Greater female participation in the labor market and in international trade have been recognized as important drivers for economic growth and essential targets in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, achieving both targets simultaneously will be difficult, if not impossible, in most Middle East and North African (MENA) countries without additional policies to eliminate the remarkably high levels of gender inequality in the labor market.
I ...
In this interview with Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan, Senior Researcher, Danube Institute, Hungary, we explore the understanding of counterterrorism, focusing on terrorist recruitment processes and effective countermeasures. We examine the mechanisms of recruitment, strategies in counterterrorism ...
As a net energy importer seeking to improve its energy security, Morocco has stepped up initiatives to achieve a level of domestic energy sovereignty. This includes following guidelines for transitioning to cleaner energy sources, with an emphasis on diversification. This diversification extends to natural gas, solar and wind power, and innovative solutions such as green hydrogen. Morocco recognizes cooperation as a crucial element for the success of its strategies, as underlined by ...
يفتقر التطرف العنيف إلى تعريف محدد، ولا يقتصر على منطقة أو جنسية أو نظام عقائدي معين، ولو أن بعض الجماعات الإرهابية قد شكلت، في السنوات الأخيرة، ملامح تصورنا للتطرف العنيف. فكيف تعرف الأدبيات الأكاديمية مفهوم "الإرهاب"؟ ما هي العناصر الأساسية التي تميز "التطرف العنيف" عن غيره من أشكال ا...
Dans ce rapport, nous proposons d’utiliser une nouvelle approche pour analyser les structures productives au Maroc. Nous appliquons les outils de la théorie des réseaux aux tableaux des échanges inter-industriels de l'économie marocaine. Nos résultats montrent que le réseau national de production présente des caractéristiques intuitives dans le sens qu’elles sont liées aux processus de production. La structure de ce réseau peut être représentée sous la forme d'un papillon, avec les ...
Councilwoman Roxy Ndebumadu is a technology entrepreneur, and special advisor on beneficial AI, online safety and emerging technology. As a two term-elected official, she represents the City of Bowie, the fifth largest city in Maryland.
She is also a 2023 alumna of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about her here.
Amidst the churning tides of globalization, in which currents of tradition meet the winds of change, there is a call for a new international c ...
In this interview, with Mr.Carlos Alexandre Monteiro Reis, Head of the Rabat Programme Office, UNOCT, Morocco, we discuss the current efforts being undertaken to counteract the radicalization of extremist movements, as well as the need for enhanced cooperation to support impoverished an...
In this episode with Dr. Hafez Ghanem, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, we discuss the establishment of a Global Green Bank, differentiating it from traditional finan ...
Depuis 2016, on assiste à une dynamique de création de fonds souverains africains. En 2023, on recense 21 pays et 24 fonds souverains. Sur la seule période 2016-23, celle de la deuxième vague, huit pays vont se doter d’un premier fonds souverain, et d’un deuxième, dans le cas du Maroc, en 2022. Cette étude rappelle tout d’abord l’historique d’une création qui commence, dès 1994, au Botswana, avec le Pula Fund, précisant pour chacun des 24 fonds leur date de création, leur ...
In this episode, we examine the state of energy integration in Africa, a continent striving for both sustainable development and industrialization. We delve into the current challenges, the tension between renewable energy and fossil fuels. Ultimately, the episode sheds light on the int...