Biden's Presidency: Impact, Challenges, and Future Trends

June 19, 2024

Our Senior Fellow, Mr. Dominique Bocquet, presents his report, "Assessing Biden’s Presidency: A Method," offering a thorough analysis of President Joe Biden's administration. The report evaluates Biden's domestic and international policies, highlights key challenges and opportunities, and predicts future trends under his leadership. Link: Assessing Biden’s Presidency: A Method

Dominique Bocquet
Senior Fellow
Dominique Bocquet is a graduate of Sciences-Po, a graduate of history and a former student of ENA. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the French Review Commentaire and Knight of the Legion of Honor. He lectures at Sciences Po and the ENA and is active in several European think tanks.  He is the author of several books and reports, including "Génération Europe" (Editions François Bourin, 1989), in collaboration with Philippe Delleur; "France and Germany, a couple running out of ideas" (Notes from the Saint-Simon Foundation, 1996); What economic efficiency for Lomé? "(Report for the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, June 1998)" Bringing the EDF into the EU’s Budget, a step forward in modernizing aid "(Report for the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry, ...


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    This policy brief argues for a closer relationship between Morocco and the United States. Morocco’s geo-economic position is evolving in ways that will shape U.S. and international interests in the country and open new avenues for cooperation. Key drivers of change in this context include Morocco’s stake in greater economic integration in the Maghreb, a growing role in Africa, new energy and infrastructure projects, and the emergence of Morocco as a hub for communications around th ...
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