Publications /
Policy Brief

Comparative political mutations in the Maghreb and the Mashreq, seven years after "the Arab Spring"
June 27, 2018

In the wake of recent developments in the MENA region marked by disarray, civil war, and deteriorated economic performance, the OCP Policy Center has published a collectively written book chronicling developments since the advent of the Arab Spring entitled Comparative Political Mutations in the Mashrek and Maghreb seven years after the Arab Spring. This book was instigated by Professor Abdallah Saaf, Senior Fellow at the OCP Policy Center, during a conference held in December 2016. Authors from different backgrounds each provide a specific thematic reflection in their respective chapters on a region from their spectrum of expertise. This Policy Brief discusses the ''Arab Spring’’ in its relevance to understanding events characterizing the MENA region today. It is structured around two parts. The first depicts the waves of protests starting in 2011 and the second discusses various chapters of the book.


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    L'environnement dans lequel fonctionnent les systèmes financiers des pays arabes du Sud de la Méditerranée (PASM)1 a changé ces deux dernières décennies. Ces systèmes pays ont connu de profondes mutations depuis le déclenchement de la crise financière internationale. Certes ils n’ont pas subi de conséquences directes de la crise, mais la dégradation de la croissance mondiale a eu des effets majeurs sur les économies de ces pays. Les tensions politiques de la région ont aussi forteme ...