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Book / Report

Tomorrow’s Voices: Artificial Intelligence, Communication, and the New Global Order
Roberto Razeto
Michael Stopford
February 10, 2025

Tomorrow’s Voices: Artificial Intelligence, Communication, and the New Global Order" by Roberto Razeto and Michael Stopford is an eye-opening exploration of how communication—and the rise of artificial intelligence—are reshaping the world. In an era defined by climate crises, pandemics, and spiralling geopolitical tensions, the book reveals how language, diplomacy, and AI-driven technology can bridge divides and drive global solutions. In fact today’s daunting global challenges can only be met through an effective use of communications.

From the power of storytelling to the ethical challenges of AI, Razeto and Stopford present real-world examples of communication's transformative impact. They show how AI, when used responsibly, can amplify voices, foster transparency, and combat misinformation. Yet, they also warn of the dangers: how unchecked technology might mislead, manipulate, or deepen divides.

Through vivid case studies, the authors illustrate the role of communication in fostering a more resilient, interconnected world. "Tomorrow’s Voices" invites readers to imagine a future where communication not only informs but inspires collective action, guided by ethics and innovation. This is more than a treatise—it’s a call to shape the digital age with clarity, empathy, and purpose.

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