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Abdelaaziz Ait Ali Head - Research in Economics
Driss Alaoui Belghiti Specialist in International Relations
Nezha Alaoui M’hammdi Senior Fellow
Eduardo Amaral Haddad Senior Fellow
Mahmoud Arbouch Economist
Fahd Azaroual Economist
Mina Baliamoune Senior Fellow
Abdelhak Bassou Senior Fellow
Ferid Belhaj Senior Fellow
Mehdi Benomar Head – Research in International Relations
Rim Berahab Senior Economist
Dominique Bocquet Senior Fellow
Mounia Boucetta Senior Fellow
Oumayma Bourhriba Economist
Oumnia Boutaleb International Relations Specialist
Otaviano Canuto Senior Fellow
Khalid Chegraoui Senior Fellow
Nouzha Chekrouni Senior Fellow
Alfredo Da Gama e Abreu Valladão Senior Fellow
Uri Dadush Non-Resident Senior Fellow
Christian de Boissieu Senior Fellow
Marcus Vinicius de Freitas Senior Fellow
Hinh T. Dinh Senior Fellow
Mohammed Rachid Doukkali Senior Fellow
Mhammed Dryef Senior Fellow
Karim El Aynaoui Executive President
Rachid El Houdaigui Senior Fellow
Youssef El Jai Economist
Nihal El Mquirmi International Relations Specialist
Amal El Ouassif International Relations Specialist
Sabrine Emran Economist
Helyette Geman Senior Fellow
Hafez Ghanem Senior Fellow
Tayeb Ghazi Senior Economist
Ihssane Guennoun International Relations Specialist (On Leave)
Aomar Ibourk Senior Fellow
Len Ishmael Senior Fellow
Larabi Jaïdi Senior Fellow
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi International Relations Specialist
Yves Jégourel Senior Fellow
Kidane Kiros Senior Fellow
Moubarack Lo Senior Fellow
Mohammed Loulichki Senior Fellow
Prakash Loungani Senior Fellow
Rida Lyammouri Senior Fellow
Jamal Machrouh Senior Fellow
Badr Mandri Economist
Iván Martín Senior Fellow
Aziz Mekouar Senior Fellow
Hamza Mjahed International Relations Specialist - Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit
Rabi Mohtar Senior Fellow
Sara Hasnaa Mokaddem Manager - Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit
Redouan Najah International Relations Specialist
Fathallah Oualalou Senior Fellow
Ahmed Ouhnini Economist, Policy Center for the New South
Francis Perrin Senior Fellow
Emmanuel Pinto Moreira Senior Fellow
El Mostafa Rezrazi Senior Fellow
Abdallah Saaf Senior Fellow
Hamza Saoudi Senior Economist
Matsumoto Shoji Senior Fellow
Landry Signé Senior Fellow
Maha Skah Political Affairs Officer, United Nations
Helmut Sorge Columnist
Oussama Tayebi International Relations Specialist
Youssef Tobi International Relations Specialist
Hung Q. Tran Senior Fellow
Isabelle Tsakok Senior Fellow
Henri-Louis Vedie Senior Fellow
Akram Zaoui Chargé de Mission to the Executive President
Afaf Zarkik Senior Economist
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- Policy PaperJune 25, 2020We are living through unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic threatens not only our health, but the very foundation of life itself: our food security. Now more than ever, we are forced to rethink our food security as we witness the widespread dislocations to our food system, forcing millions to…Related topics:Go to topPolicy BriefJune 10, 2020We explore a new avenue that could contribute to an effective de-confinement in the context of COVID-19. This phenomenon is known as the ‘World Cup Effect’. We first define this phenomenon and highlight its existence and its possible amplifying effect with regard to the spread of the pandemic, in…Policy PaperJune 5, 2020Face à l’ampleur des retombées économiques et sociales des crises sanitaires, comme la Covid19, l’aide publique au développement peut jouer un rôle essentiel dans l’atténuation de l’impact des épidémies sur les économies les plus fragiles et vulnérables. L'aide publique au développement (APD) vise…Policy BriefJune 2, 2020Héros méconnus de la lutte contre le Covid-19, les professionnels du secteur de la santé publique ont assuré leurs charges avec des ressources qui se sont avérées insuffisantes : le déficit de personnels spécialisés, amplifié par des problèmes de logistique, ont fortement porté préjudice à l’…Related topics:Policy PaperMay 29, 2020Agence spécialisée du système des Nations unies, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) se trouve sous les projecteurs d’une actualité internationale, encore plus que par le passé, en raison de la grave pandémie en cours (Covid-19) qui semble avoir battu un record de mondialisation de cas d’…Related topics:Policy BriefMay 27, 2020COVID-19 has delivered a powerful double punch to the chin of the global economy, combining a terrifying pandemic with a collapse in production because of the withdrawal into their homes of half the world’s workers. The uncertainty generated by the medical and economic shock is paralyzing consumers…Related topics:Policy PaperMay 23, 2020Par ces temps de Coronavirus, l’éducation, au Maroc, comme partout ailleurs à travers le monde, est amenée à se tourner vers des alternatives à distance. Certains voient en ce changement un risque de creusement des inégalités déjà existantes en matière d’accès, de qualité et de rétention. D’autres…Related topics:Policy BriefMay 22, 2020This paper takes a comparative look at Sudan, Morocco, and Algeria, at the rise of Nubian and Amazigh rights groups, and their attempts to redefine national identity. We examine: 1/ how Nubian rights groups have sparked what is being called a Kushite revival in Sudan, and are pushing for a change…Related topics:Paper in Academic JournalsMay 21, 2020Our senior fellow, Otaviano Canuto, has contributed to Science Direct academic Journal, with a research paper entitled « Does the Brazilian policy for oil revenues distribution foster investment in human capital? », Volume 88, May 2020, 104760. This paper assesses the effect of oil revenues on…Policy BriefMay 14, 2020La propagation planétaire de la pandémie Covid-19 a eu un impact humain élevé, principalement aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. Pour le moment, l’Afrique semble relativement moins affectée, à en juger par le nombre relativement réduit des personnes contaminées et des décès. A l’appui de ce constat,…Related topics:Policy BriefMay 12, 2020Analysts are trying to understand why the COVID-19 pandemic is progressing in Africa at a much slower rate than expected. According to one report, the continent had by the beginning of May seen 37,000 infection cases and 1600 fatalities, compared to the rest of the world, which has 3.2 million…Related topics:Policy BriefMay 12, 2020Dans le domaine de la santé, des résultats importants ont été obtenus sur le continent africain comme le montrent les données récentes en termes d’espérance de vie et de la disponibilité des traitements contre les grandes causes de morbidité. Malgré cela, l’épisode récent de l’épidémie d’Ebola, qui…Related topics:Policy BriefMay 7, 2020Les rumeurs autour de la pandémie Covid-19, partie de la Chine centrale en minovembre 2019, alimentent plusieurs fantasmes conspirationnistes. Il s’agit, notamment, d’hypothèse d’attaque biologique sur fond d’une guerre commerciale ou d’une fuite du pathogène SARS Co-V2 d’un programme biologique…Related topics:Book / ReportMay 6, 2020The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) believes in filling in the generational and perception gaps, and this can only be achieved when the younger generations of leaders and professionals are given a seat at the table, to challenge the established perspectives and forward the conversations. The…Policy PaperApril 30, 2020Face à la pandémie du COVID-19, un plan d’action a été établi autour de trois axes : santé, économie et ordre social. Dans chacun de ces champs, le concours des institutions publiques, du secteur privé et des membres de la société civile a permis jusque-là de limiter les dégâts et d’avoir un…Related topics: