AuthorsNovember 14, 2018Depuis plus de 70 ans, le franc CFA est la monnaie commune à quatorze pays du continent africain. Procéder à une comparaison entre les taux d’inflation et de croissance des pays membres de l’Union économique monétaire de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (UEMOA) et de la Communauté économique et monétaire de l’Afrique centrale (CEMAC), permet d’analyser les taux d’inflation et de croissance d’une vaste région regroupant deux communautés : l’une, ayant choisi le franc CFA comme monnaie, composée ...
November 13, 2018High level Seminar on Migration under the theme: “Migration: Reconciling North and South Visions” Jean-Paul TRAN THIET, Lawyer, Senior Fellow at Institut Montaigne, Co-chair of the report Save the Right to Asylum - Institut Montaigne- (How can we save the Asylum Right in the European...
AuthorsNovember 13, 2018Livelihoods of northern Niger’s population depended for centuries on trade and cross-border movement of licit goods with Libya. Historical trends of domestic and regional shocks demonstrated the ability of local communities to adapt and adjust to transformations caused by these shocks to survive. People moving through and living in the area have different motivations and reasons to cross to Libya and beyond, but economic drivers remain the key factor. The local economy has suffered ...
November 13, 2018High level Seminar on Migration under the theme: “Migration: Reconciling North and South Visions” Bruno TERTRAIS, Senior Research Fellow– Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (Migrations to Europe: Current Trends and Prospects) ...
AuthorsLemine Ould M. SalemNovember 12, 2018C’est l’opération de maintien de la paix la plus meurtrière de l’histoire. Installée en juin 2013, la Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (Minusma) a déjà perdu près de 200 personnes. L’application des dispositions de l’accord de paix signé en 2015 entre le gouvernement malien et les groupes rebelles du Nord marque un grand retard. Pendant ce temps, l’insécurité, longtemps contenue à la seule partie septentrionale du pays, se répand a ...
November 9, 2018High level Seminar on Migration under the theme: “Migration: Reconciling North and South Visions” Abdulah Coulibaly, Forum de Bamako ...
November 9, 2018High level Seminar on Migration under the theme: “Migration: Reconciling North and South Visions” Aragall Flaqué Xavier, Euro-Mediterranean Policies Technical Advisor- IEMed MOINS ...
AuthorsNovember 6, 2018“WIR SCHAFFEN DAS,” OR DRAGON BLOOD AND TOUGH SKIN She is modest. Powerful. Thoughtful. The most influential politician of Europe, no, in the world, as US magazine Time stated in a cover story, declaring the German as “person of the year” — in 2015. Often this powerful woman does her grocery shopping without a bodyguard, and only really dresses up for one annual gala, the Wagner-festival in Bayreuth. She enjoys opera, a sharp contrast to her speeches. Richard Wagner, the composer i ...
AuthorsNovember 5, 2018The situation in Mali continues to evolve and is making MINUSMA’s task further challenging. Civilians in northern and central Mali continue to suffer from protection issues. In fact, since June 2018, at least 287 civilians have been killed by extremist groups or have been victims of acts of atrocities from rival communities, the highest number recorded since the deployment of MINUSMA.1 MINUSMA earned its name of being the most dangerous UN mission in the world due to lack of suffici ...
AuthorsNovember 5, 2018Islamic finance is a way of doing finance while respecting the Islamic ban on interest-based transactions and ensuring risk sharing between parties in all operations. Contracts are supposed to rule out features that would make them akin to gambling or “making money from money.” Furthermore, engagements in businesses considered immoral or ethically problematic are not allowed. Islamic finance therefore means, among other features: no pure debt securities, with interest replaced by t ...