In this episode, Danielle Alakija discusses how her diverse roles as a barrister, artist, and Olympic athlete shape her approach to advocacy. She shares how she uses creativity and storytelling to highlight issues like climate change and social inequality, while addressing systemic inequalities between the Global North and South.
Nada Drais et Abdesslam JaldiJanuary 28, 2022Après avoir obtenu la confiance du parlement le 13 octobre dernier, le gouvernement marocain mené par Aziz Akhannouch se positionne dans une direction ambitieuse à travers l'annonce de gr ...
AuthorsJanuary 26, 2022COVID-19 has caused serious damage throughout the entire world. As of mid-2021, the global fiscal cost of COVID-19—excluding the most important consequences, such as human lives, mental health effects, restrictions of human freedom, and other non-pecuniary components, have amounted to at least $16.5 trillion, about 18% of world GDP (Dinh 2021). Financial support has varied across countries depending on income level, political willingness, and the extent of the pandemic in each econo ...
AuthorsJanuary 20, 2022Les élections marocaines de septembre 2021, ont orchestré une recomposition politique d’une ampleur inédite dans l’échiquier politique, depuis l’adoption de la Constitution de 2011 qui a défini les principes de la monarchie constitutionnelle. Elles symbolisent l’effondrement du Parti de la Justice et du Développement (PJD), formation qui a dominé le paysage politique marocain depuis le scrutin législatif de 2011, ainsi que l’affirmation des formations libérales proches du centre-dro ...
January 18, 2022يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لموضوع التمكين الاقتصادي للنساء مع الطيب غازي، باحث في الاقتصاد بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد. يعد مجال التمكين الاقتصادي للنساء من المداخل الأساسية لإرساء المساواة بين النساء والرجال، ويستمد هذا المجال ...
AuthorsJanuary 14, 2022Lucy Williamson, a BBC reporter on assignment in the southern French town Béziérs, was surprised when she observed about a hundred people lined up in front of the auditorium where a “polémiste réactionaire” (Le Temps, September 24, 2021), was scheduled to speak. They waited and waited -no more seats. “Not bad for a man, who has not declared his candidacy yet”, noted the BBC-journalist. (October 19, 2021). The show was for free, and a show it was. Politics removed from political ...
Rim Riouch and Nihal El MquirmiDecember 31, 2021In 2021 we’ve had the opportunity to host more than 50 experts in 60 episodes. We discussed economic, international relations, commodities, energy, gender, and security issues affecting t ...
AuthorsDecember 31, 2021Xenophobic violence against minorities and non-nationals has erupted periodically in different parts of Africa: against Somalis in Kenya, Nigerians in Ghana, Chadians in Libya, and Asians in South Africa. Scholars have offered various explanations for these outbursts of violence, focusing on inequality or how simultaneous market reforms and democratization can unleash resentment against “market- dominant minorities.” Others see the violence as linked to elections, noting how politic ...
AuthorsDecember 29, 2021Après une longue période de prix atones, le café a vu ses cours se raffermir au cours de l’année 2020 et du premier trimestre 2021, avant de flamber durant l’été et l’automne. Il renouait alors avec des plus hauts niveaux depuis 2011, date de la fin du dernier « super-cycle des matières premières (2002-2011). Tandis que la demande progresse structurellement, l’offre s’est repliée, pénalisée par une conjonction de facteurs climatiques, géopolitiques et, bien évidemment, sanitaires en ...
AuthorsGerson Javier Pérez ValbuenaDiana RicciulliJaime BonetInácio AraújoFernando PerobelliDecember 28, 2021This paper analyses the regional economic differences in the impact of lockdown measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 ordered by Colombia’s national government. Using an input-output model, we estimate regional economic losses by extracting a group of formal and informal workers from different sectors of the economy. Results show regional differences in the impact of lockdown measures on their labour markets, local economies, and productive sectors. We also find that periphera ...
December 21, 2021يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" التضخم : أي انعكاسات على انتعاش اقتصاد المغرب ؟, مع عبد العزيز آيت علي، باحث رئيسي في الإقتصاد بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد. التضخم كظاهرة اقتصادية هو ارتفاع الأسعار بشكل عام، أي أنه لا يقتصر في منتوج و...