AuthorsSabine CessouFebruary 16, 2022Based in Washington DC, where he launched the Accountability Lab in 2012, this British citizen describes himself as « inquisitive, energetic and values-driven ». He heads a global « translocal network » which is expanding rapidly and about to open new local labs in Uganda and Somalia. The Lab, a non profit organization, currently employs 104 people in 14 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The aim is to make governments more transparent and accountable, through positive c ...
AuthorsPolicy CenterACETECDPMFebruary 15, 2022The African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) have never struggled to list common areas of interest or set up thematic partnerships and joint initiatives. The persistent challenge however is translating these partnerships into impact for both blocs of nations, particularly where interests diverge, such as those related to migration and green transition. Fifteen years since the critical Lisbon summit and the Joint Africa-EU Strategy, the time to move is now. To make the partners ...
AuthorsNassim HajoujiFebruary 15, 2022Using education and elite configurations as the main variables of analysis, this Policy Paper aims to show how higher levels of popular sector incorporation during elite conflicts, namely in the process of formulating and implementing policies related to education reforms, can negatively affect the economic complexity of developing countries. To do so, it analyzes the experiences of Mauritius and Singapore and links foundational political economy theories, particularly developmental ...
February 15, 2022يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لتقييم مدى إدراج النوع الاجتماعي بين الإنجازات القانونية والتحديات السياسية مع أميمة عاشور، أستاذة جامعية ورئيسة جمعية جسور ملتقى النساء المغربيات ...
AuthorsFebruary 14, 2022“Hiring outsiders to fight your battles is as old as war itself”. Peter W. Singer (2011) Mercenaries, private contractors, soldiers of fortune, dogs of war, guns for hire, war lords ... These are some of the names given to individuals working for private companies that provide military and security services. The debate around the use of these companies is deeply polarized, with some authors portraying such military contractors as ‘messiahs’, praising their efficiency in modern conf ...
AuthorsFebruary 14, 2022Si les liens existant entre l’exportation de matières premières et l’industrialisation sont étudiés depuis longtemps, l’entrée résolue de l’économie mondiale dans l’ère de la transition environnementale et numérique leur offre une dimension toute particulière. L’évidence de la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique par la décarbonation de notre monde ne saurait, en effet, faire oublier toute la complexité de la stratégie à adopter pour y parvenir. Il s’agit, pour l ...
Rim Riouch & Rida LyammouriFebruary 11, 2022Violence is increasingly endangering the lives of populations throughout the Sahel. Amid this problematic situation, coup d’etats are multiplying. On January 23, a military coup d’etat wa ...
AuthorsPierre EnglebertFebruary 11, 2022Almost ten years after the beginning of the security crisis in the Sahel, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger face a graver predicament than ever before. In the throes of multiple insurgencies, they and their foreign patrons, including France, have shown the limits of military containment. While these three countries are the victims of terrorist aggression, their crises also have deep domestic roots, including long-standing patterns of state abuses of their populations, even in the more d ...
AuthorsFebruary 10, 2022La crise de la IIème République tunisienne exacerbe l’incapacité des institutions de représentation démocratique à prendre en compte les demandes socio-économiques populaires, à l’origine de la « révolution de 2011 ». Conçue dans l’objectif de rompre avec l’ancien régime bénalien, la IIème République a permis de doter la Tunisie des infrastructures politiques et institutionnelles nécessaires, lui permettant d’encadrer ses libertés, tout en définissant son régime démocratique. Or, l’ ...
February 10, 2022Africafé est une émission du Policy Center for the New South qui décrypte l’actualité des organisations africaines et de l’Afrique. A travers de courtes interviews, l’émission tente de proposer d’aborder de manière pédagogique les enjeux des organisations africaines et l’actualité du co...