Helmut Sorge & Alessandro Minuto-RizzoJanuary 17, 2025NATO faces unprecedented challenges as it expands to 32 members, including Sweden and Finland, against geopolitical tensions with Russia. Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo examines the alliance’s o ...
AuthorsJanuary 17, 2025L’enclavement des quatre pays de la région sahélo-saharienne subit des contraintes et induit des effets de plus en plus transnationaux et complexes. Il s’agit ainsi de clarifier cette notion d’enclavement dans ses multiples dimensions, externe, interne et inter-régionale en mettant en exergue les facteurs qui y ont contribué. Cet article analyse ainsi les trois figures de l’enclavement des pays du Sahel. L’enclavement externe, qui se manifeste par l’éloignement des lieux actif ...
AuthorsSoukaina RaouiJanuary 17, 2025This paper was originaly published on Early school dropout rates in Morocco exhibit widespread spatial imbalances leading to adverse consequences. Indeed, there is thus a pressing need to investigate the factors contributing to the phenomenon. To this end, this study conducts a multivariate spatial analysis of 75 provinces in Morocco. It uses 100 variables to explain dropout rates across ten territorial components (TC): demography and household structure (TC1), cultural ...
January 16, 2025Alors que les défis globaux – changement climatique, transition énergétique, montée des conflits – s'accumulent, les outils multilatéraux peinent à offrir des solutions efficaces. La montée du protectionnisme et des intérêts nationaux exacerbe ces tensions, tandis que l'Afrique, riche e...
AuthorsJanuary 15, 2025The global energy landscape in 2024 reflects a complex interplay of geopolitical tensions, economic pressures, and uneven progress in clean energy transitions. Despite record growth in renewable energy deployment and advancements in low-carbon technologies, the world continues to fall short of meeting its climate goals. Fragmented markets, entrenched fossil fuel dependencies, and supply chain vulnerabilities continue to challenge energy security and hinder global decarbonization eff ...
Authorsمبارك آيت عديJanuary 13, 2025هذا البحث مقتطف من كتاب ”الهوية الأفريقية للثقافة المغربية“. شـكلت التجـارة العابـرة للصحـراء إلـى عهـد قريـب، فرصـة للمغـرب ولإفريقيـا جنـوب الصحـراء ليكتشـف كل طـرف ثقافـة وحضـارة الآخـر. حظـي هـذا التواصـل المبكـر باهتمـام دراسـات كثيـرة، داخـل القـارة الإفريقيـة وخارجهـا؛ تجمعهـا خاصيـة فـي حاجـة إلـى إعـادة النظـر، تتجلـى فـي اختـزال هـذه الدراسـات للمؤثـرات الحضاريـة المغربيـة فيمـا وراء الصحـراء عبـر ترسـيخ البعـد العربـي، بمـا فـي ذلـك اللغـة العربيـة والديـن الإسلامـي ...
AuthorsBoglarka BozsogiJanuary 10, 2025The Lake Chad Basin and the Sahel regions have faced multidimensional conflict since 2011. Violence, attributed mostly to violent extremist organizations (VEOs) affiliated to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State, has put both regions on the global map of the deadliest armed conflicts and worst humanitarian crises. Since 2012, tens of thousands of people have been killed, while at least six million people have been displaced in the two regions combined.Simultaneously, floods since August 2 ...
Helmut Sorge, Duncan WoodJanuary 10, 2025Our modern world relies on fragile systems—vulnerable to risks like massive solar storms, dependent on rare earth minerals, and deeply interconnected with China’s dominance in global supp ...
January 9, 2025Transatlantic cooperation is key to addressing shared challenges like climate change, maritime security, and transnational crime. Initiatives such as the Atlantic Partnership and Zopacas emphasize sustainable development, the blue economy, and digital connectivity, highlighting the need...
January 7, 2025يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لمناقشة موضوع "دور معاهد التخطيط في تعزيز التنمية المستدامة ''. تُعد معاهد التخطيط مؤسسات علمية مهمة لدعم التنمية المستدامة من خلال توفير البيانات والتقارير والإحصاءات الدقيقة، مما يسهم في صياغة سياسات مبنية ع...