La question de la participation de la jeunesse au travail politique fait régulièrement surface dans le monde et dans le Sud, où la prépondérance démographique des jeunes rend leur implication dans la vie des instances particulièrement importante. Qu’implique donc, concrètement, au quotidien, l’exercice de la fonction d’élu local dans une mégapole du Sud comme Casablanca ? Comment peut-on restaurer une confiance parfois érodée entre instances municipales et administrés ? Quelles compétences tirées du privé peuvent-elles être placées au service des institutions publiques ? C’est à ces questions qu’a répondu Oumaima El Idrissi, vice-présidente du conseil d’arrondissement d’Anfa.
AuthorsSeptember 11, 2020Latin American and Caribbean economies need help, but organizations like the IDB are also stretched thin. First appeared at Americas Quarterly With Latin America and the Caribbean potentially facing years of difficulties due to the pandemic and related economic crises, attention has shifted to what multilateral institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) might do to help. There’s no doubt they can play a crucial role in preventing another lost decade in the region. But ...
AuthorsSous la direction deSeptember 3, 2020Au moment où elle fêtait le passage à 2020, l’Afrique était loin de soupçonner que l’année à laquelle elle faisait ses adieux, aurait le funeste “privilège” de porter dans ses registres d’Etat-civil, la naissance d’un virus qui allait paralyser le monde, dans la première moitié de l’année suivante. C’est sur cette Afrique de l’année pré-Covid-19 que portent les différents papiers du présent Rapport. Les uns, reflétant les espoirs, les ambitions et les projets africains et, les autre ...
AuthorsSalma DaoudiSeptember 3, 2020Alors que la pandémie de la Covid-19 continue de sévir et d’alimenter nombre de turbulences politiques et économiques, un nouveau fléau s’abat sur le monde : Le nationalisme vaccinal. Témoin de la fragmentation de la santé publique mondiale et de l’effritement du multilatéralisme face au chaos sanitaire, le nationalisme vaccinal, soit la course aux droits prioritaires pour l’accaparement de doses à la production limitée, menace de politiser l’accès au vaccin. Outre les préoccupation ...
AuthorsTaoufik MarrakchiSeptember 2, 2020The crisis of the new Coronavirus is exacerbating the tensions between the United States and China, thus foreshadowing a war without guns, in which the stakes are neither territorial nor ideological, but economic. Having adopted a vehement attitude towards China, well before this crisis, the tenant of the White House has brandished the threat of economic sanctions against China and is pushing towards its isolation on the international scene in order to contain its influence. In cont ...
September 1, 2020بعد تفشي فيروس كورونا المستجد في جل مناطق العالم، اختلفت طرق التصدي له من دولة إلى أخرى. حيث اعتمدت الدول قرارات متفاوتة من حيث الصرامة في ظل الحد من تفشي هذا الوباء. وفي نفس الصدد، اتُخذت عدة قرارات لدعم المواطنين لكي يتاح لهم المرور من هذه الأزمة بأقل الأضرار الممكنة في مختلف القطاعات...
AuthorsAmin El-YousfiSeptember 1, 2020On February 18, 2020, a few weeks before COVID-19 became the number one concern for politicians and the public, Emmanuel Macron delivered a long-awaited speech in Mulhouse in which he emphasized the importance of fighting what he called “Islamist separatism”. Many analysts were surprised by this declaration which differed from previous statements he’d made, following his election, about the need to institutionalize Islam. This policy brief explores the background to the institutiona ...
AuthorsAugust 24, 2020During the medal ceremony at the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City on October 16, 1968, two Black American athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, each raised a gloved fist during the playing of the U.S. national anthem. The two Americans received their medals shoeless, but wearing black socks to represent black poverty. Smith wore a black scarf around his neck to present black pride. Carlos, who won a bronze medal, wore a necklace of beads, which he said “were for those individuals th ...
AuthorsAugust 17, 2020The global spread of COVID-19 has caused widespread fear and anxiety, first because of the fear of infection, the anguish of death, and then because of enduring uncertainties about the nature of the epidemic, its modes of transmission, its degree of severity, and the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention protocols to save those infected. A distinction should be made between two situations that are often confused: on the one hand, the psychological effects caused by the fear of t ...
August 13, 2020A l’occasion de son 75ème anniversaire, l’ONU a lancé un vaste débat populaire à travers le monde intitulé UN75: « The future we want, the UN we need ». Initié par le Secrétaire général de l’ONU António Guterres, ce débat se veut le plus vaste jamais organisé autour de la construction d...
AuthorsAugust 10, 2020While many states are adopting strict measures including containment and even border closures, some countries have used surveillance technologies to control the spread of the virus, and others are considering similar solutions. The most widespread device is the geolocation of smartphone data, digital tracing, cybersurveillance and facial recognition, the aim of which is to detect the movements of potentially contaminated people, warn populations likely to have been exposed to the vi ...