Publications /
Policy Brief

حينما تحجب السياسة استقاللية القضاء الجنوب إفريقي
July 21, 2017

أثار قرار 15 يونيو 2017 للمحكمة العليا لجنوب أفريقيا القايض باستمرار حجز حمولة الفوسفاط المغربي الموجه لنيوزيلندا وإحالة الموضوع للبث في جوهر القضية، استنكار المجمع الشريف للفوسفاط والحكومة المغربية. في توجه مناقض للمحكمة البانامية بتاريخ 5 يونيو 2017 ،بنت المحكمة قرارها هذا على حيثيات سياسية دون أساس قانوني. وهي بهذا تكرس توضيفا سافرا للقضاء لبلوغ أهداف سياسية.


  • December 15, 2017
    14:00 – 15:15 Plenary IX: Lessons from Foreign Military Interventions in Africa Location: Ballroom Moderator: Zeinab Badawi, Director, Kush Communications - Michel Duclos, French Diplomat and Senior Fellow, Institut Montaigne - Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, President, Nato Defense College Fo...
  • December 15, 2017
    Moderator: Ian Lesser, Vice President, German Marshall Fund of the United States - Paolo Magri, Executive Vice President and Director, Italian Institute for International Political Studies - Chiedu Osakwe, Chief Trade Negotiator and Director-General, Nigerian Office for Trade Negotiatio...
  • Authors
    Mohammad Zia
    December 15, 2017
    As I arrived in Casablanca, I swerved between the crowds and baggage carousels to find someone I had never met before. That day in Casablanca was my first as a U.S. Fulbright Research Scholar seeking to learn more about Morocco’s energy sector. Only three months into my time in Morocco, I have had the chance to befriend young Moroccans and share conversations about Morocco’s burgeoning economy and its plans to build the world’s largest solar power plant. These Moroccan youth also s ...
  • December 15, 2017
    14:00 – 15:15 Plenary IX: Lessons from Foreign Military Interventions in Africa Location: Ballroom Moderator: Zeinab Badawi, Director, 2 - Michel Duclos, French Diplomat and Senior Fellow, Institut Montaigne - Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, President, Nato Defense College Foundation - Michell...
  • December 15, 2017
    Moderator: Adama Gaye, CEO, Newforce Africa - Philippe Chalmin, Professor, Economic History, Paris Dauphine University - Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow, OCP Policy Center - Jean Hervé Lorenzi, President, Cercle des Economistes - Paulo Portas, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Portugal - Is...
  • December 15, 2017
    Moderator: Kimberly Dozier, Executive Editor, The Cipher Brief, CNN Global Affairs Analyst - Youssef Amrani, Head of Mission, Royal Cabinet, Kingdom of Morocco - Tewolde Gebremeskel, Director, Peace and Security Division, The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (tbc) - General (R...