In modern societies, technology plays an important role and thus creates new challenges. Information, of which ICT is the vector, has become a strategic resource. Today, ICTs are already playing a central role in the fight against global inequalities. They are now asserting themselves, in both developed and emerging countries, as tools to help formalize development and crisis management strategies. The changes brought about by the use of ICTs are visible everywhere. Indeed, crisis management cannot function effectively without the support of advanced ICTs. Therefore, it becomes essential to take advantage of various technological innovations such as Artificial Intelligence for the design of optimal and suitable models for crisis management. In this context, what is true for developed and emerging countries is equally true for poor countries and especially for Africa. This session will try to better understand whether and how the use of ICTs would have an impact on crisis management. It will also address the prospects for adapting ICTs to the crisis management process. What is the future for ICTs in crisis management? Do they seem promising? Would they be able to improve the effectiveness of crisis management? Would crisis management be realistic thanks to the evolution of ICTs? Would technological developments be able to bring stability in a world that is becoming increasingly uncertain? Will the measures taken today by Southern countries (Africa) be sufficient to prevent the direct effects of crises? Or will this further reinforce their dependence on the Northern countries? Moderator: Eduardo Haddad, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South. Speakers: - Muhammadou M.O. Kah, Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost; Professor of Information Technologies & Computing, The American University of Nigeria - Prince Boadu, CEO and Co-Founder, MapTech Logistics Limited (Emerging Leader) - Jessica Berlin, Founder and Managing Director, CoStruct (Emerging Leader) - Jana Nelson, Latin America Lead, Amazon Web Services Institute (Emerging Leader)