The Middle East faces a web of complex crises driven by historical legacies, regional power struggles, and ongoing geopolitical tensions. Among these crises, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict stands out as a deeply entrenched issue, marked by competing national aspirations and territorial disputes. The region’s challenges are further compounded by a mix of deeply rooted conflicts, sectarian divides, and the influence of both regional and global actors. These crises have far-reaching implications, affecting global security, economic stability, and international diplomacy. Understanding the dynamics of these conflicts requires a comprehensive view of their historical contexts and current geopolitical shifts. In this interview, our columnist Helmut Sorge hosts Charles Kupchan, Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Kupchan shares insights into the underlying factors shaping the Middle East's past and ongoing crises, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He explores the roles of major international players and discusses potential paths toward resolution, shedding light on the region’s complex landscape and its broader impact on global affairs.
AuthorsBilal MahliOctober 15, 2024This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the role and impact of Yemen's Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), formed in April 2022, in navigating the complexities of Yemen's ongoing civil conflict. The PLC was created to unite various anti-Houthi factions under a single governance framework, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and to steer Yemen toward peace and stability. However, the PLC has faced numerous obstacles, including internal divisions, resistance from ...
October 7, 2024The Policy Center for the New South organized a roundtable on September 30th, focusing on the dynamics of the upcoming US Elections. This event featured a presentation by David Sylvan, Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University and an expert in US foreign policy and polit...
October 3, 2024This episode explores the potential effects of the 2024 U.S. elections on Africa, focusing on U.S. foreign policy, economic relations, and security cooperation. It examines key issues like shifts in U.S. strategies towards Africa, particularly in response to growing Chinese and Russian ...
AuthorsSeptember 27, 2024This paper examines the implications of the U.S.-China trade war for developing countries, particularly in light of the 2024 U.S. presidential election. The study traces the origins and escalation of the trade conflict, analyzing its multiple impacts on global trade patterns and economic growth. While some developing countries have benefited from trade diversion and supply-chain shifts, others, especially resource-exporting nations and the least-developed countries, have faced signi ...
AuthorsKassie FreemanSeptember 23, 2024The 2024 Presidential election in the United States will be historic and consequential. Both candidates are history-making in different ways. Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, is the first woman of African and Asian descent to become the Democratic Party’s nominee, while President Trump won his party’s nomination without participating in any Republic Primary debates. Even more strikingly different are their parties’ platforms—what they would do if elected. However, i ...
AuthorsSeptember 20, 2024Le minilatéralisme, approche flexible et rapide de la coopération internationale, s'avère efficace pour relever des défis communs entre un petit nombre d'États. Inspiré du « Dialogue 5+5 » méditerranéen, ce concept est proposé pour renforcer la coopération euro-africaine dans l'espace atlantique, en créant un forum « 3+3 » réunissant l'Espagne, la France, le Portugal, le Maroc, la Mauritanie et le Sénégal. Ce cadre permettrait de répondre aux enjeux sécuritaires, économiques et migr ...
September 19, 2024Electoral processes in Africa face significant challenges that undermine democratic ideals. Despite ongoing efforts to enhance electoral integrity, many nations struggle to conduct credible elections. In this episode, Dr. Sharamo examines the current landscape of electoral reforms acros...
September 17, 2024في السنوات الأخيرة، شهدت الساحة السياسية الأوروبية والعالمية تصاعدًا ملحوظًا في نفوذ ما يُسمى بـ "اليمين المتطرف"، مما أدى إلى بروز أسئلة ملحة حول طبيعة هذا التيار وأسبابه وتداعياته. هل نحن أمام أيديولوجية راسخة أم مجرد رد فعل عابر تجاه التغيرات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية؟ وما مدى ارتباط هذ...
Les élections présidentielles de novembre 2024 révèlent des fractures du paysage politique américainAuthorsSeptember 5, 2024Les élections présidentielles américaines de 2024 se déroulent dans un contexte de polarisation politique marquée, qui reflète les divisions idéologiques et sociales au sein de la société américaine. Ce phénomène résulte de diverses dynamiques structurelles, telles que le ‘’gerrymandering’’, l'évolution des médias, l'essor des réseaux sociaux, et un système de financement des campagnes électorales dominé par de grands donateurs. Ces facteurs ont contribué à redéfinir le paysage poli ...
AuthorsSeptember 5, 2024In November, U.S. voters will decide who will take control of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and their political parties differ significantly on key economic policy proposals that will heavily impact the economy of the country and, therefore, the world. Here, we examine examples in the fields of trade, tax, energy, and immigration. On trade, although the Democrat administration of President Joe Biden has not been a bastio ...