African Continental FTA: Opportunities & Challenges for a Unified, Prosperous & Developed Continent

December 16, 2022



Mounia Boucetta
Senior Fellow
Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, Mounia Boucetta has over 20 years of experience in public administration, holding numerous managerial and leadership roles, and working particularly on the development of industrial and commercial policies. She was most recently Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Morocco from 2017 to 2019.   A graduate from the prestigious Mohammadia School of Engineers (Morocco), Mounia Boucetta joined the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 1991 where she held numerous positions before her appointment as its Secretary General in 2010. In this context, she contributed to numerous projects including, but not limited to, reorganizational projects, implementation of sectoral strategies, inve ...
Hamza Saoudi
Senior Ecnomist
Hamza Saoudi is an Economist at the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS). He is a graduate engineer from the National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (INSEA). He is currently working on topics related to business cycles, unemployment, inequality and poverty in developing countries. Hamza is also interested in macroeconomic stabilization policies, International Trade and Growth and long-term economic development. Prior to joining the Policy Center for the New South, he contributed to the conception of quantitative models for bank credit risks management. ...


  • February 21, 2020
    To strengthen the role of youth as agents of community development, the Policy Center for the New South launched a year ago a call for projects grounded in new and innovative approaches to existing local problems. The iCAD is an environmental friendly business whose goal is to recycle h...
  • February 21, 2020
    To strengthen the role of youth as agents of community development, the Policy Center for the New South launched a year ago a call for projects grounded in new and innovative approaches to existing local problems. The African Futures Fund is a concept that evolved from a Networking Conf...
  • February 21, 2020
    To strengthen the role of youth as agents of community development, the Policy Center for the New South launched a year ago a call for projects grounded in new and innovative approaches to existing local problems. Girls-in-Biotech’s main goal is to create feminine friendly platforms and...
  • February 21, 2020
    To strengthen the role of youth as agents of community development, the Policy Center for the New South launched a year ago a call for projects grounded in new and innovative approaches to existing local problems. SecureFarmer is a Nigerian company that uses a smart data driven approach...
  • Authors
    Amilcar Romero
    February 9, 2020
    As founder & president at the Ankawa International – The Ankawa Global Group, I had the privilege to represent twice, in the field of new technologies, my organization during the last two Paris Peace Forum (2018-2019), as a leading organization from the global south (Peru). For us, these participations were important in order to showcase the kind expertise developed in our programs currently implemented for advancing social transformation, the ultimate goal of the organization, ...
  • Authors
    December 11, 2019
    The Atlantic Current’s 6th edition provides overview, fresh insights, latest data, and broader analysis on the Atlantic space’s current challenges, as well as their implications for the South. Different chapters explore emerging trends and critical issues, such as the World Trade Organization reform, Brexit and the future of EU, the expansion of militancy in the Sahel and Coastal Africa, the role of cultural diplomacy and the deepening of Sino-African relations within a shifting an ...
  • November 19, 2019
    In the context of the Policy Center for the New South Partnership with Jean Monnet Network on Atlantic Studies, a project coordinated by the Fundação Getúlio Vargasand funded by the European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 research program, our Senior Fellow Abdelhak Bassou and researcher in International Relations Amal El Ouassif drafted the second chapter entitled : Understanding Terrorism and Organized Crime in Light of Fragile States: Case Study on Niger, Mali and Chad. The ...
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    Hala Boumaiz
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    The effects of new technologies on the ways in which we think, govern, work and socialize are already posing complex problems for decision-makers, citizens and corporates, leading to reactions of rejection that reflect fear or lack of preparation in coping with digital transformations. Due to these changes, the classical patterns shaping our society - be it within the political, economic, or social spheres - have been rapidly altered. With this fast-paced transformation, the general ...
  • Authors
    Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders
    May 24, 2019
    The concept of a “Wider Atlantic” has been finding its way into mainstream discourse, as it is progressively molding into an alternative to the present-day understanding of transatlantic relations. The attention is being refocused to a wider geographic area around the Atlantic basin, which includes Southern Atlantic states in the policy and opinion-shaping conversation (s). With 23 states now comprising the Western Atlantic Coast of Africa, this continent has an ever-growing role to ...