In this episode, Steven Höfner explores the role of international foundations in regional governance and diplomacy. Where he emphasizes the significance of multilateral dialogue in promoting stability and cooperation, and highlights the importance of fostering transatlantic relationships to address global challenges, such as governance and security.
AuthorsImane LahrichNovember 5, 2024This brief presents an analysis of key trends and observations from the 2024 U.S. presidential election, in which I participated through the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL) Election Exchange Program, organized in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State. The program offered a comprehensive exploration of contemporary U.S. electoral dynamics, focusing on party strategies, demographic shifts, media influence, and campaign finance. The insights presented here ...
Meryem Aassid & Michael StopfordNovember 01, 2024Platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and TikTok have transformed political campaigns. Initially leveraged by figures like Obama, social media’s role surged under Donald Trump, who used it ...
AuthorsNovember 1, 2024La résolution 2756 (2024), adoptée le 31 octobre par le Conseil de sécurité des Nations-Unies a réaffirmé les paramètres des précédentes résolutions en « se félicitant de la dynamique récemment créée et demandant instamment qu’elle soit mise à profit. Malgré des tentatives de l’Algérie d'altérer cette solution en y introduisant un appel au ‘’monitoring’’ des droits de l'homme, le Conseil a maintenu l'intégrité de la résolution. Deux membres permanents se sont distingués lors de l’ad ...
AuthorsFernanda MagnottaOctober 30, 2024Beyond partisan rhetoric, November's election in the United States can determine America's approach to a rapidly shifting world order. Donald Trump's first term, from 2016 to 2020, marked a historic departure from the post-Second World War bipartisan consensus. His ‘America First’ approach introduced a transactional view of international relations that continues to shape the current political landscape. This approach was seen in actions such as Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Clim ...
October 30, 2024The global impact of the US elections on Africa is significant, with each administration shaping US-Africa relations through trade policies, development aid, and security cooperation. Potential shifts in economic and political alliances underscore Africa's strategic role amid US-China t...
October 15, 2024يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد هذه الحلقة من برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لمناقشة الانتخابات الرئاسية الأمريكية لعام 2024 وتداعياتها على العلاقات الأمريكية الإفريقية. مع اقتراب موعد الانتخابات الرئاسية الأمريكية 2024، يترقب العالم بأسره نتائج هذا السباق المحتدم بين المرشحي...
AuthorsBilal MahliOctober 15, 2024This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the role and impact of Yemen's Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), formed in April 2022, in navigating the complexities of Yemen's ongoing civil conflict. The PLC was created to unite various anti-Houthi factions under a single governance framework, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and to steer Yemen toward peace and stability. However, the PLC has faced numerous obstacles, including internal divisions, resistance from ...
October 7, 2024The Policy Center for the New South organized a roundtable on September 30th, focusing on the dynamics of the upcoming US Elections. This event featured a presentation by David Sylvan, Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University and an expert in US foreign policy and polit...
October 3, 2024This episode explores the potential effects of the 2024 U.S. elections on Africa, focusing on U.S. foreign policy, economic relations, and security cooperation. It examines key issues like shifts in U.S. strategies towards Africa, particularly in response to growing Chinese and Russian ...
AuthorsSeptember 27, 2024This paper examines the implications of the U.S.-China trade war for developing countries, particularly in light of the 2024 U.S. presidential election. The study traces the origins and escalation of the trade conflict, analyzing its multiple impacts on global trade patterns and economic growth. While some developing countries have benefited from trade diversion and supply-chain shifts, others, especially resource-exporting nations and the least-developed countries, have faced signi ...