• Authors
    Constance Berry Newman
    July 2, 2024
    Immigration has never been without tensions. In the United States, immigration remains a contentious issue that now, more than ever, dominates election campaigns. A 727-kilometer wall has been constructed on the US-Mexico border to halt the influx of migrants from the south. In Europe, the rise of far-right parties over the past twenty years has culminated in them becoming a major political force in the European Parliament ahead of the June 2024 elections. The tension around immigr ...
  • Authors
    April 9, 2024
    Un proverbe africain dit, seul on va plus vite ; ensemble on va plus loin. C’est dans cet esprit de l’action et du leadership collectifs que s’insère l’initiative de l’Afrique atlantique initiée par le Maroc et qui vise la création des conditions nécessaires pour la construction d’une région Afrique/Atlantique stable, prospère et tournée vers la mer. À cette première initiative s’est ajoutée une deuxième, celle de la facilitation de l’accès à la mer aux pays du Sahel, e ...
  • Authors
    Francisco Cordoba Otalora
    December 19, 2023
    Francisco Cordoba is a 2019 alumnus of Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. Learn more about him here. This piece was originally published here. I recently had an eye-opening experience at the Atlantic Dialogue conference in Morocco, organized by the Policy Center for the New South. Picture this: a diverse gathering of leaders, policymakers, and innovators from across Africa and the Atlantic basin. It was like a mini melting pot of ideas and cultures. One intriguing conve ...
  • November 10, 2023
    The Atlantic area and its Afro-Atlantic seaboard are suffering the consequences of the global situation. We are witnessing a complex geopolitical game involving different strategies that have various processes, tactics, and objectives. The current situation reveals a paradoxical dynamic, which involves the Euro-Atlantic powers, extra- regional powers (China and Russia), and all the Afro-Atlantic countries. How is the power game organized in the Atlantic area? How does Africa9s Atlan ...
  • Authors
    December 26, 2022
    In the delightful garden restaurant of the Marrakech hotel Mamounia, the tables had been set for hundreds of guests, 16 seated at each. Flowers had been arranged and there were crystal wine glasses. Yet, on this Wednesday, December 14 , at 7 p.m., only one table was occupied. Among the guests around it were a Turkish NATO-assigned general, Aydin Killiç, camouflaged in a dark tailored suit; a former Italian ambassador, Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, President of the NATO Defense College Fo ...
  • December 16, 2022
    Morocco has two coastlines totalling a length of 3500 km, of which around 3000 give access to the Atlantic. This strategic geographical asset has the potential to turn the country into a crucial meeting point between the Americas and the rest of Africa. With distances shrinking due to t...
  • Authors
    Ahmed Rachid El-Khattabi
    Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo
    Amaye Sy
    Hamza Rkha Chaham
    Ian O. Lesser
    Jorge Castañeda
    Moubarack Lo
    Umberto Profazio
    December 14, 2022
    This ninth edition of “Atlantic Currents” appears in an international context marked predominantly by a ten month-war between Russia and Nato members that began February 2022. The war is affecting not only the European and American member States directly and actively involved in an unprecedented manner, but more importantly the countries of the global South that have suffered collateral damage. Indeed, the nations of the world were barely out of the most painful and costly phase o ...