Publications /
Paper in Academic Journals

The Case for Regional Policy: Design and Evaluation
Carlos R. Azzoni
February 15, 2020

Is regional policy necessary? If so, under what circumstances? The first part of the chapter discusses the rationale behind the existence of (or the need for) regional policies in general. Cases in which excessive concentration or inequality hinders national economic growth are natural candidates for regional policies. If concentration and inequality favor national growth and competitiveness, regional interventions call for a different sort of argument, such as national unity or cohesion. Any regional policy has sectoral and national consequences, as well as any sectoral or national policy has regional consequences. Should public authorities engage in explicit regional policies (place-based) or in sectoral or social policies (people-based) with desirable regional implications? Finally, if regional policies are implemented, how to evaluate them? The chapter discusses these topics.


  • Authors
    Pierre-Richard Agénor
    January 24, 2015
    OCP Policy Center est ravi de recueillir vos commentaires et d’engager la discussion autour de la publication de son dernier livre sur la stratégie de croissance du Maroc à l’horizon 2025 dans un environnement international en mutation, co-écrit par Pierre Richard Agénor et Karim El Aynaoui. L’économie marocaine fait actuellement face au risque de se retrouver « prise en tenaille », entre, d’un côté les pays à faible revenu en croissance rapide, bénéficiant d’une main-d’œuvre abond ...