- Fathallah Oualalou, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South (PCNS)
- Kevin Cleaver, ancien vice-président associé, Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA)
- Jennifer Blanke, Vice-présidente, Fondation Syngenta pour l'agriculture durable (SFSA)
- Bambang Brodjonegoro, président du conseil des commissaires, Bukalapak et PT Telkom
- Nguyen Minh Hang, vice-ministre des affaires étrangères, Vietnam
- Megumi Muto, vice-président de l'Agence japonaise de coopération internationale (JICA)
- Cecilia Nahón, directrice exécutive suppléante, Groupe de la Banque mondiale, Argentine
February 13, 2018Conférence "Diplomatie économique et politique: bilan des trois années au pouvoir du président nigérian Buhari et perspectives pour 2018" OCP Policy Center, Rabat ...
AuthorsJanuary 26, 2018Brazil and Morocco have been engaged in different forms of trade negotiations and committed to liberalize their trade, as they have concluded several bilateral and multilateral trade agreements whether within the WTO or in specific framework. This paper analyzes different facets of trade relations between Brazil and Morocco and assesses the potential for deeper trade integration between these two key players in the southern Atlantic. Trade flows between Brazil and Morocco have been ...
AuthorsJanuary 22, 2018Este documento presenta un breve resumen de los principales aspectos asociados a la construcción de una matriz de insumoproducto interregional para Colombia. Los resultados sugieren que hay unas diferencias importantes en las regiones colombianas. También sobresale la importancia de la proximidad geográfica en los efectos de cambios en la demanda final sobre el producto de otras regiones. Esto resalta el papel del espacio y las distancias en las disparidades regionales. ...
AuthorsMohammed Rachid DoukkaliTharcisse GuèdègbéDecember 22, 2017L’agriculture africaine a connu dernièrement une croissance relativement élevée, quoique peu résiliente et tirée principalement par l’extensification. Malgré sa diversité, les niveaux de production restent insuffisants pour autonomiser le continent surtout pour ce qui est des produits alimentaires de base. En misant sur l’intégration, des marges de progrès se présentent aux pays africains pour améliorer l’écosystème de l’agriculture africaine et ses performances. Il s’agit de puiser ...
AuthorsAna Maria Bonomi BarufiDecember 21, 2017The spatial mismatch hypothesis states that a lack of connection to job opportunities may affect an individual’s prospects in the labour market, especially for low-skilled workers. This phenomenon is especially observed in large urban areas, in which low-skilled minorities tend to live far away from jobs and face geographical barriers to finding and keeping jobs. This paper aims to investigate whether this negative relationship between spatial mismatch and labour market outcomes is ...
AuthorsDecember 21, 2017Nigerian and « design thinking process » expert, Ade Mabogunje has worked in Africa, India and Europe, before settling in California, where he is a Director at Stanford University. What does it take exactly for innovation to happen ? Such is the line of his thinking and teaching. He’s been invited twice to the 2016 and 2017 Atlantic Dialogues to share his knowledge with two cohorts of 50 Emerging Leaders from Africa, Europe and the Americas, selected by the OCP Policy Center. This P ...
AuthorsDecember 20, 2017This paper investigates the relationship between economic growth and job creation in developing economies with a focus on low and lower middle-income countries along two dimensions: growth patterns and short-run correlations. Analysis on growth patterns shows that regime changes are quite common in both economic growth and employment growth, yet they are not synchronized with each other. Okun’s Law—the short-run relationship between output and labor market—holds in half of the count ...
AuthorsJorge ArbacheDecember 18, 2017I am in Marrakech attending the Atlantic Dialogue, a very interesting event organized by the OCP Policy Center. One of the questions put to debate was: "How can Sub-Saharan Africa benefit from its economic potential to grow, thrive and eliminate poverty?" In fact, this is one of the questions most frequently raised by the economic development community. And one of the most common responses is that, alongside natural resources, the young population is the most powerful engine of gro ...
AuthorsDecember 18, 2017La conférence Atlantic Dialogues 2017 s'est poursuivie le 14 décembre à Marrakech en passant progressivement de l'économie à la géopolitique. Des personnalités du Nord et du Sud se sont répondues, dans un débat franc et ouvert. Hubert Védrine, ancien ministre français des Affaires étrangères, a livré son analyse de la diplomatie mondiale en ces termes : « Tous les pays défendent leurs intérêts et développent des idées, mais une dizaine seulement ont une vraie politique étrangère. L ...
December 15, 2017Moderator: Adama Gaye, CEO, Newforce Africa - Philippe Chalmin, Professor, Economic History, Paris Dauphine University - Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow, OCP Policy Center - Jean Hervé Lorenzi, President, Cercle des Economistes - Paulo Portas, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Portugal - Is...