Publications /
Annual Report
Book / Report

Annual Report on African Economies 2024
Under the supervision of
July 12, 2024

Bientôt disponible en vente sur livremoi. 


The 2024 Annual Report on the African Economy is dedicated to monetary and financial issues on the Continent. There are three reasons for this choice.

African economies are exposed to macro-financial instabilities partly generated by global monetary and financial turbulence.

The Continent’s currencies and financial systems are engaged in very different dynamics, where routine methods and daring, if not risky, practices coexist.

The question of the architecture of the international financial system is on the agenda. It aims to bring international financial instability under control by improving market transparency, monitoring - without curbing - the destabilizing thrust of financial innovation, regulating the burgeoning competition between traditional currencies and virtual currencies, promoting financial «justice» in international flows and transfers, and fostering greater responsibility on the part of both private and public players in preventing and managing turbulence so that it does not degenerate into a systemic crisis.

This threefold observation developed in the introductory Panorama justifies the PCNS’s choice to devote this new version of the Economic Report to African finance themes, divided between the three sections that structure the Report’s organization.