What are the Atlantic Dialogues ? "Mouhamadou Moustapha Ly"

November 28, 2019

The 8th edition of the Atlantic Dialogues conference is on its way ! From 12 to 14 December 2019, Marrakesh will host leaders from the Atlantic Bassin to connect, debate and inspire on building new mental maps around the Southern Atlantic, on sharing ideas and on boosting the Atlantic relations. This impactful event will cover a range of important issues in global governance, education’s gap between Northern and Southern Atlantic, technology’s welfare and inequality, refugees’ protection and integration, meeting the 2020 energy transition goals, and more. To learn more about the conference, click on the following link : https://www.policycenter.ma/AtlanticD... The conference will be livestreamed, stay tuned.

Mouhamadou Moustapha Ly
Economist, African Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Currently economist within the African Department of the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC, where he works on East African economies on various macroeconomic policy subjects and surveillance, he is also an affiliate professor of economics at Mohamed-6 Polytechnic university in Rabat (Morocco). Prior to that, Mouhamadou was senior economist at the Policy Center for the New South in Rabat (Morocco) working on development related issues and regional integration in the African continent. Mouhamadou also spent several years as assistant professor at Gaston Berger university in Saint-Louis (Senegal) and a lecturer at Auvergne university (France) and City university (London). He also worked as research fellow at the African Center for Statistics in the United Nations Econo ...


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