Publications /
Paper in Academic Journals

Produção científica e redes de colaboração dos docentes vinculados aos programas de pós-graduação em Economia no Brasil
Jesús P. Mena-Chalco
Otávio Sidone
October 11, 2017

Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo sobre as potencialidades da utilização dos dados curriculares derivados das informações da Plataforma Lattes como ferramentas para avaliação do desempenho científico de pesquisadores. Um novo indicador, denominado "Índice Multidimensional de Desempenho Científico" (IMDC), é proposto considerando um amplo conjunto de indicadores bibliométricos que buscam captar diferentes formas da produção acadêmica dos atuais pesquisadores vinculados à pós-graduação em Economia no Brasil. Os resultados permitem evidenciar uma tipologia de pesquisadores considerando suas diferentes estratégias de atuação. Economistas com maior impacto na profissão adotam uma estratégia caracterizada por um equilíbrio entre qualidade, quantidade e colaboração científica.


  • Authors
    July 3, 2019
    Twenty years after negotiations began between Mercosur and the European Union (EU), a trade agreement between ministers was reached last Friday in Brussels. Its first phase, from 1999 to 2014, had among the motivations on the European side not to be left behind while the US then pursued a Free Trade Agreement for Latin America (FTAA). Symptomatically, such enthusiasm cooled after FTAA negotiations came to a halt and the United States embarked on bilateral agreements with some countr ...
  • Authors
    Renato Schwambach Vieira
    Miguel Stevanato Jacob
    Ana Waksberg Guerrini
    Eduardo Germani
    Fernando Barreto
    Miguel Luiz Bucalem
    Pedro Levy Sayon
    June 3, 2019
    This paper estimates the socioeconomic impacts of the emergence and expansion of e-hailing services in São Paulo, Brazil. Combining data from a major service provider, individual level data from a representative travel diary survey and a structural traffic network simulation, we evaluate the impact of e-hailing on commuters' travel time and accessibility. We then estimate the effect of these changes on workers' productivity. Finally, using a Spatial Computable General Equilibrium (S ...
  • Authors
    May 21, 2019
    Throughout my last 15 years working in multilateral institutions, many times around the world I was asked to speak about the success of poverty reduction in Brazil during the new millennium. Last week, someone who was on such an occasion in October 2013 in Nairobi asked me what my numbers had become after these recent years of precarious macroeconomic performance and high unemployment in the country. I replied that they have changed ... in part! Indeed, the fact that, even without ...
  • Authors
    March 14, 2019
    China's push for Latin American consumers reflects changes back home. Chinese financing in Latin America is changing. After becoming a major source of capital flows to Latin America and the Caribbean over the past 15 years, a more diverse range of investors has surfaced, interested in channeling resources towards infrastructure, governments and state companies. The profile of the Chinese investment in the region tracks the evolution of China’s economy as it moves toward a higher r ...
  • Authors
    January 31, 2019
    Without reforms, financial markets’ optimism may crumble – and bring the house down. Judging by the reaction of financial markets, the Brazilian economy started the year at high speed. The real is among the world’s best-performing currencies so far in 2019 and the main stock market index Ibovespa hit a string of record highs leading into last week, when it broke the 97,000-point mark. Future interest rates have fallen sharply.  Foreign investors are buying in as well. The premium ...
  • Authors
    Nancy Lozano-Gracia
    Eduardo Germani
    Renato S. Vieira
    Shohei Nakamura
    Emmanuel Skoufias
    Bianca Bianchi Alves
    January 7, 2019
    Good connectivity within cities is an essential input for productivity and livability in cities, but the distributive impacts of improvements in within-city mobility are not well understood. This work aims at filling this gap by exploring the impacts of alternative infrastructure investments and mobility policies on economic growth, income distribution of households and internal distribution of economic activity. This paper focuses on the estimation of the impacts of transportation ...
  • January 5, 2019
    O artigo apresenta os resultados dos efeitos sistêmicos da mudança no padrão da produtividade agrícola entre 2008 e 2015. Para isso foi utilizado um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável (EGC) com especificação detalhada do uso da terra. Tal análise representa avanços no sentido de contribuir tanto para a modelagem econômica com uso da terra quanto na investigação dos impactos econômicos sistêmicos da mudança no padrão espacial da produtividade agrícola no Brasil. Os resultados indi ...
  • November 29, 2018
    - Emerging market economies (EMs), as a group, continue to exhibit solid growth. This is the case especially in Asia and among oil-exporters, supported by growth in the advanced economies, the recovery in world trade, and the resilience of non-oil commodity prices. - However, financial markets have become very nervous about the prospects for several EM, reflecting specific weaknesses in several countries – Argentina and Turkey stand out - and the prospect of higher international in ...
  • Authors
    Carlos R. Azzoni
    October 1, 2018
    This chapter analyzes the emergence of disparities in income and development levels between Brazil’s main regions, in particular the gap that exists between the comparatively rich South and Southeast and the poorer North and West regions. Economic activity and the population are concentrated in a small part of the territory. Even within this reduced area, the geographical distribution is highly uneven. Besides concentration, regional inequalities are marked in the country in terms o ...
  • Authors
    August 13, 2018
    The Brazilian economy pays a price in terms of productivity foregone because of its lack of trade openness. A trade opening process would bring an adjustment impact that could nonetheless be mitigated with public policies that facilitate labor mobility and job migration. Benefits from trade opening would also hinge on policy improvements in complementary areas, such as infrastructure investments, business environment and others. The Brazilian economy would benefit from opening trad ...