- Fathallah Oualalou, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South (PCNS)
- Kevin Cleaver, ancien vice-président associé, Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA)
- Jennifer Blanke, Vice-présidente, Fondation Syngenta pour l'agriculture durable (SFSA)
- Bambang Brodjonegoro, président du conseil des commissaires, Bukalapak et PT Telkom
- Nguyen Minh Hang, vice-ministre des affaires étrangères, Vietnam
- Megumi Muto, vice-président de l'Agence japonaise de coopération internationale (JICA)
- Cecilia Nahón, directrice exécutive suppléante, Groupe de la Banque mondiale, Argentine
March 16, 2018Mounssif Aderkaoui, Director of Studies and Financial Forecasts, Ministry of Finance, Morocco ...
AuthorsMarch 15, 2018President Trump’s proclamation that, because of national security concerns, he will apply a 25% tariff on all steel and a 10% tariff on all aluminium imports into the United States – except provisionally and dependent on NAFTA negotiations those from Canada and Mexico – affects, respectively 5.1 billion Euros and 1.1 billion Euros of EU exports. These are not trivial sums. However, the invocation of the national security exception in this case has implications that go far beyond nar ...
March 9, 2018Dr. Ponyo Mapon Matata, Former Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of the Congo ...
March 9, 2018Alban Ahoure, Director, Economic Policy Analysis Unit of Cires ...
AuthorsMarch 7, 2018Brazilian conditional cash transfers are small amounts of money the government distributes directly to very poor households on condition that their children attend school and are vaccinated. The money goes to the women of the household, because research undertaken in the 1990s – and later confirmed in other countries – showed an increase in babies' height and weight when women have more control over household income. Greater control over household resources by women can strengthen a ...
AuthorsThomas Pereira da SilvaMarch 7, 2018This proposal seeks to contribute to reduce, in a cost-effective way, Morocco’s unusually high, persistent and growing unemployment level for university graduates1. It complements and enhances the existing Université Internationale de Rabat (UIR) Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Tertiary enrolment in Morocco has been increasing above what seems to be labor market absorptive capacity. Over the past decade, the share of the unemployed with university degrees as a percentage of total ...
Theodore Moran, Mark Plant, Cadman Mills, Nchimunya HamukomaMarch 02, 2018...
AuthorsFebruary 22, 2018Cet ouvrage a pour objectif de produire et d’accumuler des connaissances utiles sur le marché du travail marocain, notamment la situation des jeunes dont les traits ont été beaucoup documentés. Les axes qui sont traités dans le cadre de ce travail portent sur la capacité du système éducatif et de formation à transmettre les compétences techniques et non techniques (soft skills) aux jeunes dans leurs parcours de scolarisation et de formation, le rôle des programmes de l’emploi dans l ...
AuthorsFebruary 21, 2018تعتبر 2018 بلا شك نقطة تحول في تطور الاقتصاد العالمي. أوروبا، بعد أن بدأت في الخروج من الأزمة في عام 2017 ، من المرجح أن تدخل مرحلة نمو قوي ومستدام بفضل الزيادة الهيكلية في الإنت°اج الصناعي، إضافة الى الانعكاسات الإيجابي°ة للمشروع الإصلاحي المؤيد لأوروبا موحدة الذي يحمله الثن°ائي الفرنسي الألماني. كما ان آسيا تستمر في تأكيد مكانتها كمحرك رئيسي للاقتصاد العالمي، حيث اصبحت ثلاثة بلدان من اسيا )الصين واليابان والهند( تنتمي لقائمة أكبر خمسة اقتصادات عالمية في عام 2018 . هذه التطورات تدف ...
AuthorsFebruary 13, 2018O presente artigo apresenta o processo de estimação de um sistema inter-regional de insumo-produto para os 26 estados brasileiros e o Distrito Federal em condições de informação limitada, utilizando o método IIOAS. O IIOAS é consistente com a matriz de insumo-produto nacional e pode ser construído para qualquer país que publique suas TRUs e possua um sistema de informações setoriais regionalizadas. Posteriormente, analisaram-se as relações comerciais e as estruturas produtivas de ca ...