June 21, 2021

This panel will examine the role and place of women in conflicts’ prevention and resolution while shedding the light on areas that should be enhanced: • Women participation in mediation and national reconciliation. • Women leadership and decision-making processes. • Raising awareness of gender equality in proposals for reforms of the African security sector. • Women contribution to the culture of peace. • Women in sustainable peace: institutional constructions, consolidation and development. • Best practices to tackle violence against women. • Women in the National Security Systems (NSS) in Africa. ----------- Chair: Badreddine El Harti, Principal Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform Adviser, UN Special Adviser to the President of Burkina Faso, United Nations Speakers: - Mamphela Ramphele, Co-President of the Club of Rome and Co-Founder ReimagineSA - Erika Monticone, Engagement Advisor, NSD-S Hub for South - Federico Borello, Executive Director, Center for Civilians in Conflict - Christina Foerch, Co-founder, Fighter for Peace

Badreddine El Harti
Director, Security Institutions Service, United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL)
Mr. Badreddine El harti is currently Director, Security Institutions Service for the United Nations Support Mission in Libya. He served in 2021-2022 as  Head, Ceasefire Monitoring Component in Libya too. Previously,  he was the UN Special Adviser to the President of Burkina Faso for national security (2017-2021) and the Deputy Chief of policy at the UN Secretariat in New York (2011-2015). He has served and supported UN engagement in mediation, human security, Security Sector Governance, Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration and Protection of Civilians in Haiti, Central African Republic, Libya, Yemen and Syria.,  He has also held senior responsibilities with the Moroccan defense institution as Chief of research and of training & equipment. Badreddine holds a PhD in ...
Mamphela Ramphele
ancienne militante anti-apartheid et ancienne directrice générale de la Banque mondiale
Federico Borello
directeur exécutif, Center for Civilians in Conflict (Centre pour les civils dans les conflits)


  • Authors
    April 5, 2018
    Are we witnessing a third generation of jihadism rearing its head in the Sahel? In the wake of the globalised movement of jihad in the 1990s, spearheaded by Afghan jihadists and propelled forward by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, another trend has emerged in recent years with the advent of Daesh (also known as ISIS and ISIL) – a trend that is characterised by the territorialisation of the struggle and the revival of the Caliphate dream. These two movements have engaged in fierce conf ...
  • December 12, 2017
    Africa has a history of foreign military interventions, dating back to the colonial era. The 21st century has seen an intensification of foreign and intra-African military intervention. The reasons include competition and the desire to maintain spheres of influence, the war on terrorism...
  • December 12, 2017
    Countries in the Sahel are facing political changes that affect the rest of the continent and the world. The Sahel region has had a long history of vulnerability owing to dry land conditions, climate change as well as movements of people. These factors have resulted in porous frontiers ...
  • From

    5:30 pm February 2022
    Rida Lyammouri, Senior Fellow at Policy Center for the New South, will be speaking at the webinar “security and governence in africa: sahel and libya” organized by frica Study Group in partnership with The Middle East Institute. The security dynamics of the Maghreb and the Sahel are intertwined and the consequences of the Libyan conflict on the Sahel have been serious. Since its beginning in 2011, this conflict has triggered global concern about the economic, security, and geostrategic impacts on the Sahel. Current threats are posed by the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation, and misuse of arms, as well as the flow of armed groups and mercenaries. Despite considerable international efforts, especially by African countries, the Sahel is still experiencing one of the ...