Publications /
Policy Brief

Fonds souverains de stabilisation et fin du super-cycle des matières premières: quels enjeux?
September 17, 2015

Les fonds souverains, objet de toutes les attentions au cours des années 2000, devraient voir leur rôle de « stabilisateur » de l’économie se renforcer dans les mois à venir, en raison de la chute du prix des matières premières. Ces véhicules d’investissement doivent cependant être coordonnés avec les outils traditionnels de la politique fiscale et ne peuvent affranchir les pouvoirs publics d’effectuer à plus ou moins long terme les ajustements budgétaires que ce nouvel environnement économique international impose.


  • Authors
    August 16, 2019
    Earlier this month, the World Resources Institute based in Washington D.C. revealed that 17 countries, home to one-quarter of the world's population, are facing extremely high water stress. Below is an international press review of the global water crisis by Helmut Sorge, former Foreign editor, and Middle East expert for Germany's leading newsmagazine "Der Spiegel", and columnist at the Policy Center for the New South.    “A QUARTER OF THE WORLD IS FACING A LOOMING WATER CRISIS” “ ...
  • Authors
    Laurence Kotlikoff
    August 15, 2019
    Thirty months into President Trump's radical trade policy, it is time to take stock. American firms tend to give the President the benefit of the doubt - that the aim is not protection (which most don't want) but opening up markets overseas, striking better trade deals, and reducing the nation's big trade deficit. So far, however, none of this has happened. Instead, there is virulent uncertainty, barriers against American firms are going up, Europe, Japan and China have struck impor ...
  • Authors
    Paulo Nobre
    Enio Bueno Pereira
    Francinete Francis Lacerda
    Marcel Bursztyn
    Debora Ley
    August 12, 2019
    Purpose This study aims to exploit the abundance of solar energy resources for socioeconomic development in the semi -arid Northeastern Brazil as a potent adaptation tool to global climate change. It points out a set of conjuncture factors that allow us to foresee a new paradigm of sustainable development for the region by transforming the sun’s radiant energy into electricity through distributed photovoltaic generation. The new paradigm, as presented in this essay, has the transfo ...
  • August 9, 2019
    China’s economic records over the past four decades generated the intellectual curiosity of many foreign observers and researchers . The development pathway of Beijing is interesting to study as it proves that a country can take its destiny in its own hand. This paper tries to draw possible lessons from the Chinese development path to see if some of them could be adaptable to feed the development of the African countries. Introduction Forty years ago, China opened up its economy t ...
  • Authors
    August 9, 2019
    The bells of Big Ben are silent. No toll, no sound, for two years of restoration. Big Ben is a symbol of British parliament and democracy –the Palace of Westminster. The bells may not toll, but the clock is ticking, running forward above the heads of  Britain’s parliamentarians, who are facing history and turmoil and even the dispersing of their parties, in power for centuries. Time is running out. The no deal Brexit, possible on October 31, is creeping up on the United Kingdom like ...
  • Authors
    August 8, 2019
    Brazil's economic recovery after the deep 2015-16 recession has been the slowest on record, with GDP per capita last year remaining more than 9% below its pre-crisis peak (Chart 1, right side). The IMF's annual report on the country's economy, released two weeks ago, estimated current GDP to be nearly 4% below its potential level, which suggests insufficiency of aggregate demand (Chart 1, left side). On the other hand, as the slow recovery reflects structural factors, it is necessar ...
  • August 8, 2019
    Contrairement aux autres Prix Nobel /physique, médecine, etc…/ le Prix Nobel d’Economie n’est pas attaché au testament d’Alfred Nobel, mais à un don de la Banque de Suède. C’est désormais, un Prix Nobel comme les autres, même si les premiers lauréats datent de 1969 / Ragnar Frisch et Jan Tinbergen/. Depuis, 49 autres prix ont été décernés. Au total, en 50 ans, ce sont 81 lauréat(e)s qui ont été ainsi distingués. On trouvera en annexe 1 la liste chronologique des lauréat(e)s et en an ...
  • Authors
    Mahaut de Fougières
    August 6, 2019
    L'auteur est une alumni du programme des Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders. Seuls 14 kilomètres séparent les continents africain et européen. C'est un fait: nous sommes voisins ! Outre cette proximité géographique, l’Europe et l’Afrique sont liées par une histoire commune, des relations économiques, des échanges diplomatiques et de nombreux défis communs. Une véritable communauté de destin qui appelle à un partenariat fort, alors que l’Accord de Cotonou, qui régit les relations p ...
  • Authors
    August 5, 2019
    The moon and space exploration are tempting more nations than ever. Global powers are preparing for possible space war. The visions of science fiction writers are approaching reality… “THAT BRIGHT LOVELINESS IN THE ETERNAL COLD” The moon was mysterious, the man on the moon an extravagant imagination, unreachable except in our fanciful mental images, or the make believe of science fiction authors. One day in December anno 1968, three men orbited the moon, really did, 240 000 miles ...
  • Authors
    Tosin Durotoye
    July 31, 2019
    Tosin Durotoye is an alumna of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program 2018.  On an unremarkable day in 2015, I woke up and decided it was time to move back home. At the time, “home” was the United States where I’d spent my formative years and lived for over 20 years. However, my birth home – the home at the core of my identity and the home I would be returning to - was Nigeria. My family had immigrated to the U.S. during the Abacha era – a time of great social and politic ...