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Rapport annuel sur la Géopolitique de l’Afrique 2019
Sous la direction de
September 26, 2019

Le Rapport sur la géopolitique de l’Afrique, dénommé lors de ses éditions précédentes « Miroir d’Afrique », s’inscrit dans une série de documents annuels publiés par le Policy Center for the New South (PCNS). Les grandes évolutions du continent y sont traitées, avec une large place faite à l’analyse prospective. Ce rapport s’ajoute ainsi au Rapport annuel sur l’économie de l’Afrique et au Rapport Arcadia (Annual Report on Commodity Analytics and Dynamics in Africa), portant les analyses de chercheurs issus du Nord comme du Sud.

Ce document s’articule autour de trois grandes parties, consacrées aux régions, à la sécurité et au jeu des puissances étrangères. L’Afrique n’étant pas un pays, mais un vaste continent dont la carte peut abriter les superficies de la Chine, de l’Inde, de l’Europe et des États-Unis, une analyse informée et factuelle ne peut faire l’économie d’un passage au crible des dynamiques propres à chacune de ses sous-régions, organisées en communautés économiques. Le thème de la sécurité, quant à lui, englobe les questions de la migration, de l’embrigadement des mineurs dans des groupes armés, ainsi que de la criminalité transnationale et du terrorisme. Enfin, l’analyse du jeu auquel se livrent les grandes puissances étrangères englobe les problématiques liées à l’urbanisme et au changement climatique.

Consultez ici le rapport Miroir d’Afrique


  • Authors
    Kassim Bouhou
    September 17, 2010
    Before the 9/11 events, US-Maghreb relations were growing stronger, especially after the United States had long left the floor to the Maghreb’s “natural” European partner. Therefore the American action in this region was in line with a mechanism previously set off by Clinton Administration member, Stuart Eizenstat, which aimed at reducing intra regional obstacles and stimulating American investments towards an area where Americans were little-represented. Hence Washington seemed mor ...
  • Authors
    Radhi Meddeb
    September 17, 2010
    The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a regional organization which was created in 1981, reassembling six Arab countries together: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Thanks to their oil income, GCC countries have enjoyed economic boom since 2002, hence breaking with the 1990s economic slow-down. The year 2002 corresponds to the oil prices’ entry in an upward spiral which has resulted in an increase of both income and foreign assets. This ...
  • Authors
    Dida Badi
    February 20, 2010
    The industrial revolution underwent by Europe in the 18th century has triggered the need for the major colonial powers to find new markets for their manufactured products. It is in this colonial competitive framework that European explorers delivered information about the different access roads, as well as the Tuareg tribes, notably the Kel Ajjer and the Kel Ahaggar. ...
  • From

    5:30 pm February 2022
    Rida Lyammouri, Senior Fellow at Policy Center for the New South, will be speaking at the webinar “security and governence in africa: sahel and libya” organized by frica Study Group in partnership with The Middle East Institute. The security dynamics of the Maghreb and the Sahel are intertwined and the consequences of the Libyan conflict on the Sahel have been serious. Since its beginning in 2011, this conflict has triggered global concern about the economic, security, and geostrategic impacts on the Sahel. Current threats are posed by the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation, and misuse of arms, as well as the flow of armed groups and mercenaries. Despite considerable international efforts, especially by African countries, the Sahel is still experiencing one of the ...