the extent to which individual central banks take action in each of the three areas, they can no longer ignore climate change. Last year, extreme weather events associated with climate change – floods, violent storms, droughts, and forest fires –occurred on all inhabited continents. In at least ...
  • Authors
    February 5, 2020
    I am pleading guilty. The evidence is indisputable, and denial a waste of time. I am using a weapon of mass destruction and threatening the future of our planet. I am killing life, a premeditated act. I   just have one excuse and four billion accomplices. I am an addict - a   polluter.  I use the internet. Our world is facing nuclear wars and climate change, the destruction of nature, the end of our civilization. Venice may sink, the rain forest of the Amazon turning into desert, t ...
  • December 17, 2019
    L’Inde est confrontée, aujourd’hui, à plusieurs défis énergétiques : - Assurer la sécurité énergétique du pays, en généralisant l’accès pour tous à l’électricité. Ce qui n’est pas le cas en 2019. - Le faire en réduisant sa dépendance aux énergies fossiles, afin de mieux répondre aux orientations des Conférences des parties, COP 21 et COP 22. Pour cela, les autorités gouvernementales vont mener, dès 1981, une réflexion sur les énergies renouvelables, les conduisant à privilégier l ...
  • Authors
    November 15, 2019
    Meeting the energy needs of the developing world remains a critical development priority. Access to energy has been identified as correlating with economic growth as well as having positive impacts on education and health1. In sub-Saharan Africa, access to electricity has increased significantly since the 2000s, driven by the considerable efforts of countries such as Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania. But, despite this positive turnaround, nearly 600 million people ...
  • Authors
    Mehmet Öğütçü
    October 21, 2019
    Decades of rapid economic growth have dramatically expanded China’s energy needs. The magnitudes are impressive. China is now the world’s largest consumer of energy, the largest producer and consumer of coal, and the largest emitter of carbon dioxide. It is increasingly looking toward securing its future energy needs with sustainable alternatives. China has also become the world’s largest producer, exporter and installer of solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, electric vehicles, ...
  • Authors
    Tharcisse Guedegbe
    September 27, 2019
    This paper is about the basic principles which should guide fertilizer policy for smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa It is not about detailed country-specific prescriptions on the “how” of policy. This important task should constitute the substance of detailed country studies. The overarching goal here is to use fertilizer to spearhead and sustain an African Green Revolution (GR). In this paper, fertilizer use is not considered as an end in itself, but as a necessary mean ...
  • September 26, 2019
    Interviewée par Helmut Sorge, chroniqueur au PCNS, Rim Berahab, économiste spécialiste de l’énergie décortique dans son papier, les liens existant entre les énergies renouvelables en Afrique et les opportunités de croissance économique. “ Le modèle marocain de l’énergie solaire pourrait profiter à d’autres pays africains” Dans votre Policy Paper intitulé « Energies renouvelables en Afrique : Enjeux, défis et opportunités » vous expliquez l'importance de ces énergies et vous précis ...
  • Authors
    Paulo Nobre
    Enio Bueno Pereira
    Francinete Francis Lacerda
    Marcel Bursztyn
    Debora Ley
    August 12, 2019
    Purpose This study aims to exploit the abundance of solar energy resources for socioeconomic development in the semi -arid Northeastern Brazil as a potent adaptation tool to global climate change. It points out a set of conjuncture factors that allow us to foresee a new paradigm of sustainable development for the region by transforming the sun’s radiant energy into electricity through distributed photovoltaic generation. The new paradigm, as presented in this essay, has the transfo ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    May 17, 2019
    Sur quelles contraintes faut-il anticiper lorsqu’on évoque la croissance de l’Afrique? Comment guider les décideurs politiques dans les priorités à définir pour piloter l’économie et arriver à bon port dans le monde qui vient? Le séminaire organisé le 11 avril à Paris par le PCNS et le Centre de développement de l’OCDE a apporté des éléments de réponse. La discussion s’est ouverte en prenant appui sur le rapport de référence publié en 2018 par l’Union africaine et l’OCDE sur les “D ...
  • Authors
    May 14, 2019
    Les pays du continent africain ont connu une croissance sans précédent au cours des deux dernières décennies. L’énergie, pilier fondamental du développement économique, politique et social, demeure toutefois un des principaux défis auxquels ils sont confrontés. En effet, la majorité des pays d’Afrique se heurte à un manque important d’accès à l’énergie. Alors que les combustibles fossiles continuent de dominer leurs mix énergétiques, ces pays sont dotés d’abondantes ressources en én ...
