The impact of COVID-19 in Ethiopia and Africa - Interview of Yonas Adeto by Mohammed Loulichki

April 9, 2020

‪In an interview with Mohammed Loulichki, the director of the Institute for Peace and Security Studies, Yonas Adeto, gives his thoughts on the measures taken in Ethiopia and Africa.

Mohammed Loulichki
Senior Fellow
Mohammed Loulichki is a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and an Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. He brings over 40 years of comprehensive experience in diplomacy, conflict resolution, and human rights. He has served in various roles including as a member and Deputy Head of the Moroccan delegation to the 3rd Conference on the Law of the Sea (1982-1990), Head of the Department of Legal Affairs and Treaties at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1988-1991), and General Director for Multilateral Affairs in the same ministry (2003-2006).   He also acted as Morocco's Ambassador to Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Croatia (1995-1999), and was the Moroccan Government's Ambassador Coordinator with MINURSO (1999-2001). Furthermore, he served ...
Yonas Adeye Adeto
Commissioner, the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission and Former Director, Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS)
Associate Professor of Peace Studies, Former Director, Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa University (AAU); Current Commissioner, the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC). He has published peer reviewed articles in international journals, and edited book chapters on: Peacebuilding, Conflict Resolution, Security Sector Governance, Peace Education, Preventing Violent Extremism/Terrorism, Diplomacy, International Relations and Global as well as Regional Security. He has taught at Addis Ababa University over twenty-five years and is currently offering various courses related to theories, issues and praxis of Peace, Global and Regional Security to MA and PhD programmes at IPSS and elsewhere in Africa and beyond. Dr. Adeto holds a PhD in Peace Stud ...


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