What are the Atlantic Dialogues ? "Nisrine Ouazzani"

November 15, 2019

The 8th edition of the Atlantic Dialogues conference is on its way ! From 12 to 14 December 2019, Marrakesh will host leaders from the Atlantic Bassin to connect, debate and inspire on building new mental maps around the Southern Atlantic, on sharing ideas and on boosting the Atlantic relations. This impactful event will cover a range of important issues in global governance, education’s gap between Northern and Southern Atlantic, technology’s welfare and inequality, refugees’ protection and integration, meeting the 2020 energy transition goals, and more. To learn more about the conference, click on the following link : https://www.policycenter.ma/AtlanticD... The conference will be livestreamed, stay tuned.



  • Authors
    July 26, 2018
    The lion roared. A thunderous, gut-freezing roar. Followed by a ferocious growl, just to make sure that the adrenaline would reach explosive heights. Again, the thunderstorm effect, menacing, rumbling in the distance. This was a different storm. I could see the massive head. Its contour. Did I notice the eyes, yellow and green? A lion. Male and twenty yards away. Covered by a dense, green, bush. Since I am an admirer of Hemingway’s adventures, I was aware that the author estimated t ...
  • Authors
    July 23, 2018
    Why do farmers need access to newer technologies on a recurrent basis? Most subsistence farmers already know how to farm and undertake post-harvest processing from their parents. The main reason to turn to technology is that traditional techniques for subsistence agriculture are grossly insufficient when it comes to generating the productivity and output growth required to adequately lift millions out of poverty and keep them out of it. “Efficient but poor” as Schultz (1964:37) put ...
  • Authors
    François Gaulme
    July 20, 2018
    This paper aims to highlight both the financial, economic and political adjustment cycle, affecting two Central African petro-states, Gabon and the Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville). These two countries, linked by their rentier economic system and their common colonial history, have nevertheless experienced different political fates after independence, with the former maintaining a special relationship with France, while the latter quickly opted for Marxism. In the 1980s and 199 ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    July 20, 2018
    Lors d’un séminaire, organisé par l’OCP Policy Center, le 20 juin 2018, à Rabat, des experts du jihad dans le Sahel se sont posé la question de l’extension ou du recul de ces groupes armés. La première partie du compte-rendu des discussions a été publiée ici. Selon Lemine Ould Salem, journaliste mauritanien et auteur de plusieurs livres sur le terrorisme dans le Sahel, « il n’existe pas historiquement de jihad sahélien, même si des épisodes historiques du jihad se sont déroulés sur ...
  • Authors
    François Gaulme
    July 20, 2018
    Cette note vise à mettre en lumière le cycle d’ajustement à la fois financier, économique et politique affectant deux pétro-États d’Afrique centrale, le Gabon et la République du Congo (Congo-Brazzaville). Unis par leur système économique de rente et leur histoire coloniale commune, ces deux pays n’en ont pas moins connu des destins politiques différents après leur indépendance, le premier conservant une relation privilégiée avec la France tandis que le second optait rapidement pour ...
  • Authors
    July 19, 2018
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan was humming and he had reason to feel joyful. His people had entrusted him with reforming their constitution, which would give him more power, incredible power. Possibly, he could realize his dream after all, the revival of the Ottoman Empire. Such Turkish power last seen in the era of Osman I at the end of the 13th century in northern Anatolia. A neo-Ottoman, is it a vision of a megalomaniac? Would Saudi Arabia ever be willing to be ruled by a Turk? A Turk who ...