Publications /
Paper in Academic Journals

Impact evaluation of the ‘IDMAJ’ wage subsidy program on employment quality in Morocco
Zakaria Elouaourti
Mohammed-Ali Bougzime
November 15, 2024

This paper was originally published on

Wage subsidy policies’ impact on access to the first job is crucial for workers; however, their influence on job quality holds greater significance for society as a whole. This paper evaluates the impact of the “IDMAJ” wage subsidy program on job quality, extending beyond the traditional focus solely on job placement. Utilizing the complete database from the IDMAJ program survey conducted by the Ministry of Employment, this study employs the propensity score matching model. The findings reveal a notably positive impact on the employment rate of beneficiaries, with a 10.3% increase compared to non-beneficiaries. Specifically, employed beneficiaries show increased weekly working hours of more than 6 h, improved working conditions, and a noteworthy enhancement in practical knowledge. This study addresses three key gaps in the research on wage subsidy programs. First, it provides a novel examination of the IDMAJ program’s impact on job quality, evaluating factors such as working hours, social security access, life skills enhancement, and practical knowledge, thus going beyond mere job placement. Second, it utilizes the complete IDMAJ program database, whereas previous studies have relied on limited samples. Finally, it offers practical insights for Moroccan policymakers on how the program affects employment conditions, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of future wage subsidy initiatives.


  • From

    2:00 pm February 2022
    Aomar Ibourk, Senior Fellow au Policy Center for the New South, interviendra lors d’une table ronde dans le cadre d’un webinaire de présentation du rapport « Paysage de l’emploi au Maroc » organisé par la Banque mondiale et le Haut-Commissariat au Plan. L’objectif du webinaire sera de présenter les résultats clés du rapport « Paysage de l’emploi au Maroc » par le Haut-Commissariat au Plan et par la Banque mondiale, suivi par une discussion sur les principaux faits saillants du rapport et la présentation des points de vue des différents panélistes sur le marché du travail marocain et les perspectives de l’emploi au Maroc. A l’issue de ces présentations, une table ronde de discussion autour du rapport sera animée. Cet évènement aura lieu le Lundi 14 Février 2022 à 14 :00 (GM ...