Publications /
Policy Brief

How to Implement Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) Successfully for Effective Delivery of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa: Part 1 - An Innovative Policy Delivery Model
August 3, 2016

Given the contingent nature of external resources as a partial explanation of the mitigated results of the Millennium Development Goals, this note considers that domestic resource mobilization (DRM) is a key to effective delivery of the SDGs in Africa. Literature broadly supports the use of DRM across the continent, but there is little research that looks to understand under what circumstances it is most successful. Building on Matland’s work, this policy brief proposes an innovative comprehensive analytical and predictive model, which explains the key factors leading to failure or success, providing policymakers with contextual and operational policy options to help implement DRM successfully for effective delivery of the SDGs.


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    L'environnement dans lequel fonctionnent les systèmes financiers des pays arabes du Sud de la Méditerranée (PASM)1 a changé ces deux dernières décennies. Ces systèmes pays ont connu de profondes mutations depuis le déclenchement de la crise financière internationale. Certes ils n’ont pas subi de conséquences directes de la crise, mais la dégradation de la croissance mondiale a eu des effets majeurs sur les économies de ces pays. Les tensions politiques de la région ont aussi forteme ...