  • Trying to highlight only one aspect about the great ADEL experience is not an easy task. However, we chose to emphasize not the professional realm, but the fostering of people-to-people relations. One of the most important results of the experience – apart from the enriching discussions – was to get to know each other and start a profound friendship.

  • Mentor, Tariq Ibnou Ziyad Initiative (TIZI), Morocco

    " Ma participation à la 8ème édition des Atlantic Dialogues Emerging leader Program (ADEL), est une expérience exceptionnelle. C’est l’exemple d’une initiative innovante, qui nous permet de faire entendre nos voix, et penser un monde meilleur ! Nous avons vécus beaucoup d’échanges et de partage entre des jeunes acteurs passionnés, et motivés pour contribuer aux changements positifs dans les différents domaines (politique, social, économiques etc…)

  • Senior Policy Advisor, Her Majesty’s Treasury, UK

    The participation to the Emerging Leaders Program encouraged me to articulate my own goals and vision to myself.

    I now have a varied network of young professionals across the world, whom I have met with since, and I found the experience of presenting on stage with my peers in front of experts an extremely valuable learning experience."

  • Deputy Mayor in charge of Digital and Vocational Training, Champigny-sur-Marne, Paris Region

    " En 2018 j'ai eu l'opportunité de faire partie de la promotion 2018 des Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders. Ce programme de qualité mis en place par Policy Center for the New South était une véritable formation intensive qui m'a permis de bénéficier d'outils, d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences en leadership, design thinking, prise de parole en public mais aussi de novelles connaissances en matière de relations internationales. 

  • Manager, Global Government Relations, Accenture

    " The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program stands out for its networking. The 2014 Emerging Leaders have stayed in close contact, sharing their accomplishments and opportunities for collaboration. It is an alumni group that I am confident will maintain its strength into the future. "

  • CEO and Co-Founder, EVOCRAFT, Tunisia

    L’expérience que je viens de vivre dans le cadre de ce programme Emerging Leader va constituer une source d’inspiration dans ma vie professionnelle de jeune élue locale et d’entrepreneure. C’est la toute première fois que je participe à un programme qui offre autant de thématiques et qui met en liaison des jeunes de différents horizons. "

  • CEO, Empeople

    " The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program is the perfect gathering for thinkers and doers to connect and collaborate, under the sharp vision of the Policy Center for the New South. The meeting gathers high level panelists and experts from all over the world and creates a wonderful space to challenge ideas and concepts.

  • Postgraduate Student, Columbia University, Canada

    The ability to debate shared 21st-century challenges with an array of emerging leaders with diverse backgrounds - representing the North and South Atlantic, developing and developed countries, and the public, private and nonprofit sectors - made the program an immensely worthwhile and valuable experience. I recommend it to everyone. "

  • Nigeria Research Coordinator, University of Massachusetts-Amherst (e-GUIDE), Nigeria

    The ADEL 2022 program was truly an incredible experience. An intense but good environment to foster a strong bond amongst the fellows. There were insightful panel discussions across peace & security, industry 4.0, climate change, food security, as well as valuable interactions with ADEL alumni as a segway into the main Atlantic dialogues conference with leaders from across the Atlantic region.

  • Policy Analyst, Natural Resources Canada

    It was a privilege to take part in the 2022 Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders (ADEL) program, and by extension, welcomed to the Atlantic Dialogues conference. 


  • Geospatial Consultant, World Food Programme – United Nations

    The experience in ADEL 2023, made me realise how global perspective in decision, design and thinking and networking and collaboration can be achieved especially global south. It also expounded a lot on emerging technologies like AI and its impact in my career field. I would greatly recommend the ADEL program to any young person you will challenged, inspired and engaged.

  • Environmental Specialist, The World Bank

    The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program provided me with the unique chance to meet bright people that have the energy and passion to lead their communities towards a positive developmental path. The various networking opportunities, seminars, and panels and crisis simulation exercises vibed-up my curiosity and understanding on complementary areas of my work.

  • Director of Donors and Partnerships, Caribbean Youth Policy Institute, Trinidad and Tobago

    The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program (ADEL) stands as a signpost in my professional development journey due to the varied experiences I encountered. From the EL to the Atlantic Dialogues the context-rich contributions by panelist and members of the audience, served to re-educate me on the single story I knew of Africa.

  • Managing Director, OXCON Frontier Markets and Fragile States Consulting, Egypt

    I was encouraged to apply to the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program by an Alumni who have long praised the value of the program. In addition, I was particularly keen on joining a world class  leadership program organized on the continent by an African institution; and indeed, the Policy Centre for the New South delivered with brilliance.

  • Founder & Business Developer, Dis Abled

    " The cameras went off. The ballroom is bright-lit now. The overwhelming closing ceremony has just finished. At the bordering hall, an eleventh hour exchange of business cards is happening.

  • Chief Operating Officer, United Coin, Morocco

    " Ma participation au programme Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders fût une expérience très enrichissante dans sa multiculturalité et sa diversité. Échanger avec les Emerging Leaders sur différents sujets permet de promouvoir l’innovation, l’engagement et la sensibilisation autour des problématiques sociales, économiques et politiques autour du bassin Atlantique.

  • Technology Associate, Global Internet Forum to Counterterrorism

    The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders (ADEL) program was an amazing experience for me. The program is an intergenerational dialogue between the current leaders and the emerging leaders. The workshops in the program, bonding activities with other ADELs who came from 21 other countries, networking with ambassadors, generals, former presidents and prime ministers was a one-of-a-kind experience for me.

