The Soviet crew faced death in the depth of the Caribbean. Their submarine of the diesel powered “Foxtrott” class, registered as “B -52”, had been transformed into a gigantic metal coffin. It was in October 1962, the month when the world stopped breathing. The end, nuclear war, seemed near. Human civilization has never faced such an APOCALYPSE in history. The unthinkable was likely to happen. Washington and Moscow, here the leaders of the free capitalistic world, and there the repre ...
Since 2015 and the refugee crisis, the dialogue between the European Union (EU) and African countries on migration issues has assumed a new intensity. The EU, wishing to put an end to irregular arrivals in the central Mediterranean and increase the number of returning irregular migrants, proposed a new partnership framework with third countries in the wake of the March 2016 agreement with Turkey. This partnership framework is specifically aimed at African countries, as countries of ...
President Trump’s proclamation that, because of national security concerns, he will apply a 25% tariff on all steel and a 10% tariff on all aluminium imports into the United States – except provisionally and dependent on NAFTA negotiations those from Canada and Mexico – affects, respectively 5.1 billion Euros and 1.1 billion Euros of EU exports. These are not trivial sums. However, the invocation of the national security exception in this case has implications that go far beyond nar ...
« Revise, Reboot, Rebuild : Strategies for a time of Distrust »: that was this year’s theme for the Brussels Forum, a yearly high-level conference held from March 8th to 10th by the US think tank German Marshall Fund (GMF), partner of the OCP Policy Center who attended the event through its delegation. This meeting of some 400 policymakers, academics and private sector operators is reviewing the relationship between Europe and the United States. Brexit, the Trump administration, the ...
S’adressant à l’Occident en 1989, Alexandre Arbatov, conseiller diplomatique de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev avait dit : "nous allons vous rendre le pire des services, nous allons vous priver d'ennemi ". Ce que le russe n’avait pas prévu à ce moment, c’est que la disparition de l’Union Soviétique allait priver l’occident de bien plus que d’un ennemi : elle allait le priver de son identité.
Durant la guerre froide, il existait un camp de l’Est et un camp de l’Ouest. Cet antagonisme donnait à ...
The Chinese presence in the Mediterranean is raising new questions among the diplomatic services of the Maghreb countries, as well as those of southern Europe. Indeed, over the past five years, China has been translating its national priorities with increasing activism in the Mediterranean. This activism can be summarised into three main areas: creating China-Southern Europe sectoral cooperation forums, investments in transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructure, and cond ...
La présence chinoise en Méditerranée fait l’objet d’interrogations croissantes au sein des diplomaties des pays du Maghreb comme d’Europe du Sud. En effet, ces cinq dernières années, la Chine décline avec un activisme croissant ses priorités nationales à l’échelle méditerranéenne. Cet activisme peut se résumer en trois axes principaux : création de forums de coopération sectorielle Chine-Europe du Sud, investissements dans les infrastructures de transport, énergétiques et de télécom ...
تعتبر 2018 بلا شك نقطة تحول في تطور الاقتصاد العالمي. أوروبا، بعد أن بدأت في الخروج من الأزمة في عام 2017 ، من المرجح أن تدخل مرحلة نمو قوي ومستدام بفضل الزيادة الهيكلية في الإنت°اج الصناعي، إضافة الى الانعكاسات الإيجابي°ة للمشروع الإصلاحي المؤيد لأوروبا موحدة الذي يحمله الثن°ائي الفرنسي الألماني. كما ان آسيا تستمر في تأكيد مكانتها كمحرك رئيسي للاقتصاد العالمي، حيث اصبحت ثلاثة بلدان من اسيا )الصين واليابان والهند( تنتمي لقائمة أكبر خمسة اقتصادات عالمية في عام 2018 . هذه التطورات تدف ...
Conférence "Diplomatie économique et politique: bilan des trois années au pouvoir du président nigérian Buhari et perspectives pour 2018" OCP Policy Center, Rabat
Le 18 mars prochain, Vladimir Poutine devrait, sans surprise, gagner son 4ème mandat présidentiel. Dans ce podcast, Tatiana Kastoueva-Jean, directrice du centre Russie de l’Institut Franç ...