Président du conseil d'administration
- Anoop Singh, chercheur émérite, Centre pour le progrès social et économique (CSEP)
- Michel Camdessus, ancien directeur général, Fonds monétaire international (FMI) - En ligne
- Masood Ahmed, Président, Center for Global Development (CGD)
- Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, Gouverneur, Banque centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
- Pablo Garcia Silva, Vice-gouverneur, Banque centrale du Chili
- Julio Velarde, gouverneur, Banque centrale du Pérou (BCRP)
- François Villeroy de Galhau, gouverneur, Banque centrale de France (BdF)
- Hiroshi Watanabe, président de l'Institut pour les affaires monétaires internationales (IMAI)
Remarques de clôture
- Bernard Snoy, président de l'association Robert Triffin International (RTI)
July 21, 2023As the world awakens to the immensity of the opportunities and challenges generated by the twin humanitarian and economic disruptions associated with the pandemic crisis and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, global diplomacy stands at a crossroads where the scale and scope of change cal...
July 21, 2023As the world awakens to the immensity of the opportunities and challenges generated by the twin humanitarian and economic disruptions associated with the pandemic crisis and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, global diplomacy stands at a crossroads where the scale and scope of change cal...
La diplomatie économique comme levier de l'intégration régionale dans la région euro-méditerranéenneJuly 21, 2023As the world awakens to the immensity of the opportunities and challenges generated by the twin humanitarian and economic disruptions associated with the pandemic crisis and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, global diplomacy stands at a crossroads where the scale and scope of change cal...
July 21, 2023As the world awakens to the immensity of the opportunities and challenges generated by the twin humanitarian and economic disruptions associated with the pandemic crisis and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, global diplomacy stands at a crossroads where the scale and scope of change cal...
AuthorsJuly 20, 2023Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Having experienced considerable growth in recent years, artificial intelligence corresponds to technologies capable of processing hybrid sources, particularly unstructured data. Complex tasks are thus delegated to increasingly autonomous technological processes, capable of driving economic and social development. In current African society, AI is becoming more popular and seeking to cover all ...
AuthorsJuly 18, 2023Le secteur informel est une composante essentielle de l'économie marocaine, employant une large partie de la population, mais nuisant à la productivité, aux recettes fiscales de l’État et à la croissance économique à long terme. Sur la base de la définition adoptée dans cette étude et qui définit les travailleurs informels comme étant ceux qui ne sont pas couverts par les régimes contributifs de sécurité sociale de la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) et d ...
July 14, 2023The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) organized a joint event titled “Renewing the Dialogue on Inclusive Growth in MENA: Re-Framing the Debate and Setting the Agenda” took place on Friday 16th of June 2023, started at 10:30 am (Rabat time G...
AuthorsZakaria ElouaourtiJuly 13, 2023This paper was originally published on This paper explores new pathways to women's empowerment, including household structure, family support, satisfaction and self-esteem, and trust in institutions and politicians, and their impact on labor market participation, with a specific focus on gender differences. Using a microeconomic database of 7,860 individuals from North Africa and employing a Probit model, we find that gender significantly influences labor market ...
AuthorsJuly 5, 2023This policy brief was originally published on Despite the perception of abundant financial resources and technology worldwide, building quality project pipelines of sustainable infrastructure and securing funding for them remains a challenge for most developing countries. One potential solution to these obstacles is international cooperation among governments through enhancing cooperation among their national, regional, and multilateral development banks, which alread ...
AuthorsZakaria ElouaourtiJuly 1, 2023This paper was originally published on The digital divide in the financial sector has occurred through the development of financial technologies. These latest “FinTech” refers to technological innovations that have emerged in the financial system in recent years, which are the new channels for providing financial services. These innovations have disrupted traditional financing models by making financial transactions more secure and by reducing spatiotemporal constrain ...