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Annual Report
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African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO) - 8th edition: SUMMARY REPORT
Policy Center for the New South
September 30, 2024

The African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO) just concluded its 8th edition, serving as a crucial platform for discussing conflict prevention and management in Africa. APSACO has fostered a vibrant community that facilitates dialogue on Africa’s unique challenges and allows for the exchange of innovative ideas on conflict resolution. The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) is proud to be an active participant in this ecosystem, contributing to key initiatives such as the African Union (AU) Policy Framework on Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD), adopted by the AU Assembly of Heads of State in February 2024.

APSACO is distinctive in its ability to analyze African issues from the continent’s perspective while recognizing the interdependence between Africa and the global context. In conflict resolution, there is no universal model, and peace must be nurtured through local and regional solutions in addition to multilateral approaches promoted by the United Nations.

This year’s theme, "Mediation in Internal African Conflicts," highlights the growing importance of mediation within Africa, particularly in the context of African Union initiatives. African mediation processes integrate unique African norms, such as the principle of subsidiarity championed by Regional Economic Communities (RECs), while facing obstacles like institutional fragmentation, conflicting national interests, and the challenge of fostering innovative engagement between the AU and RECs, as well as the partnership between the UN and AU.

APSACO provides a critical forum for addressing these challenges through dialogue on key areas such as African mediation mechanisms, the coordination of local, regional, and continental efforts, strategies for fostering synergies between the AU and civil society, the complexities of the Sahelian crisis, and the vital role of civil society in peace processes. With evolving security dynamics across the continent, APSACO underscores the growing need for African mediation expertise and offers recommendations such as creating a mediation training panel to further develop these essential skills.


  • Authors
    Pascal Chaigneau
    Eugène Berg
    Rodolphe Monnet
    Jacques Gravereau
    Jérémy Ghez
    Olivier Tramond
    Niagalé Bagayoko
    Alain Oudot de Dainville
    Jérôme Evrard
    Coordination de l’ouvrage: Imane Lahrich
    Fatine Cherkaoui
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  • Authors
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    The ongoing war in the Tigray region of Ethiopia has resulted in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in a decade. The escalating conflict has led to the death and displacement of thousands of civilians, raised ethnic tensions in Ethiopia, and caused a food crisis that could lead to widespread famine. Much can be said about this conflict—how it revolves around models of governance and conflicting visions of self-determination, and how its impact will be felt across the region. Here ...
  • May 20, 2021
    The fourth edition of the African Peace & Security Annual Conference (APSACO) was held on September 23-25, 2020 under the theme ‘COVID-19 & Security in Africa.’ The three-day event, organized by the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS), was composed of two panels and two workshops: - Panel 1: The Security Sector in Africa During and After the COVID-19 Health Crisis - Panel 2: The Privatization of Violence in Africa: Non-State Armed Groups and Private Security - Workshop ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    January 4, 2021
    Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso… L’insécurité fait tache d’huile au Sahel, menaçant de s’étendre aux pays du Golfe de Guinée. Le terrorisme a entraîné la formation de milices d’auto-défense communautaires, et ainsi créé des « friches » sécuritaires dans tout le Sahel, du Bassin du lac Tchad à la région du Liptako-Gourma. Les budgets consacrés à la défense augmentent, contrairement à ceux qui soutiennent le capital humain, santé et éducation. Dans un contexte de croissance démographique so ...