• Authors
    November 29, 2024
    After the European Parliament cleared the 26 candidates proposed by Member States to form the European Commission for 2024-2029, the new European super-ministers will take up their functions on 1 December, with a revised portfolio structure. Where does Africa fit into this new organizational chart of the European Commission? Jozef Síkela, a Czech banker with a professional career in Austria, Slovenia and Ukraine, lately serving as his country’s Ministry of Industry, has been appoin ...
  • Authors
    August 29, 2023
    At the August 22-24 BRICS summit in Johannesburg, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa said they wanted to use more of their national currencies for cross-border payments, which are currently dominated by the U.S. dollar and other global convertible currencies. Like China and the other BRICS, several other countries have also sought to develop alternative external payment mechanisms. Pairs of countries have agreed to settle commercial and financial transactio ...
  • Authors
    August 4, 2023
    Twenty-Four Hours June 23-24, 2023. Over those days, Russia, the sanctioned world power, was not destabilized by the nuclear enemy in Washington, but by one man, who made his wealth serving food to school children and soldiers. A caterer who attempted a revolution. A bald man, who apparently wore wigs during his days off, as the Russian secret police claimed to have discovered when they searched his home in St Petersburg. The photos of the wig-wearing Yevgeny Prigozhin were shown o ...
  • Authors
    July 4, 2022
    8560 kilometers to Berlin. The capital of Hitler-Germany, where advisors of the dictator prepared a sinister scheme. Madagascar was the project, the French colony, located 230 miles off the African continent, in the southwestern Indian Ocean, to be precise. Europe’s Jews would be transferred to the African island, one million citizens each year. In four or five years the undesired population would have been settled in a police state governed by the inhuman SS, Hitler’s beloved troop ...
  • Authors
    Abdelmonim Amachraa
    Bertrand Quelin
    April 20, 2022
    Global value chains (GVCs) are intended to fragment global production among several countries and companies. In this context, national economies have begun processes of insertion and specialization with both social and green objectives, because multinationals (MNEs) create significant negative externalities. Morocco has chosen to develop an integrated economy in global businesses. This country relies on a long-term political vision and some modern infrastructures. The government pro ...
  • March 10, 2022
    Africafé est une émission du Policy Center for the New South qui décrypte l’actualité des organisations africaines et de l’Afrique. A travers de courtes interviews, l’émission tente de proposer d’aborder de manière pédagogique les enjeux des organisations africaines et l’actualité du co...
  • March 1, 2022
    يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لتقييم مخرجات القمة الاوروبية الافريقية ونموذج الشراكة الجديدة بين الطرفين، مع محمد لوليشكي، باحث بارز لدى مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد. خلال القمة السادسة التي جمعت الاتحاديين في بروكسل وضع الاتحاد الأ...
  • Authors
    Patricia Ahanda
    February 23, 2022
    Le Sommet Union européenne (UE) - Union africaine (UA), qui s’est tenu à Bruxelles les 17 et 18 février 2022, entend marquer un tournant dans les relations entre les deux continents. L’agenda européen pour l’année 2022 met au centre de ses priorités les relations Europe - Afrique. Celles-ci sont aussi l'un des principaux axes défendus par la Présidence française du Conseil de l’Union européenne (PFUE) et le Président français Emmanuel Macron dans de son discours inaugur ...
  • Authors
    Policy Center
    February 15, 2022
    The African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) have never struggled to list common areas of interest or set up thematic partnerships and joint initiatives. The persistent challenge however is translating these partnerships into impact for both blocs of nations, particularly where interests diverge, such as those related to migration and green transition. Fifteen years since the critical Lisbon summit and the Joint Africa-EU Strategy, the time to move is now. To make the partners ...