Publications /
Policy Brief

Impact of Covid-19 on african migration: Thoughts, perspectives and ways out of the blind alley
April 14, 2020

Africa has not been spared from the economic and political consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Acting as a catalyst for decreased job opportunities at home and increased foreign-born unemployment rates in host economies, COVID-19 will most likely affect the overall economic conditions of migrants and reinforce the root causes of irregular mobility. On the political side, narratives that feed the fear of ‘outsiders’ can be easy to disseminate in times of crisis when the economy slows and inward-looking social and economic policies appear to be the safest. Escaping the blind alley will require coordinated policy approaches. First, immediate protection for migrants and asylum seekers at the closed borders of countries should be provided. Then long-term policies to tackle the social and economic vulnerabilities in these countries should be developed.


  • Authors
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  • Authors
    April 14, 2020
    Africa has not been spared from the economic and political consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Acting as a catalyst for decreased job opportunities at home and increased foreign-born unemployment rates in host economies, COVID-19 will most likely affect the overall economic conditions of migrants and reinforce the root causes of irregular mobility. On the political side, narratives that feed the fear of ‘outsiders’ can be easy to disseminate in times of crisis when the economy sl ...
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  • Authors
    March 30, 2020
    */ Depuis le 12 mars, les frontières et les communications aériennes, maritimes et terrestres entre l’Espagne et le Maroc sont fermées à cause de la crise du COVID-19. Mais au-delà de la fermeture transitoire des frontières, la crise sanitaire, doublée de la crise économique qui se laisse déjà ressentir en Espagne, aura un fort impact sur un million de ressortissants marocains résidant en Espagne. Au 1er janvier 2019 (derniers chiffres officiels disponibles), leur nombre était de 8 ...
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    West Africa has always played an essential role in African geopolitics. Although less thought of than north, south and east Africa, because of their envied strategic openings into both the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean, West African countries are transforming themselves into a major African hub. For Britain, the completion of Brexit heralds a new era in its contemporary history. In this framework, West Africa is a crucial region for the United Kingdom’s long-term strategic goal ...
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