Fahd Azaroual & Saloi El YamaniSeptember 22, 2023L'érosion de la base d'imposition et le transfert de bénéfices (BEPS) impliquant des entreprises multinationales est un problème complexe et multidimensionnel résultant de lacunes et d'in ...
September 22, 2023Report Presentation – Annual Report on the African Economy Chair: Abdelaaziz Aitali, Principal Economist, Policy Center for the New South (Morocco) Speaker: Larabi Jaïdi, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South (Morocco) Closing Remarks Karim El Aynaoui, Executive President, P...
AuthorsSeptember 22, 2023Dans un monde menacé par les effets ravageurs du changement climatique, les catastrophes naturelles se placent de plus en plus au cœur des préoccupations de la communauté internationale. La gestion de ces catastrophes est l’une des missions essentielles des États du fait de leurs attributions régaliennes et leur responsabilité de protéger leurs populations. Cependant, l’ampleur des phénomènes et la gravité des dégâts qu’ils génèrent, combinées aux faibles capacités de certains États ...
September 22, 2023...
September 22, 2023Opening Remarks Karim El Aynaoui, Executive President, Policy Center for the New South Session 1: Challenges of Monetary Policy: Navigating Inflation Dynamics in the Face of Supply Shocks The confluence of COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has resulted in a su...
AuthorsSeptember 22, 2023فـي عالـم مهـدد بالآثـار المدمـرة لتغيـر المنـاخ، أصبحـت الكـوارث الطبيعيـة علـى نحـو متزايـد فـي صميـم انشــغالات المجتمــع الدولــي. إن إدارة هــذه الكــوارث هــي إحــدى المهــام الأساســية للــدول بالنظــر إلــى صلاحياتهـا السـيادية ومسـؤوليتها عـن حمايـة شـعوبها. بيـد أن اتسـاع الظواهـر وحـدة الضرر الـذي تولده، إلـى جانـب ضعـف قـدرات بعـض الـدول، يتطلـب مسـؤولية دوليـة فـي إطـار التضامـن بيـن دول العالـم.وفـي هـذا المجـال، يتعـارض مبـدآن علـى الأقـل مـن مبـادئ القانـ ...
September 22, 2023After decades of market-oriented free-trade policies supposed to efficiently allocate resources across industries in a way that reflects consumer preferences and technological possibilities, industrial policy is making a strong comeback. Such “Laisser-Faire” policies have undoubtedly ac...
September 22, 2023Foresight and innovation are the dynamic forces that propel societies and organizations towards progress and resilience. Foresight involves anticipating future trends and challenges, enabling us to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve. Meanwhile, innovation fuels the crea...