Publications /
Policy Brief

Somaliland and the Great Powers
April 26, 2022

As China’s presence has expanded into the Horn of Africa, Somaliland has opted to distance itself from Beijing and presented itself as a democratic ally of the West – and Taiwan. On March 17, 2022, three Republican Congressmen introduced a bill titled the “Somaliland Partnership Act,” requiring the American Secretary of State to submit annual reports to Congress on assistance provided to Somaliland and conduct a feasibility study on establishing a security partnership with Somaliland. The goal is Washington’s recognition of the territory “as a separate and independent country.” This piece examines Somaliland’s emergence as a de facto state, an entity that has gradually acquired “empirical sovereignty,” but not “juridical sovereignty.”


  • Authors
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  • Authors
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    Pascal Chaigneau
    Jérôme Evrard
    Thierry Garcin
    Jeremy Guez
    Fereydoun Khavand
    Khalid Moukite
    Alain Oudot de Dainville
    Anne Sophie Raujol
    Edité par
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