Why Think tanks Matter in Africa 2020

January 30, 2020

The Policy Center for the New South hosted a "Why Think Tanks Matter in Africa", in the framework of the annual Why Think Tanks Matter Forum, organized by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP). The Why Think Tanks Matter events serve not only to demonstrate the value and importance of think tanks around the world but also to highlight their instrumental role for determining in an early stage the new challenges that countries may face in various political and economic contexts. In this edition, speakers discussed the critical work think tanks perform in Africa according to their expertise.

Mouhamadou Moustapha Ly
Economist, African Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Currently economist within the African Department of the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC, where he works on East African economies on various macroeconomic policy subjects and surveillance, he is also an affiliate professor of economics at Mohamed-6 Polytechnic university in Rabat (Morocco). Prior to that, Mouhamadou was senior economist at the Policy Center for the New South in Rabat (Morocco) working on development related issues and regional integration in the African continent. Mouhamadou also spent several years as assistant professor at Gaston Berger university in Saint-Louis (Senegal) and a lecturer at Auvergne university (France) and City university (London). He also worked as research fellow at the African Center for Statistics in the United Nations Econo ...
Khalid Chegraoui
Senior Fellow
Khalid Chegraoui is Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and Vice Dean of Political Sciences and International Relations at the Faculty of Governance, Economic and Social Sciences of the Mohammed VI University.  He began his teaching and research career in 1992 as a Research Assistant Professor at Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah University in Fez after earning his first doctorate in African Studies from the Mohammed V University in Rabat focusing on West Sub-Saharan Africa. He also earned a Doctorate of State in African Studies from the same University in 2002, where he focused on Contemporary West Africa, in 2003 he became Professor of History and Political Anthropology at the Institute of African Studies, Mohammed V University, consultant on African and Middle Ea ...
Luigi Narbone
European University Institute (EUI), Middle East Directions Programme


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