AuthorsFebruary 17, 2020- There are three possible justifications for central banks to engage with climate change issues: financial risks, macroeconomic impacts, and mitigation/adaptation policies. - Regardless of the extent to which individual central banks take action in each of the three areas, they can no longer ignore climate change. Last year, extreme weather events associated with climate change – floods, violent storms, droughts, and forest fires –occurred on all inhabited continents. In at least ...
AuthorsCarlos R. AzzoniFebruary 15, 2020Is regional policy necessary? If so, under what circumstances? The first part of the chapter discusses the rationale behind the existence of (or the need for) regional policies in general. Cases in which excessive concentration or inequality hinders national economic growth are natural candidates for regional policies. If concentration and inequality favor national growth and competitiveness, regional interventions call for a different sort of argument, such as national unity or coh ...
AuthorsFebruary 14, 2020L’écosystème aéronautique marocain représente l’un des plus beaux cas de réussite industrielle dans un pays en développement. Bien sûr, le Maroc ne produit pas d’avions. Le marché mondial de l’aviation est dominé par un duopole constitué de l’Américain Boeing et de l’Européen Airbus. Une suprématie écrasante, renforcée encore récemment par l’acquisition des divisions commerciales des deux derniers concurrents significatifs dans le domaine des monocouloirs courts courriers : le Canad ...
February 13, 2020Questions : 1/ Comment analysez-vous la phase intermédiaire de transition démographique dans laquelle se trouve le Maroc ? Quelles sont les opportunités qu’elle offre et les contraintes qu’elle pose ? 2/ Vous considérez que la transition démographique a contribué à la réduction des écar...
AuthorsFebruary 13, 2020Angola’s prospects for reconstruction and development of its poor connectivity infrastructure are heavily dependent upon the export performance of its oil sector. Using an interregional input-output table for Angola, we estimate comprehensive measures of trade in value added revealing different hierarchies of interregional and international trade integration, with implications for regional inequality in the country. By encompassing the subnational perspective in the case study of an ...
AuthorsSeleman Yusuph KitengeFebruary 12, 2020The internet of Things as a disruptive technology of the day and trend brings in a huge sense of connectivity and interaction not only between objects or devices, but also the workforce within institutions to amplify efficiency and productivity. This paper provides insights and perspectives of how institutions can bridge the digital divide with upskilling strategies which unlock an expert IoT workforce. Particularly, it focuses on AUDA – NEPAD scope of work areas such as Economic In ...
AuthorsFebruary 10, 2020This book studies Morocco’s growth and employment prospects in the context of a new growth model aimed at avoiding a middle-income trap, in a rapidly changing international environment marked by increased competition from low-wage economies and growing automation of low-skilled jobs. Chapter 1 discusses the changing nature of the international environment facing Morocco and provides the rationale for changing the country’s growth model. Chapter 2 reviews the growth model that Morocc ...
AuthorsAmilcar RomeroFebruary 9, 2020As founder & president at the Ankawa International – The Ankawa Global Group, I had the privilege to represent twice, in the field of new technologies, my organization during the last two Paris Peace Forum (2018-2019), as a leading organization from the global south (Peru). For us, these participations were important in order to showcase the kind expertise developed in our programs currently implemented for advancing social transformation, the ultimate goal of the organization, ...
AuthorsMehmet Sait AkmanShiro ArmstrongAnabel GonzalezFukunari KimuraJunji NakagawaPeter RashishAkihiko TamuraCarlos A. Primo BragaFebruary 9, 2020In the context of his role as chair of the T20 task force « Trade, Investment and Globalization », our senior fellow, Uri Dadush has led the T20 brief under the theme "World Trading System Under Stress: Scenarios for the Future", which has been published in Global Policy. The world trading system has been remarkably successful in many respects but is now under great strain. The causes are deep‐seated and require a strategic response. The future of the system depends critically on r ...
AuthorsSebastian JeanFebruary 7, 2020Compte rendu de l'événement "Le processus de croissance au Maroc: Quelques éléments d’analyse" initialement publié sur Le rythme de croissance de l'économie marocaine a été honorable dans les années 2000 (+4,7%) et plus modeste durant les années 2010 (+3%). Le pays a réussi à s'intégrer avec succès dans des chaines de valeurs mondiales. Cependant, le chômage reste à un niveau très élevé, notamment pour les jeunes dans les centres urbains. Un sentier de croissan ...