

Culture in the Digital Age

January 2025
Helmut Sorge, Najib Bounahai
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Social media has revolutionized access to culture, making previously inaccessible art forms, such as opera or theater, more widely available. While traditional methods of cultivating culture—like reading books or attending performances—offer irreplaceable experiences, digital tools have democratized cultural engagement. The challenge lies in striking a balance: embracing technology's inclusivity while ensuring the younger generation develops the cognitive and emotional skills fostered by traditional cultural experiences. Efforts should focus on revitalizing canonical texts and art forms to appeal to modern audiences, blending academic rigor with imaginative adaptations that speak to contemporary concerns. Cultural preservation and evolution are both essential.


  • Authors
    Mohammed Germouni
    May 29, 2020
    Agence spécialisée du système des Nations unies, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) se trouve sous les projecteurs d’une actualité internationale, encore plus que par le passé, en raison de la grave pandémie en cours (Covid-19) qui semble avoir battu un record de mondialisation de cas d’infection en une relative courte période de temps. A tort ou à raison, une controverse, impliquant les principales grandes puissances, se développe autour du profil technique de la pandémie do ...
  • Authors
    May 27, 2020
    COVID-19 has delivered a powerful double punch to the chin of the global economy, combining a terrifying pandemic with a collapse in production because of the withdrawal into their homes of half the world’s workers. The uncertainty generated by the medical and economic shock is paralyzing consumers and investors, and the dispersion of short-term economic forecasts is far wider than at any time in modern history, about six times greater than during the Great Financial Crisis. The GD ...
  • May 27, 2020
    Next Einstein Forum Managing Director Nathalie Munyampenda talks with Policy Center for the New South Senior Fellow Khalid Chegraoui about the challenges Africa is facing in light of Covid-19. This unprecedented health crisis is severely testing Africa's social, economic and political r...
  • May 23, 2020
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  • Authors
    May 22, 2020
    This paper takes a comparative look at Sudan, Morocco, and Algeria, at the rise of Nubian and Amazigh rights groups, and their attempts to redefine national identity. We examine: 1/ how Nubian rights groups have sparked what is being called a Kushite revival in Sudan, and are pushing for a change in educational policy and archaeological practice to engender a new historiography and national narrative; 2/ how Amazigh movements in Morocco and Algeria are similarly trying to expand con ...
  • Authors
    May 21, 2020
    Our senior fellow, Otaviano Canuto, has contributed to Science Direct academic Journal, with a research paper entitled « Does the Brazilian policy for oil revenues distribution foster investment in human capital? », Volume 88, May 2020, 104760. This paper assesses the effect of oil revenues on health and education indicators (measures for human capital) in the Brazilian municipalities using exogenous oil price variations. The Oil Law of 1997, apart from to hugely increase the amoun ...
  • Authors
    May 21, 2020
    Tous les pays du monde sont touchés, à différentes échelles, par la pandémie du Covid-19. Les interrogations autour du degré de résilience des Etats africains sont nombreuses et les questionnements sur l’avenir du continent, si la pandémie venait à perdurer dans le temps, le sont tout autant. Comment des Etats peu dotés en moyens sanitaires pourront-ils y faire face ? Y a-t-il un risque de violence dans certains pays où le degré de stabilité politique est faible ? Et, enfin, qu’advi ...
  • Authors
    Adil El Madani
    May 20, 2020
    Despite the global magnitude of the COVID-19 crisis, the response to the pandemic has mainly occurred at national level, with very poor global coordination so far. For Africa, which will provide one in four of the world’s consumers by 2050, coming out of the crisis will cost at least $100 billion. The average ratio of public revenue to GDP in African countries is only 19%, and the debt burden already absorbs 22% of that revenue, giving many African governments limited scope compared ...