

The Fragility Paradox: Energy Systems and Technological Vulnerabilities

January 2025
Helmut Sorge, Duncan Wood

Our modern world relies on fragile systems—vulnerable to risks like massive solar storms, dependent on rare earth minerals, and deeply interconnected with China’s dominance in global supply chains. As demand for sustainable energy surges, solutions like advanced battery recycling and seabed mining offer hope but also raise ethical and environmental concerns. In this podcast, we explore the delicate balance between innovation, security, and sustainability, and what it takes to build a more resilient future.


  • June 12, 2014
    Interview with THONY ALAN - International Conference on The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in Drylands: Bridging Science and Policy 11-13 June 2014, Rabat, Morocco ...
  • Authors
    Daniel Yeo
    Global Green Growth Institute Ethiopia
    June 12, 2014
    Since the German government’s Nexus conference in Bonn in 2012, interest in holistic approaches to water, food and energy has exploded under the catchy label of ‘The Nexus’. The core tenet of the ‘Nexus’ approach is that water, energy and food are intrinsically linked at both the bio-physical level and the policy-making level – that decisions and actions on water, food and energy are linked and affect each other. This may be true, but it is not unique to the relationship between wat ...
  • October 20, 2010
    Under the general title of “The Mediterranean in a multipolar world up to 2030”, CIDOB, in partnership with the OCP Foundation in Rabat, is working on a three year research program (2010-2012) whose aim is to analyse how countries in the area might overcome their differences and imagine a common future. This publication is a result of the initial phase of the research, which focused on energy and regional integration in the Western Mediterranean. It includes 5 comprehensive papers w ...
  • From

    9:00 am March 2022
    The Policy Center for the New South and the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center are pleased to organize a close workshop under theme “Renewables and the Future of Geopolitics” on Monday, March 21, 2022, starting 09:00 am GMT+1. This workshop will address an increasingly salient topic that sits at the intersection between energy transition, interstate relations and global trade: how the penetration of renewable energy affects geopolitics. As the recently published article by Hatipoglu, Al Muhanna and Efird (2020) demonstrate, this topic relates to various issues of immediate interest to energy markets. For instance, electricity creates a new form of interdependency between states, where such trade also locks in carbon trade. Energy transition also rests on glob ...
  • يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لتقديم التقرير السنوي لتحليل ديناميات السلع في إفريقيا مع بدر منظري، باحث في الاقتصاد، مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد. بتعاون بين مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد ومركز سيكلوب، تم إصدار النسخة الرابعة من...