  • Researcher, Peace Research Institute (PRI)

    Earlier last year, I was asked the question: “Can you provide an example of a South-South cooperation.” While I had some examples in mind, they were limited compared to South-North cooperation.

  • Senior Researcher, The Brenthurst Foundation, South Africa

    " In 2018, I got to have the amazing experience of being part of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders 2018 Cohort . The reason the program was so amazing was because it gave me the opportunity to know what a thriving professional environment looks like for me. Oftentimes as we move along in our careers we get stuck in routine and the idea that our lives are supposed to happen on the weekend.

  • Fellow, Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)

    You enter as an ordinary professional, but leave an extraordinary one! This is how I summarise the ADEL program combined with the Atlantic Dialogues conference.

  • Defence and Security Stream Manager, GLOBSEC

    "It is impossible to attend the Atlantic Dialogue Emerging Leaders (ADEL) program and not come away a better person.

    The curriculum during the program helped advance my professional standing and afforded me the opportunity to learn about new cultures and languages. I have made relations for life in Marrakesh and look forward to reconnecting with ADEL community around the world." 

  • Economic Development Manager, National Economic Development and Labour Council

    I facilitate social dialogue between government, business, civil society and labour on socio-economic policy and legislation. The design thinking workshop delivered at the ADEL program has made me view social dialogue and policy formulation in an enhanced manner in that I always have the user in mind and apply the methods that we were taught on design thinking.

  • Junior Consultant, African Development Bank, South Africa

    " The Emerging Leaders experience provided me with a network of dynamic and inspiring young professionals with whom I’ve shared insights, knowledge, contacts, and encouragement.

    Since last year, I’ve met with five Emerging Leaders in various parts of the world. I’ve hosted ELs in Cape Town, met up on trips to Johannesburg, and now had my move to the Cote d’Ivoire assisted by an Emerging Leader in Abidjan. "

  • Project Manager and Researcher, MENA renewables and sustainability (MENARES), Morocco

    The Emerging Leaders Program opened my networking perspectives to new horizons. It was also a great opportunity to meet inspiring former/current presidents, ministers and leaders from the globe. "

  • Project Management & Business Development, M2t, Morocco

    "The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program was an expectational opportunity for me to meet talented individuals committed to meaningful causes from all sides of the Atlantic.

    In addition to the valuable conferences, Emerging Leaders get to meet an incredible professional network and make encounters that last beyond the program. It has been an unforgettable experience. "

  • Academic Manager, Howard University Washington D.C

    " The Atlantic Dialogue was a great opportunity to challenge policymakers and highlight the fact that science, technology and innovation policies lack a gender perspective.

    As such policies do not adequately and equitably address all development concerns. Inequalities between women and men in terms of access to capital, resources and government support create challenges for women entrepreneurs. "

  • Director, A Seat At The Table

    The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program by the Policy Center of the New South provides an ideal platform for accomplished young professionals with a passion for policy and societal impact. Once a year PCNS gathers a new cohort of rising leaders, entrepreneurs and trailblazers from around the world to focus on new solutions for the world’s most pressing issues.

  • Legislative Assistant Washington State for Senator Liz Lovelett, Washington State Senate

    It is not every day that one gets to experience a program exposing them to unparalleled insights from world leaders, discussing hot topics and global trends with expert panels, and an opportunity to interact with like-minded young change makers motivated for good.

  • Senior Research Staff Assistant, International Research Institute for Climate and Society

    " The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program enabled me to interact with young, fascinating people, facing the same challenges I face as a young change maker. Talking to them allowed for a substantial and valuable exchange of ideas and experiences on shared economic, political and social issues.

  • Associate Director, Meridiam

    " It was a unique opportunity to meet brilliant young people from all over the transatlantic world, from different fields, all committed to a better common future. The team discussions and the presentations revealed the possibility to make things happen.

  • Research Officer, Presidency of Benin, Benin

    Les dialogues atlantiques et le programme des leaders émergents (Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program) organisés par le Policy Center for the New South sont des initiatives africaines, portées par des africains et mises en œuvre sur le continent africain.

  • Founder and President, Love the Kids Foundation, Rwanda

    In 2017, I  was among the lucky 50 young leaders selected from a pool of over 1000 applicants to take part in the 6th edition of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program. When I traveled to Marrakesh, I met the other 49 Young Leaders who are doing incredible work in different communities from across the Atlantic basin.

  • Associate Director, Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute

    Uncomfortable. That one word sums up my experience at the ADEL 2023 program. Every aspect of the program pushed me to my limits, inspiring me to be do more. For an entire week, I was completely out of my comfort zone, immersed in a whirlwind of rigorous debates, thought-provoking workshops, and real-world simulations that challenged my understanding of security and policy issues across the Atlantic basin and the north-south divide. The diversity of perspectives was enlightening.

  • Public Policy Strategic Advisor

    What an absolute honor, participating in the 2022 Policy Center for the New South's Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program. I had the privilege of meeting 29 incredible people from across Africa, Europe, South America, and North America.

  • Chief of Staff to the Presidency, Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI)

    Being part of the 2023 Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders (ADEL) program was a career highlight, exemplifying excellence in global think-tank initiatives. ADEL's commitment to fostering diverse, intergenerational dialogues enriched my perspective and underscored the power of connections in addressing global challenges.