What are the Atlantic Dialogues ? "John Yearwood"

November 7, 2019
John Yearwood
President and CEO, Yearwood Media Group
An award-winning multimedia journalist, John Yearwood is President and CEO of Yearwood Media Group, a global consulting and content creation firm. In his role as President/CEO of Yearwood Media, he advises companies seeking to do business in emerging markets, with a particular focus on Africa and Asia. In 2019, he was appointed honorary chair of the the National Association of Black Journalists annual convention, which convened 4,100 black journalists in Miami. He sits on several boards, including the Austria-based International Press Institute, where he is the former chairman. Former world editor of the Miami Herald. The World Desk won numerous awards under his leadership, including two McClatchy Company President’s Awards and the Arthur Ross Award for best coverage of Latin ...


  • Authors
    February 6, 2019
    Ce papier examine la plainte initiée par la Turquie devant l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) contre le Maroc au sujet des droits antidumping appliqués aux produits d’acier laminés à chaud. La plainte de la Turquie constitue à la fois un précédent et une opportunité. Un précédant d’abord, car jamais le Maroc n’a été impliqué, ni en qualité de partie plaignante ni en qualité de partie défenderesse, dans une affaire devant le GATT ou l’OMC. Une opportunité ensuite, par ce que l ...
  • Authors
    February 6, 2019
    This paper examines Turkey's case against Morocco before the World Trade Organization (WTO), over anti-dumping duties on hot-rolled steel products. Turkey's complaint constitutes both a precedent and an opportunity. First, it is a precedent in that Morocco was previously never involved in a case before GATT or WTO, neither as a plaintiff nor as a defendant. Second, it is an opportunity as the evaluation of the legal process of the complaint enables an assessment of adequacy of Moroc ...
  • Authors
    February 5, 2019
    Ce Policy Brief tente d’analyser le rapprochement entre l’Egypte et Israël dans le contexte d’une nouvelle donne géopolitique dans la région. La première partie de l’analyse se penche sur le rapprochement autour des découvertes importantes de gaz en Méditerranée, alors que la deuxième s’intéresse à la coopération militaire entre les deux pays dans le Sinaï. Plus largement, ce Policy Brief tente de contextualiser cette relation dans un cadre historique et géopolitique plus large : Ce ...
  • Authors
    February 5, 2019
    This Policy Brief attempts to analyze the rapprochement between Egypt and Israel in the context of geopolitical changes  in the region. The analysis is divided into two parts with the aim of demonstrating the bases of rapprochement. The first part looks at the rapprochement around important discoveries of gas in the Mediterranean and the second part is about the military cooperation between the two countries in Sinai. More broadly, this Policy Brief contextualizes this relationship ...
  • Authors
    February 4, 2019
    To read Part II of the blog, click here “We Have No Eternal Allies” Philip Alston was confronted with a special assignment. To write a report for the United Nations on poverty in the world’s fifth economic power in the world, a nation considered as a beacon of democracy, a Kingdom represented by a queen, not only adored by readers of glossy gossip magazines, but also by progressives and left wing intellectuals, even those who believe royalty is a waste of money, and their wealth a ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    January 31, 2019
    La conférence Atlantic Dialogues, organisée par le Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) à Marrakech, du 13 au 15 décembre 2018, a fait l’objet d’une couverture presse exceptionnelle, avec plus de 50 sujets traités au Maroc, en français et en arabe, ainsi qu’une dizaine de papiers à l’étranger. La presse nationale a largement annoncé l’ouverture de la conférence et la parution du rapport Atlantic Currents. Elle a retenu des trois jours de débats l’essor du populisme (LesEco.ma, Ma ...
  • Authors
    January 31, 2019
    Without reforms, financial markets’ optimism may crumble – and bring the house down. Judging by the reaction of financial markets, the Brazilian economy started the year at high speed. The real is among the world’s best-performing currencies so far in 2019 and the main stock market index Ibovespa hit a string of record highs leading into last week, when it broke the 97,000-point mark. Future interest rates have fallen sharply.  Foreign investors are buying in as well. The premium ...