  • Authors
    Holger Hoff
    Sajed Aqel Alrahaife
    Rana El Hajj
    Kerstin Lohr
    Nadim Farajalla
    Kerstin Fritzsche
    Guy Jobbins
    Gül Özerol
    Robert Schultz
    Anne Ulrich
    May 13, 2019
    Adopting an integrated approach to the management and governance of natural resources including land, water and energy is seen as an effective way to improve the sphere of production while respecting the environment. Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub, economist at the Policy Center for the New South, was invited by Stockholm Environment Institute, alongside other prestigious research centers with expertise in environmental studies, to co-author this research paper and share her analysis of th ...
  • Authors
    Nchimunya Hamukoma
    April 9, 2019
    The author is an alumnus of the 2018 Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program On a Saturday evening in March at an upscale gallery in Johannesburg’s CBD, the lights went out.  A child in the crowd yelped in shock, but most of the adults let out a gentle sigh of resignation. An attendant came by soon after to assure that it wasn’t load shedding and that the power would be reconnected shortly, but we had become inured to the darkness and the idea that electricity wasn’t something ...
  • Authors
    Under the direction of
    Philippe Chalmin
    April 9, 2019
    Commodity prices were once again marked by significant volatility in 2017 and 2018. While there are many economic factors to explain this, politics were also present—trade tensions between China and the United States and, more generally, a rise in uncertainties—weighing upon the global macroeconomic outlook and the ‘dynamism of the markets’. Africa, which has countries with strong growth rates, has, however, been able to show solid economic performance, and this trajectory is not li ...
  • Authors
    Manfred Hafner
    Simone Tagliapietra
    Lucia de Strasser
    October 4, 2018
    This blog post summarizes the key findings of the new book Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, co-authored by Manfred Hafner, Simone Tagliapietra and Lucia de Strasser of the Italian think-tank, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. The book, published by Springer, is freely available online. The book presents a picture of the current energy challenges on the African continent- the Sub-Saharan region in particular- and proposes pathways to an accelerated energy transition. Begi ...
  • Authors
    Rabah Arezki
    Patrick Bolton
    Maurice Obstfeld
    June 4, 2018
    Reducing carbon emissions is the most complex political and economic problem humanity has ever confronted. Coping with the Climate Crisis brings together leading experts from academia and policy circles to explore issues related to the implementation of the COP21 Paris Agreement and the challenges of accelerating the transition toward sustainable development. The book synthesizes the key insights that emerge from the latest research in climate-change economics in an accessible and ...
  • Authors
    May 11, 2018
    Awad Ibrahim, chairman of the Lybian Organisation of Policies and Strategies (LOPS), one of the few think tanks in this violence-torn country, has escaped to establish contacts with his African colleagues at the African Think Tank Summit held in Rabat from May 9th to 11th. For a few years he was Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy in his country, and later appointed Deputy Prime minister. At times Awad Ibrahim fears for his life, but he believes a political solution between ...
  • Authors
    July 28, 2017
    Renewable energy technologies are projected to have substantial growth in the coming decades, especially given the environmental, social and economic drivers observed globally. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region encloses abundant alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and hydropower. The concern is more whether the Arab region will be able to respond to and manage the growth opportunities in this emerging sector. This Policy Brief explores opportunities and chall ...
  • July 26, 2017
    This podcast is performed by Dr. Rabi Mohtar. Renewable energy technologies are projected to have substantial growth in the coming decades, especially given the environmental, social and ...
  • Authors
    July 24, 2017
    The progressive warming of Earth suggests an important danger for future populations. As stabilizing the level of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere becomes inadequate, there is now talk of reducing this level while preserving sustainable economic growth rates. This Policy Brief deals with the issue of the economy’s carbon intensity1 through a decoupling indicator, defined as the ratio between the change in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It a ...
  • May 16, 2017
    Ce podcast est présenté par Mme. Gabrielle Desarnaud, chercheur au Centre Energie de l’IFRI. Un peu plus de trois ans se sont écoulés depuis le lancement des routes de la soie par le Prés ...
