September 5, 2024Africa's economic growth is significantly hampered by financial constraints, which pose significant challenges. These constraints severely limit investments in critical areas such as infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Addressing these issues is crucial for achieving sustainable ...
Fahd Azaroual, Sampawende TapsobaAugust 30, 2024The African continent is currently facing the challenge of attracting significant investments in crucial sectors such as energy, agriculture, infrastructure, and health. However, access t ...
Helmut Sorge and Hans Peter LankesAugust 23, 2024Delve into the critical topic of fostering Africa's economic transformation through innovative financing. Hans Peter Lankes shares his expertise on what innovative financing entails and t ...
August 16, 2024Cette vidéo offre une réflexion structurée sur le rôle essentiel de la jeunesse dans la réalisation des Objectifs de Développement Durable, en mettant en lumière trois dimensions clés : l'éducation de qualité (ODD 4), le travail décent et la croissance économique (ODD 8), ainsi que la s...
Helmut Sorge & Tayo AdulojuAugust 16, 2024In this episode, Tayo Aduloju discusses the pressing issues of social justice and systemic inequality, emphasizing the role of education and policy reform in fostering a more equitable so ...
August 13, 2024شهد القطاع المصرفي المغربي توسعًا ملحوظًا في الأسواق الأفريقية خلال السنوات الأخيرة. من خلال هذا التوسع، تسعى البنوك المغربية إلى ترسيخ وجودها في أسواق تشهد طلباً متزايداً على الخدمات المالية، واستغلال الفرص الاستثمارية التي توفرها القارة الأفريقية. ولكن ما هي الدوافع الحقيقية وراء هذا ...
AuthorsAugust 9, 2024Closer to a ‘Third World War’ When in the last week of July, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Trump at his estate in Florida, the Republican candidate insisted to his visitor, who is attempting to eliminate all hopes of an independent Palestinian states through violence and destruction: “You are close to a third world war now, more than at any time since the Second World War. You’ve never been so close, because we have incompetent people running our country” (The ...
AuthorsAugust 8, 2024Most of the Population Does Not Benefit Until mid-2021, cruise ships moved with all their glitz and glamour into Venice’s Guidecca Canal, overshadowing the historic buildings, the foundations of which were destabilized with every wave, and threatening fisher boats and cappuccino lovers sitting beside the canal. Thousands of cruise passengers spilled onto the cobblestone roads, enjoying Gondola rides, glimpsing the Bridge of Sighs, exploring the fish markets near the Rialto bridge a ...
AuthorsAugust 2, 2024China’s economy grew by 4.7% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2024, after 5.3% in the first quarter of the year (Figure 1). As in 2023, the official target has been set at 5% for 2024 (Figure 2). Naturally, great attention has been paid to the decisions of the Third Plenum of the 20th Communist Party of China Party Congress on July 15-18, a four-day meeting in which the country’s leadership sets out the direction of economic policy. The last such event was held in 2018. Do ...
AuthorsEduardo de Carvalho AndradeJuly 31, 2024This paper was originally published in Project Syndicate Fourteen high-income countries have shown how immigration can help offset declining fertility rates and maintain population levels. But with anti-immigrant sentiment on the rise, politicians in these countries face a difficult choice: welcoming foreigners or facing the economic challenges brought about by an aging population. WASHINGTON, DC – Populations around the world are aging, as mortality and fertility rates fall. Wh ...