In this interview with Dr. Josh Martin, UNOCT Expert in Violent Extremism, USA,we examine the factors leading individuals to adopt violent beliefs and terrorist affiliations, we also explore current initiatives for monitoring susceptible individuals as we analyze the role of AI in counterterrorism efforts, and the risks of AI being exploited by terrorists to spread extremist content.
December 16, 2022In this video recorded during the Atlantic Dialogues, our Columnist Mr. Helmut Sorge interviews Ms. Nusrat Farooq, Technology and Programs Associate, Global Internet Forum to Counterterrorism, Ms. Farooq tells us about how The Global Internet Forum is fighting violent extremism and terr...
Youssef Tobi & Rida LyammouriNovember 25, 2022Communities in northern Côte d’Ivoire report an ongoing pattern of questioning, ethnically- motivated arrests, and abuse, in contrast to the good relationships with local forces and poli ...
AuthorsSous la direction deAhmed RhazaouiAlioune NdiayeBenjamin TraoréChidiogo AkunyiliEric NtumbaLassina DiarraNchimunya HamukomaNoamane CherkaouiPatrice KouraogoSalma DaoudiSouha MajidiNovember 1, 2022Dans cette nouvelle édition du Rapport annuel sur la géopolitique de l’Afrique, et à l’instar des éditions précédentes, le maître-mot est la richesse dans la diversité. Une diversité dans les visions et les opinions que des auteurs africains, habitués de cette tribune où qui la découvrent, alimentent en exprimant leurs réflexions sur des questions clés qui intéressent leur continent : l’Afrique. Du cadre social, à celui militaire en passant par les contextes historiques, anthropolog ...
October 27, 2022Dans cette édition spéciale, le Général Mohamed Znagui Sid’Ahmed Ely décrypte les approches de contre terrorisme au niveau national et régional et appuie sur l'importance des approches collectives tel que le G5 Sahel pour l'endiguement de l'expansion de la menace terroriste. ...
AuthorsOctober 21, 2022The sixth African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO) was held on July 20-21, 2022, under the theme 'African Security in Times of Uncertainties'. The two-day event was composed of five panels and one report discussion. • Panel 1: The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Africa • Panel 2: Conflict Resolution and w in Africa • Panel 3: The Worsening of the Food-Security Challenge in Africa • Panel 4: Security Implications of Climate Change in Africa • Panel 5: African F ...
September 1, 2022Dans cet épisode Lassina Diarra et Abdelhak Bassou échangent sur le caractère religieux des violences en Afrique de l'ouest. Ils y discutent des implications politiques et des fondements de ces violences ainsi que des causes de leurs résurgence. ...
AuthorsAugust 9, 2022Communities in northern Côte d’Ivoire report an ongoing pattern of questioning, ethnically- motivated arrests, and abuse, in contrast to the good relationships with local forces and police they had until two years ago*. In one case, the national army arrested a number of men, beat them, and held them for up to two months**. In response to extremist attacks, Côte d’Ivoire has increased the military presence in the north, creating a special forces’ base and sending more military per ...
AuthorsAugust 3, 2022The timing was perfect for analyzing the “African Security in times of uncertainties”. The Rabat-based “Policy Center For The New South” programmed its 6th “African Peace d Security Annual Conference” (APSACO) on July 20/21 to focus on the historic challenge of our time-the world, Africa in particular, struggling to find stability while war s waged in Central Europe, and 25 million tons of wheat and fertilizers needed to feed the starving population, millions on the African contin ...
July 21, 20222021 was a year of global geopolitical disruption and geo-economic upheaval. As events gather momentum, the world enters a period of geopolitical and geo-economic transition; the end of one historical cycle foreshadowing the uncertain prospects of a new one. We are henceforth, in presen...
July 21, 2022كانت سنة 2021 سنة اضطراب جيو-سياسي وانقلاب جيو-اقتصادي عالميين. ومع تزايد زخم الأحداث، دخل العالم فترة تحول جيو-سياسي وجيو-اقتصادي تعلن نهاية دورة تاريخية وتُنبِّؤ بآفاق غير مؤكدة لدورة جديدة. وعليه، فإننا من الآن فصاعداً أمام تغير عالمي حقيقي ينطوي على نقاط ضغط متعددة وقوىً دافعة جيو-س...