  • Authors
    April 12, 2017
    We argue in this paper that electricity production needs to be multiplied by a large factor in the coming years for East Africa to reach the economic growth rate it deserves after the improvement of its socio-political situation. The rural electrification rate in North Africa as represented for instance by Morocco was higher than 99.50% in the first quarter of 2017 while it was barely 10% in some parts of Western Kenya. We also make the case for hydroelectricity as the adequate ren ...
  • Authors
    March 29, 2017
    Dans un contexte mondial de plus en plus préoccupé par les aléas climatiques, comprendre l’impact de la croissance économique sur l’environnement devient crucial, notamment pour les pays en voie de développement. Ce papier aborde cette problématique sous le prisme des émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) et examine comment la croissance économique se répercute sur l’environnement. L’objectif de cette étude est de tester la validité de la courbe environnementale de Kuznets (CEK) pou ...
  • Authors
    Laura El Katiri
    December 30, 2016
    Le paysage énergétique du Maroc a connu une évolution rapide au cours des dernières décennies. La croissance démographique, l'industrialisation et la hausse du niveau de vie, qui se sont accompagnés d'une augmentation des taux d'accès à l'électricité, ainsi que de taux élevés d'exode rural, ont tous contribué à l'expansion des besoins énergétiques du Maroc. Étant voisin d'une Algérie riche en pétrole et en gaz à l'Est, et d'une Europe avide d'énergie au nord de la Méditerranée, le M ...
  • Authors
    Priscillia Andrieu
    October 24, 2016
    Africa is the new frontier of a global energy transition during a century in which people are rightfully preoccupied by climate change and sustainable development. Energy access in Africa can be reached through unity within and across the continent. Eliminating the obstacles of the historical divisions of the continent – whether linguistic, economic, or geographic – would foment investments and development aid. The African Union would be best equipped to reallocate and redistribute ...
  • Authors
    Laura El Katiri
    October 18, 2016
    Morocco’s energy landscape has been changing rapidly over the past decades. Alongside its own population growth, rising access rates to electricity as well as high rates of rural-urban migration and rising living standards, Morocco’s domestic energy needs have risen sharply since the early 1990s. This policy paper explores Morocco’s long-term energy options, focusing on “green” energy solutions that lie within Morocco’s natural competitive advantage. Using Morocco’s strategic assets ...
  • Authors
    Carole Mathieu
    October 12, 2016
    In December 2015, a new international climate agreement was adopted, paving the way for increased mitigation and adaptation efforts. Governments firmly expressed the need for rapid action and 2016 will put the credibility of their commitments to the test. Climate policies are actually becoming more widespread, but they are also adjusting to local constraints and needs, suggesting that the establishment of a global emission regulation model is unlikely in the near future. While the l ...
  • March 08, 2016
    This podcast is performed by Michael Leigh. As we enter 2016, Europe's energy situation will face many political and security challenges. Sir Michael Leigh will review in this presentatio ...
  • March 01, 2016
    Ce podcast est délivré par Carole Mathieu. A sa clôture le 12 décembre 2015, la COP21 a été saluée comme un grand succès diplomatique. En adoptant l’accord de Paris, les 196 Parties à la ...
  • August 18, 2015
    OCP Policy Center and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, in partnership with the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute, organized an Atlantic Strategy Group conference on June 23rd and 24th, 2015 in São Paulo, Brazil with a focus on trade, energy, food, and Geopolitical System...
  • September 30, 2014
    Hassan Abaach,Senior Advisor Electricity at OME/Paris (Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie) at the International Seminar on Morocco’s Role in Fostering Euro-Mediterranean Energy Cooperation ...
  • June 13, 2014
    Interview with Bassel Daher - International Conference on The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in Drylands: Bridging Science and Policy 11-13 June 2014, Rabat, Morocco ...
  • Authors
    Daniel Yeo
    Global Green Growth Institute Ethiopia
    June 12, 2014
    Since the German government’s Nexus conference in Bonn in 2012, interest in holistic approaches to water, food and energy has exploded under the catchy label of ‘The Nexus’. The core tenet of the ‘Nexus’ approach is that water, energy and food are intrinsically linked at both the bio-physical level and the policy-making level – that decisions and actions on water, food and energy are linked and affect each other. This may be true, but it is not unique to the relationship between wat ...